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Everything posted by firthy1991

  1. SPACECAKE!!!!
  2. the police never shoot to hurt, they shoot to disable the suspect
  3. calm down dear it's a forum post:heh:
  4. Masterchiefs 3.5 ton armour yet he lightly floats down when he falls off the map
  5. First time i watched jurassic park, everynight for two week that fucking t-rex chased me down the same road and bit my head off at exactly the same spot, scared the crap out of me :$
  6. i dont like the fact that an innocent man died, and i do realise that he was mistaken for a terrorist at the time, but this shows that the police do not gather enough intelligence before taking action, just because they THOUGHT he was a terrorist that does not warrant the right to take his life, and ive heard others saying that he didnt stop when ordered to, but that does not give the right to kill the man, the armed police officers actually borded the train to shoot him, even though at that distance they could have just arrested him, but no they shot him dead, i think this is down to the poor intelligence that the police were working off of, and that the police is blame for the whole series of event that led to this innocent mans death
  7. basshunter - boten anna this song is origanally swedish but here is the english translation, i know its not a proper song but credit to the guy for doing a song about a irc chat bot I know a bot, her name is Anna, Anna is her name And she can ban you, ban you so hard She cleans up our channel I want to tell you that I know a Bot I know a bot, her name is Anna, Anna is her name And she can ban you, ban you so hard She cleans up our channel I want to tell you that I know a Bot That always watches everyone in our channel And sees that there is no trouble in here And it can no way be taken over And remember, I know this Bot The bot that nobody can kick And she can kick when she wants She kicks all the spammers Yeah, nothing can hit our Bot (Ready for take off) (Are you ready?) Her name is Anna, Anna is her name And she can ban you, ban you so hard She cleans up our channel I want to tell you that I know a Bot A day has come, I couldn't believe The channel was strange I could never have thought to be so wrong But Anna said to me "I'm not a Bot, I'm a really a nice girl" You have been very strange for me I have nothing to tell In my eyes you are still a bot Her name is Anna, Anna is her name And she can ban you, ban you so hard She cleans up our channel I want to tell you that I know a Bot That watches everyone in our channel And sees there is no trouble in here And it can no way be taken over And remember, I know this Bot The Bot that nobody can hit And she can kick when she wants And she kicks all of the spammers Yeah, nobody can hit our bot (Ready for take off) (Are you ready?)
  8. nice avatar conzer, i like the eye 9/10
  9. BASSHUNTER!!! damn he is an awesome man, i love Boten Anna and Dota, tis 1337
  10. we will deffinatly die out as a spieces sooner or later, every other spieces that has ever lived has died out, i should imagine we will use all of earths natural resources and will end up being plunged back into the dark ages, but of couse with the advanced weaponary avalable these days, we will make killing ourselves much more easier and quicker(besides, how can a spieces tht destroys one another in their nature last for very long?)
  11. yay!! chewee i love that guy, i give you a 8/10
  12. me thinks we need to brake habana's legs in a horrible yet subtle accident
  13. i thought it was going to be tom cruise that played james t kirk according to a couple of episodes of sfx i saw, i dont mind who does it though
  14. i cheated and bought a vga cable for my comp HD goodness on comp lol
  15. replace his drugs with cyanide mabye :? just a thought
  16. medieval 2: total war tht makes my medieval collection complete i also has full rome total war collection(hell yes)
  17. cant wait, i got ep3 just about finish on d/l, i like that they have brought the previous generations heroes forward and i look farward to finding out more about them, wont say too much but i liked the whole thing that hiro did in the past in eps 1 and 2, very good, suresh's and bennet's plan should be good when that unrolls more, whatever it is lol, also watched the unaired pilot for season 1, damn that was a waste of time, im glad it was unaired tbh
  18. i loved it, cant wait for cuddles' underground adventures XD
  19. my all time fav's have got to be bill hicks (his chicargo 89 concert blew me away) and lee evans also (wired and wonderfull made me go through 4 pairs of boxers, pmsl) i also quite like peter kay and bill bailey
  20. i welcome them to take their many cancer sticks, just dont go crying to the nhs when your lungs finally say "fuck you" and go home, but hey, at least you were that little bit cooler in school(worth it im sure)
  21. i hope for the love of god that he wins the championship, i am sick of this season already (alonso whining like a bitch, ferrari whining like a bitch also), if he doesnt win i may just snap and kill someone because i am not wasting all that time on a cry-baby spaniard(no offence to the spanish people i just dont like this perticular one)
  22. hum, as i remember we never actually fought them. no one would win, NATO would interviene and neither of us could take 3/4 of europe and america
  23. i will be duin jack shit for the rest of my summer probably, already been to holland and it was way too hot lol
  24. not long now before we hand over the trophy, ill be suprised if we even get past group stages with south africa and samoa lol
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