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Everything posted by CompSci

  1. eBay, yes i know what your thinking, but i always check the sellers feedback and ask preivous buyers about there experiance witht he said seller, i also check if the have buyers protection etc, anyhow it was brand new and sealed, i had it now for like 3 months and its perfect, i also brought my 19' tft from eBay for £300 :awesome: (its worth £380 - £450) brand new and sealed so its all good
  2. wwe now is basicly the the softcore vr of the adult channel, i.e lame jokes, story lines, and adult sexual encounters here if u do not belive me check this out http://www.wwe.com/shows/raw/photos2/ belive me give them 1 - 2 more yrs then they will be out of business,
  3. true dat also is the chocolate thing for real?
  4. any one else get any headaches, when they do not have the regular tea fix? or is it just me?
  5. dude, this my advise, do not sweat about GCSE that much, cause there not that important, when compared to a levels , just get at least 5 GCSE so u can get to the a level stage, THEN WORK your ass off, however if u want to go in to a academic field, when your older, like a doctor/dentist/lawyer etc, then make SURE u get at least 7 GCSE @ A* in English maths and science, it does not matter about the rest, unless they involved some how in your future career, the reason about getting top grades in those subjects is that all the TOP unis will judge you on theses alone, i.e. if u get 4 A's at a level but u get a like a c in maths and English GCSE, and the other possible candidates got the same a levels as you but better GCSE's, then who are they goner pick? u guessed the one with high gcse's (trust me i speak from experience, stupid Birmingham did not except due to i had no B in GCSE maths, but i got a C, and i also got ABC at a level)
  6. i brought a x850xt pe, cause i thought ATI and NVIDIA said they were not porting any of the new series of gfx card to the agp format, but as you can see they are, well NVIDIA at least, and ati will follow suit no doubt, well at least i brought the x850xt pe at a cheap price alaa £200
  7. http://www.hexus.net/content/item.php?item=4348
  8. 24 april, man to long, well at least theres no continent release's i.e us europeans would have got shafted to the summer
  9. lol, i havn't got a life any how lol, oh well i start playing after the uni exams are done, now i got to get back and start learning, natural learning processing and neral networks (sigh)
  10. any one else have it? also what are the best classes? humans, elves, orks?
  11. fucking hell , thats gonar cost a alot , u mite get a hdtv(with 1080p) and hook that up to your pc
  12. yeah but when SM 4.0 comes what then? SM over rated i got a x850xt pe and my mates got a 6800 U, any how we tested a acouple of SM3.0 gmaes like far cry, Matrix POA etc and there was no difference that i could see,
  13. YES YES I got it the monitor on tuesday, i will post pics as soon as i configure the nokia PC softwere
  14. lol, yeah but the thing was i playing halo 1 on my pc, witht eh tv mute, so i didi not catch any thing that was said before jodie marsh came in
  15. any one aprt from me thought that chantelle, when the first glance u see her looked like paris hilton, me and my sis yelled "OMG its paris hilton, this should be great" but then we found out she just a paris hilton wanna be lol,
  16. sorry mods. but i thought it would be best to post this here, since majority of users will not go to the tech board or use windows update for "obvious" reasons Any how this the official fix for the Windows WMF vulnerability, the vulnerability it affects ALL windows users REGARDLESS of the browser u use download and install ASAP , unless u want to plauged by hackers that is. http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/Bulletin/MS06-001.mspx
  17. http://www.gamespot.com/news/6141901.html what can i say? it saved me buying a PSP lol good news, a GTA Fix,
  18. not its not, there been reports that it gonar be for at least $200 for the external device (since stand alone hd-dvd players will be for $400), u mite as well get a ps3
  19. http://www.revo-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3338 the tft i brought from ebay, woot, it much bigger then i thought it would be, i will take some pics tonight of it you u guys simply outstanding (go to the above thread for more information on it) woot got for £300 brand new with 3 yrs warrenty, but its worth £380 - £450 heres the ebay link http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=8741942341&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWN%3AIT&rd=1
  20. cool, i guess it is, al KoTHR = Knights of the old rebulic
  21. wow its been a long time since i have been on this NGC board, may be due to my pc and ps2/xbox lol, any how, i am in a debockle at the moment, i need a rpg to tide me over till i get a xbox 360, ok i have played paper mario, KoTHR1 and 2 and love them all, now as you can see i love rpg with a good worthwhile story now can some plz tell me if Tales Of Symphonia, has a epic of a story?, i now all about its battle system and what not, but nothing about its story, so without spoiling it can you rate the story out of 10, as i guide line i thought KoTHR 1 story was a perfect so base it on that
  22. exactly! furthermore in resi evil 2 the movie (forgot its name, which is not a surprise considering how bad it was) any how, it anyone else curse Andersons name, when nemesis, was fighting hand to hand (yes u heard right HAND TO HAND with a human, who kicked its ass) and then subsequently cried? (seriously, no joke) i mean WTF?
  23. i have not seen event horizon, but if its anything like Alien (the craptacular, plot hole riddern, why was this movie directed by this idiot) vs predetor then its not worth the celuloid its filmed on. Can u beleive that the idoit anderson graduated from prestigoues University of Warwick (which 30 mins drive from me)
  24. i was expecting that movie studios, would have at least learnt there lesson from past projects, but i guess not, which is quite sad, and can some tell me how, these 2 same directors get paid large salaries even though their movie’s suck?
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