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Everything posted by D_prOdigy

  1. D_prOdigy


    I don't ever feel the need to dodge, anyway. So I can't say I'm all that bothered about the move.
  2. Best. Trailer. Ever.
  3. I only go in whatever thread that looks intersting, and post anytime I feel I have something to add, regardless of what board it is. As of late, that happens to be in mostly the Wii Board, considering the quality of new threads in Gen Chit Chat has hit somewhat of a low at the moment. Never go in any Trade, Creative, Other Consoles, Tech, Retro boards. Handheld only rarely.
  4. Haven't played it as much as I'd like to, but I'm really glad I bought it, even it was just for the completely unique experience.
  5. I still think they'll have a bash at a PS3 mothership title. Maybe a Vesperia port, maybe something new. I just hope the next Wii installment doesn't get any sacrafices forced upon it, whether it be any key staff transfers, or a halt in production. But the fact is a PS3 Tales game will logically sell better than a 360 iteration.
  6. Rightio, older brothers and sisters. I'm off waste a week of my precious time off on a "holiday" somewhere in Northumberland. At least the weather will be good - plus I SHOULD have a brand, spanking new bathroom fitted by the time I get back! As they say in that area of the country (probably) : Whyy-aye, man.
  7. ... slightly rasing the tone, some ridiculously awesome cosplay:
  8. Haha! No really... Russel Brand is... a complete cunt.
  9. I thought Des Kay was an ingenious creation. As for everything else they've done, it's largely all in the name for middle-of-the-road comedy and cheap laughs. Very much like Friends.
  10. Yes. Well... I wouldn't know anything about that.
  11. It's completely subjective, though. Same goes for finding people attractive. I personally wouldn't mind having a poke around in Dawn French, but I sure do know other people would pass up on the opportunity.
  12. Wait for the Pierce... OOOO MAMMA!!
  13. That opening ceremony was superb. Shame we all know London's will be not as good by +4. I think the BBC promotion was done by Daman Albarn, actually...
  14. And perhaps most of all:
  15. I was sort of afraid to say that, but I do agree. I know a lot of people in the forum like them a lot, and I do like their songs. But you have to understand that my best friend views Mr Bellamy as the Messiah, which makes me instantly have to disagree with him (yeah, i can be a real arse in person).
  16. What are you talking about Emasher??? Wii Music is for everyone! : peace: : peace: : peace: It WILL put a smile on even the most war-hardy of criminals.
  17. Yes, it had nothing to do with the fact that Wii Fit has been out for dozens of weeks... Regardless, to go up against Soul Calibur IV, Rhythm Heaven AND a new Phantasy Star and still do that well is no mean feat whatsoever. This would have come to the west anyway, although whether it will still be under Nintendo's banner remains uncertain.
  18. RE:0 Wii actually broke into the top 10 on it's first week... I think. A few tens of thousands it would have sold, which is not too bad considering the original didn't set the country alight AND the fact that this had no new features whatsoever. This survey is floating around a select few Capcom sites. What baffles me is that people who are willing to take a "Resident Evil 5 survey" are no doubt the people who have their eye in for the game already (ie, on 360/PS3), so why would they care about a Wii version? Capcom should bring this survey to Wii owners.
  19. What's missing? Well: it doesn't make me toast, it isn't less than £30, I don't have massive damage, it doesn't have RIIIIIIDGE RAAAAAACER (or Metallica), and it never sticks its hand down my trousers.
  20. *Screams like small girl* HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! WE LOVE YOU!!! Now give me a god damn job.
  21. Yes, it only has one save file. It's a non-traditional JRPG, with no random battles, and quite a bit of strategy involved in the fighting. The combat itself has your main character is controlled on the bottom screen with touch/slide/jab/rub/mic input and your partner is controlled on the top screen with the D-pad (or ABXY if you're a lefty), although your partner can be controlled automatically. The actual moveset depends on which "pins" you have equipped, with every one unleashing a different attack/power-up/healing move. There are around 200 pins in the game. It also sports probably the best 2D graphics on DS, an intelligent storyline you can actually care about, and a J-Pop score that rivals OTO.
  22. I'd be careful, Dan. I'm sure a thread with 60+ posts means we're dealing with serious people here.
  23. That is very much the case with the one in my house... for around 6 minutes, until it decides it wants to huff and puff and BLOW MY HOUSE DOWN!
  24. Even so, the moveset is desinged for a fighter game. I certainly didn't hate SSE as much as many people did - I infact enjoyed it for the most part - but I definately wouldn't buy it as a full game.
  25. I hope you're simply implying the graphical aspect of the SSE engine. Because, frankly, I found Smash controls just did not work as well as I hoped it would for a sidescroller.
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