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Everything posted by CompSci

  1. is there eva gonar be a mario and(vs) sonic game?
  2. i think your vid card is toast, or its over heating, what are the temps?
  3. i thought about gettting this, but theres no improvment story wise with the SP mode, that will justify me buying it, since i already completed MGS3
  4. o yeah, why isn't it being developed for the rev???
  5. Sonic the Hedgehog! Sonic the Hedgehog!! Sonic the Hedgehog!!!! yes drools :bow: :bow: :bow: http://www.gamespot.com/news/2005/09/17/news_6133768.html click on the vidsa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Trailer looks awesome, the movie goner be awesome, but i still cringe when the trio speak i do not know why i just do, can any one explain this? i mean when watched PoA, in the cinema, I literately walked out due to cringing so much at Radcliff, i hope it does not happen this time, but i think it will, is it me or would it be more appropriate and better in the long run to change the Harry potter actor, from Radcliff to the kid from, "my family"? oh yeah I do not know why but the guy who plays Krum reminds me of olando bloom, go figure!!
  7. norton is a plauge, kind of like aol, i.e it can not be truly removed unless a clean format is done
  8. Rev = the next gen platfrom for FPS's? dicuss
  9. 1. Where are you going = Aston Uni 2. What course are you doing? = Computer Science naturally 3. When do you leave? = well i start on the 26th 4. Living at home? Or in halls? = home :-(
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