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Everything posted by CompSci

  1. what about the price god damn it?
  2. i seen a x-fi go for £70 on ebay brand new sealed!
  3. u still use works? that is MS Word's bitch!!! oh yeah give a few hours i will find a solution for ya!
  4. this what u am gonar buy as soon as i get a job or a my student loan comes in lol http://www.ebuyer.com/customer/products/index.html?action=c2hvd19wcm9kdWN0X292ZXJ2aWV3&product_uid=97258
  5. i wouldn't bother if i were u, since most mobos, have there own dedicated sound cards already built in, i,e nforce soundstorm (which has the quality that is comparable to a dedicated sound card), that take little or no strain on the cpu, furthermore judging from your system (mines still better lol) it looks like your a gamer, tell u the truth u will not see a vast improvement of FPS if u have a sound card, but u will see a major improvement in the sound quality in games, EAX 4.0 any one? (trust me u will never want to go back), if u do purchase a sound card, i suggest u get the best one which is the creative x-fi sound card, but if i were u just get a audigy 2 zs (like me) they are pretty cheap now and there great for games.
  6. thanks i was using the beta for quite a while its awesome, lov the auto update feature
  7. lol i am gonar take it my mates shop to fit it in, lol i can only install vid cards, ram, hdd, dvdcd drives etc but not PSU's for some reason, any how i am learning to though, so by summer i should to be able to built my own comp very soon
  8. yeah, i brought this one http://www.ebuyer.com/customer/products/index.html?rb=13422384940&action=c2hvd19wcm9kdWN0X292ZXJ2aWV3&product_uid=46113 to replace my crap qtec one, which i found out does not run t its stated 400watts but at fucking 300 WTF, no wonder my pc kept turning off when i play games, any how when my new one comes, then let the fear begin...
  9. ok a continuation from my prevoius thread This is my mates rig (like mine cept few differnces) AMD Athlon XP 3200+ @ 2.21ghz Asus A7N8X Deluxe with latest bios rev 2.0 1.5gb PC3200 Ram ATI X850XT PE (AGP) on stock cooling/speeds 160gb 7200RPM 8mb cache Seagate baracuda HDD Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS Lite CDRW Drive LG DVDRW Drive Qtec PSU 400W Dual Fan Gold Now its a Decent rig, plays games fine, any how the thing is he just updated his gfx card from a 9700 pro to a ATI X850XT PE ( he did all the usal things when u install a new gfx card. i.e uninstall drivers, format windows etc), now the thing is when he play some gfx demanding games like lost coast , fear quake 4 , Cod 2, after 10 mins of his computer suddenly turns off, however this does not happen when he use windows normally (internet /music work etc), first he thought that the X850XT PE was over heating but the temps are as follows used the ati tool for the temps and this what he got while playing lost cost, quake 4, fear etc @ high settings on all games gpu = 64 - 68 celcious card chipset = 45 - 48 celcious now these are not too high at all at idle (normall windows use) the temps are as follows gpu = 37 celcious card chipset = 36 celcious now as you can see the gfx card is not over heating at all, this leads me to the PSU, which i belive is underpowerd for the gfx card and plus the qulity of it is not good, now is this asumption true? plz take into consideration of my overall system i am think of changing my PSU to a 500/600 watt supply should i do this? now i recommend him these PSU, now can someone tell which is the best out of the two and double check, if they will work on the system here are the PSU's 1. http://www.ebuyer.com/customer/products/index.html?rb=13422384940&action=c2hvd19wcm9kdWN0X292ZXJ2aWV3&product_uid=46113 2. http://www.ebuyer.com/customer/products/index.html?action=c2hvd19wcm9kdWN0X292ZXJ2aWV3&product_uid=43567 plz can you help, thanks in advance. p.s sorry for the spelling mistakes
  10. i used the ati tool for the temps and this what i got while playing lost cost gpu = 64 - 68 celcious card chipset = 45 - 48 celcious are these too high at idle (normall windows use) the temps are as follows gpu = 37 celcious card chipset = 36 celcious
  11. can some answer me a question, what is 230 volts in watts?, i am asking this casue my mates got a new x850xt pe, but the thing is when he plays gfx demanding games like fear or quake 4 @ high, his pc just turns off after about after 10 mins of play, this does not happen normally, when he is surfing the net and such, so this leads me that it the power supply thats the problem, which i believe is under powered for the card, any how on the back of his PSU it says 230 volts can some plz tell me what this is in watts? thanks
  12. ok my system is old but it plays games fine, so thats all i care about Amd Athlon XP 3200+ @ 2.21ghz ASUS A7N8X Delux mobo 1.5gb PC3200 Ram ATi AIW X800XT 256mb AGP 8x 160GB HDD Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS Windows Xp Pro sp2 (legit)
  13. heres a semi cool ken one http://tabmok99.mortalkombatonline.com/mk_vs_sf.html
  14. http://uploads.ungrounded.net/276000/276650_MKvsSF2.swf heres a semi cool ken one http://tabmok99.mortalkombatonline.com/mk_vs_sf.html :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: SOME ONE HIRE THIS GUY
  15. i just finshed ultimate spiderman, man that was a decent game tad too short though
  16. since fear , quake 4 , call of duty and Serious Same 2 have come and gone, what is the next gfx intense game that my GFX card can eat in the next coming months?
  17. really ? nooooooooooooooooooooooo, i was so hyped to buy this game, meh i guess a rental will do, man i am so pissed, 3 games i was waiting for so long are messed up, this , path of neo, gun, whats happing to the game indrustry, now i swear if POP 3 is shit, i am totally goanr be pissed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! u been warned!"! thanks link, but for some reason, i only trust GS reviews, i do not know why (i think it must be because i am paying for the GS complete service lol), any how i will be watching that review regardless, well untill GS releases their review
  18. meh i am not buying any next gen consoles, till all three of them are out together, but i proberly will be buying a reverlution regardless, unless nintendo are putting zelda on either the ps3 or Xbox 360, its just between the ps3 and xbox360 then, also when is nintendo gonar release info about the reverlution i.e price and bundles, since i want to pre-order mine asap
  19. no its more like this book = 1337, "best potter book eva" haXor movie = er? wtf is this (walks out before radcliff speaks)
  20. i never had problems with Play, heck i when serious sam 2 came out for the pc they were selling for £17.99 with free delivery, whilst other retailers were selling it for £25+ (excluding delivery)
  21. i did watch the behind the scenes show, and i watched "my family" straight after, trust me go watch my family and then u will see what i mean.
  22. meh i would have prefered the guy from my family to be HP, then to that no talent bastard, furthermore is it me or is the Dumbledor in the movies abit more physical and angry?, in the last films then he is in the books? i.e spoiler when screams out HP name after it came out from the goblet, and in the scene later he physically tried to beat HP up, end spoiler he wasn't like that in the books u must be joking? i feel sorry for, to watch a half baked vr of the best book in the series, trust me read the book it will be more rewarding then watching the movie
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