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Everything posted by CompSci

  1. Yeah but is Daniel "can not act to save his life" Radcliff , still cringe worthy as in the previous movie? if he is then theres no way i seeing that crap
  2. Medium on a 6800??
  3. ha ha lol, sorry offerman, <Comp Sci wonders how he (me) got a C in GCSE english> yeah sorry about that guys, i type fast and don't bother checking , i guess its a trait of a computer science student lol sorry offerman
  4. where from? pretty cool if ya ask me, what brand is it?
  5. and? heck if got a x850xt pe for that price i be over the moon, is this a hint of the "green eyed monster" offerman? but u gotta admit its a awesome deal and furthermore are telling me that u rather look at the packaging and read the manual then play a game with this monster of a card? meh my friend is not that that stiupid to pay a extra £150+, (but if u look at his A levels u may think he is lol) for some fancy box.
  6. where else ebay, is a oem vr, brand new gonar test out fear on that sucker tomorow
  7. the lucky bastard!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no: boy i am Jealous
  8. nah i am more into the pc scene oh yeah x800xt > xbox360 woot
  9. heads up Gamespot gave Kameo a 8.7 http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/action/kameoelementsofpower/review.html?autoplay=6139801
  10. ok most of u guys now i just a got new GFX card, a aiw x800xt for a nice £134, now the thing is before i brought it, i bid $400 (£230) on a x850xtpe on ebay, however i totally forgot about, since i assumed i am not goner win it since they sell for like £300, any how after i got my aiw x800xt(which is on the way paid for ), however i got this email this morning, and low and behold i won the x850xt pe for $400 (£230) inc shipping, however i just paid for another gfx card and i can not afford the x850xt - unless i get some dough of my parents,(bad idea i will never hear the end of it " u spent £xxx amount of a games" every day ) furthermroe is it worth me getting the x850xtpe, since i got a aiw x800xt, and i only play games at high @ 1024 x 768 with only 2xAA ( i see no difference between 2x aa to 4x/6x/8x etc) How here where i need your advice Should i a. contact the seller and explain my situation, and hopefully the seller will let me off b. buy and use the x850xt and sell the aiw x800xt on eBay, and hopefully get a nice tidy profit c. totally ignore the eBay win and pray that the seller does not leave any bad feedback (hey it happened before, twice i mite add) p.s plz do not say "cancel the x800xt order, since it was a â€back alley" traction and everything agreed upon So guys what should i do? p.s sorry about the spelling/grammer mistakes i am in a rush and i late for uni
  11. man i can not wait for my aiw x800xt, now all i need is media center 2k5
  12. woot woot i will get by thursday i will taking pics for any who interested man i can not wait
  13. http://www.gamespot.com/news/6139702.html
  14. nuff said http://www.gamespot.com/news/6139680.html
  15. i brought a All In Wonder Radeon X800XT for £134 woot woot now lets play some fear
  16. i can get the AIW x800xt for a cool £210, however i seen a x850xt pe for about £300 , is worth paying the extra money to get the x850xt pe or should i get the AIW x800xt? btw i am upgrading from a 9800 pro thanks
  17. at last sony has done something right, well hopefully they will i am all for no region locking, now we can enjoy games early, like those yanks, hopefully nintendo/M$ will follow suit, so we can have a global community http://eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=61614
  18. i brought this one http://www.ebuyer.com/customer/products/index.html?action=c2hvd19wcm9kdWN0X292ZXJ2aWV3&product_uid=94300 it very cool for the price, all it needs is another 256/512 ram which cost atleast £25 - £45 it has a Intel Pentium M Processor (1.6ghz, 400Mhz FSB, 2mb L2 Cache) 15.0" XGA TFT LCD 60GB HDD DVDRW-Dual 256mb DDR2 (support dual channel) 802.11b/g wireless LAN. win xp home (no cd supplied but has a internal recover partition) asweome for £546
  19. does any one know if there gonar be like a 6 film boxset of the star wars saga?, kind of like the LotR special extended edition box set any time soon, becasue the only reason i am holding off from buying the Sw dvd's, is that i know some time soon the willl be a super collectors boxset, its only a matter of time when so any one any ideas?
  20. heres a basic equation to sum everything up star wars KOtOR 1 > all star wars movies
  21. just remove norton (hardly a easy job, you will see!) and download and istalled Kaspersky
  22. either u guys are confident or idiotic, for buying a console at launch, i mean there is bound to be some problem with the system at launch (ps2 anyone), due to the fact since there a large no of preorders it may be hard for M$ to meet demand to which they may ( i stress may) cut corners on manufacturing to get more out, therefore it will quite logical to wait at least 6 months (which i plan to do) then buy the console, hence avoiding any unnecessary stress if the console dies/bugs out
  23. gah! my 9800 pro is still at 340 something...... mhz
  24. that what i love about it, reduces the memory load to < 2mb (which still alot though for a media player)
  25. i can connect to msn, just try reloading it again
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