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Everything posted by CompSci

  1. why can't let it just die and rest in peace?
  2. lets hope they do not pull a zelda and release near the ps3 lauch date, when eva that is may be
  3. Considering Sony releasing a alleged 1 tera byte Hdd, i do not see the problems of saving the ps2 games
  4. http://www.joystiq.com/2006/03/13/playstation-3-could-feature-downloadable-psone-ps2-games :bouncy: :bouncy: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :geek: :geek: :idea: :idea: awesome idea, i guess they are getting back at nintendo for sueing them
  5. IMO, this the best part "What exactly is Nintendo's game here, letting Microsoft settle and taking Sony to the cleaners?" nintendo must really hate sony
  6. http://www.bit-tech.net/news/2006/03/13/sony_dual_shock_patent/ interesting.....
  7. http://www.flickr.com/photos/elmoco :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: but its coming out on the PS2
  8. yeah but the thing is, this gonar cripple smaller business's, due to the fact that they have to retrain people to use the new features and find the way around office 2k7, it would be clever of them to add a UI chooser, i.e either the new one or the old one
  9. i am lost for words, uttly speachless........
  10. to be honest, the only thing they sent me was a box and a sticky label and instruction (in picture form) of how to pack the 360 into the box, and that it nothing else no information of what to inlcude i.e hdd, controllers, leads etc
  11. hey thanks owen for the reply, yeah i checked the tracking info and its arrived at the repair center, also u sent in the Hdd aswell?, shit i didn't because i spoke to the xbox rep on the phone and they said JUSt ship the 360 ONLY, so now i am a bit worried hopefully i will get mine tomorow, possibly with a free HDD maybe
  12. Need some help guys, to those who had faulty 360 units, who was the courier who picked your 360? Was it DHL express? Also how long did it take for the new replacement to arrive to u, and did u get a HDD with it assuming you’re sent in a premium model. thanks
  13. interesting, very interesting http://gamereports.com/news/1663/
  14. :shock: :shock: whens the uk Release date?
  15. ultimate mortal Kombat 3 is coming out
  16. exactly, oh well hopefully the new samsung drives that are with the 2nd shipment of 360, will fix the dvd problem
  17. Does any one else have any DVD problems with the 360? i.e experience problems such the movie picture skips every 1m :30 sec and some times audio not being in sync? Meh i rang up the xbox support, i should be getting the empty box on Wednesday to bad no compensation oh well, fingers cross i get a new xbox with a HDD lol <prays to god> please do not let them send me a refurbished 360
  18. meh if u think alevels/gcse is hard wait till u get to the degree level, there is not teacher to help you after lessons, once u have your assignment u got a average of 2 weeks, to do it no extensions (there is only under EXTREME circumstances) and u have hand on the dot, not even 30 secs over the deadline, if you do u get 10% penalised, each day from your overall mark, also u may get capped on your score to only 40% yep uni sucks, especially top ranking uni's like mine p.s GCSE course is a breeze heres a tip, get the maximum mark u can for the coursework, so in the exam if u mess up u still come out with a good grade at the end
  19. i think u screwed up some settings, why not format and see if that fixes it.
  20. exactly oh well, (goes back to playing PD0)
  21. http://www.next-gen.biz/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2352&Itemid=2 I can hear the party at MS main office from here....
  22. freddy vs jason, pretty cool, better then i expected, 7/10
  23. wow that faceplate in the first pic is awesome,
  24. ^^^^ hugs his xbox360 that only cost him £260 (yes u read rite £260, i would have got it for £233 but the damn postage, oh well the free game condemed made up for it)
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