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Everything posted by CompSci

  1. PS3? they have a long way to go
  2. wow its unlocked looks aweosme, but i can not play it yet casuei got soul reaver 2 to finsh as well as the longest journey grr
  3. u bastard grrrr, i have to wait a little while meh atleast i'll have the peice of mind of just paying £30 for the 360 vr brand new :p
  4. yeah M$ removed the articles, any how should be next week when the update gets released
  5. meh give a few months after PS3 is released and it will get hacked, nuff said
  6. New Information about Dashboard Update! Okay, so I did some digging around after looking at another post, and I found some interesting things. First off, the Active Download feature for those that havent seen the article... Check the links on the post, MS has updated their Q & A section of Xbox.com to detail the upcoming additions. Background downloading http://support.microsoft.com/kb/919421/en-us Boot to dashboard with a game inside http://support.microsoft.com/kb/919388/en-us Something to do with DVD movies http://support.microsoft.com/kb/919424/en-us Hopefully we'll see the update soon. It was scheduled for yesterday.
  7. i say yeah remake it since i did not play the orginal, i want to know whats all the hoo-har about?
  8. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/CSI-Miami-Sunglasses-Horatio-Caine-C-S-I-David-Caruso_W0QQitemZ6282543142QQcategoryZ98037QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem £21
  9. heres a link for very cool 16min E3 Sonic gameplay vid *PS3 vr*, it shows sonic and silver running around in levels whilst the dev talks about it, man i can not wait for this game. also slow silver = new amy? i think so ending of the vid is a bit messed up though but its worth viewing it http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=10660&type=wmv&pl=game
  10. Microsoft's High-tech solution to stop piracy... That solution is.......glue. While working on a dual firmware mod for Xbox 360 DVD drives, Team Xecuter had an interesting discovery. It looks like there's a glue-like substance holding the firmware chip of the TS-ODD drive in place. This means you can't easily access the legs of the firmware IC. Removing the substance is sure to break the IC/legs. Though it remains an option, it's best to find alternative points, which would most probably require some harder solder work.Well, so much for plug-n-play and no-mess install. Microsoft may not know how to get rid of modders, but it sure knows how to slow them down. Pic: http://xbox360.qj.net/uploads/articles_module/43293_glue.jpg Link: http://xbox360.qj.net/Microsoft-Uses-Glue-To-Slow-Down-Xbox-360-Modders/pg/49/aid/43293 hahha class:grin:
  11. yeah but it better to wait until vista sp1 gets released before upgrading, who knows the what bugs and security holes the gold vr has, remember what happened to win Xp when it first got released the driver/security fiasco, i mean messenger service on by default and firewall off? wtf what where the nerds at M$ smoking when thought of that.
  12. its a piece of crap, i am surprised it even sold out xbox 360 premium for £219 wow all gone in under 30 secs
  13. why is the page upside down? play an charge £4 damn!!!
  14. wow in 1 min all the 360 remotes sold out 2K Games told our fellow Dutchies from Fok! Games that a Prey demo is on schedule for June 22nd for Xbox 360 and PC. The demo will contain both a singleplayer and a multiplayer mode. Let’s prey (uhuhuh) that demo gets released on time unlike certain other demos.
  15. Q. What is required to run Windows Vista? A. If you purchased a PC in the last two years, chances are good that you can run Windows Vista today. To install and run the core functionality of Windows Vista, you need: * An 800 MHz processor. * 512 MB of RAM. * A 20 GB hard drive with 15 GB of free space. Advanced features, like the new user experience Windows Aero, require advanced or additional hardware. also a some what simple vista Upgrade Advisor app is up as well, try it to see if you can run vista http://www.microsoft.com/windowsvista/getready/default.mspx
  16. 25yr old richard branson wanna be now in thats nice footballers wife wanna be airhead 3 now in
  17. thats the way the world goes round gay number 2 is now in posh girl is in chavvy chinese chick now in
  18. big boobed silocon injected airhead 2 is about to go in "clever" (she didn't say what GCSE,A levels or Degree she got, odd on 2.2 or 3)_ hot chick is about to go in a sexist good looking guy is in now crazy black chick now in erm some puny lifegaurd is in
  19. haha OMG a tourette syndrome guy is about to go in, lol awesome snobby dude is about to go in, odds on he is gonar be the first out asain gay nerd dude is about to go in now
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