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Everything posted by CompSci

  1. people are being led in to the conference 15mins left
  2. just watch the conference and you will see
  3. yep grrr, well at least it will be a 700k feed when it starts
  4. shit tight cheapo, i will post update its not started yet, there a delay
  5. E3 Market place demo and movies are up
  6. it better then Wii play together meh i am waitng till MGS4 gets released next yr to get one,
  7. maybe or just subscribe to GS for $2 (£1.50) for a month and get HD streams
  8. there is a MAJOR difference, i been a subscriber with GS for 2yrs now, i went from 300K to 700K and there was a massive boost in quality, how this yr they goner have full screen HD quality streams for e3 you won't regret it even if it is for just a month
  9. New next gen sonic screens http://jeux-france.com/news15576_sonic-next-gen-en-images.html
  10. Just read this at Xboxyde from 360 dev Deftangel re: the update, take with a grain of salt "Oh and by the way, although the Spring Dashboard update isn't going up right now, I don't expect it to be very long in the works... It definitely has background downloading, and it's quite tidily done IMO. Also remember a lot of people asking Major Nelson why you couldn't set your 360 to boot straight to dash when a game was in? Well now you can :-) You'll also be able to keep your own music playing when changing games. Lots of other tweaks they've made to the Dash and the Guide by the sounds of it :-) It makes sense to get this out by next week for E3 obviously but as we go on, the longer it takes to release Dash updates as there's simply more stuff to test, not least for anybody releasing any games between now and when it ships. Watch this space :D" Sounds good, hope it happens before E3
  11. mate tomb raider was less then 7h and that cost £50 for the 360 and £30 for ps2/xbox
  12. Half Life 2 Episode 1 for £11 pre load started 1st june release date
  13. New Splinter Cell: Da X360 Shots! http://www.onthexbox.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1448
  14. MUST READ TOO HUMAN PREVIEW http://www.1up.com/do/previewPage?pager.offset=0&cId=3149857
  15. this quite a nice read, informative and non biased it made me think twice about purchasing vista (well unless i get it free, then by all means I’ll upgrade) Any how read it may surprise you http://www.winsupersite.com/reviews/winvista_5308_05.asp
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