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Everything posted by CompSci

  1. can some tell me the title and the band of this song, its a very famous song but for the love of me i can not remember who sang it i only 1 part of the lyrics which is "by by baby" so can someone help
  2. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/HARRY-POTTER-GODRIC-GRYFFINDOR-SWORD-NEWEST-MODEL_W0QQitemZ6585836451QQcategoryZ43337QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem cool or what? imagine having it in your living room btw what are the uk laws of sword importing
  3. dude if i were u, i just save my money and buy a whole new pc, the thing is once you spend at least 100 on a motherboared u gonar have at least 300 left, now the cpu is gonar cost ya, i.e amd 64 3200+ which leaves 150, u will then need a ram stick like 512 mb of ram (do not use your old ram on your current comp), so it can sync with the cpu which cost at least 50 ( for a good brand) and then your left with 100 for a gfx card, which for £100 is not gonar be a good one hence just save up and buy a new pc or built one
  4. 2nd part is on tomorow, i am sure there goanr recap on there
  5. ok ok, i get it they do covers, there a great band either way
  6. meh the thought of z list Celebes degrading for them self our viewing pleasure is eerily appealing
  7. covers? have u listern to there album? i know this may seem corney but for the love of me i can not stop listerning to their songs, they arecatcy and they make ya feel good in these dark times of exam stress dudes i am not a steroticpical 20 yr old who listens to rap songs or some other types of "music" like hip hop ( thats the same thing as rap?), i have a unusal taste in music, if u see my album collection then u will know what i mean, lol i got some britney spears songs that i like
  8. who would have thought it? http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/newsid_4500000/newsid_4502200/4502244.stm
  9. whats wrong with west life? they got 12 ( it think) no 1's,
  10. yep the boys are back and sounding better then eva, there back to the old ways, i.e ballads like flying with out wings, i hated the previous album, with the rock crap, but i luv this new one so any one else got the album , what u think of it?
  11. i am pretty sure hdd do not have the amount of space as advertised, i.e i have a 160gb hdd, but in windows its 152gb max, but from 20gig to 13gig thats quite odd, thank god i did not buy a xbox 360 at lauch, since there are tons of probs with it, its like the thompson drive scandal all over again
  12. gonar download the iso then, thanks
  13. sorry if this has to be o the tech board ok the thing is, my halo for pc game cd, does not work any more now the question i want to ask is if i download JUST the ISO image of halo and use my own LEGIT cd key, would i get sued for this? i am quite pissed that the doesn't work anymore, and i do not want to pay £10+ (heck i mite as buy it brand new from ebay but that not i want to do, since i already own the game) to ship the cd to the manfacture and wait 3+ weeks to get it back so is it legal to download a iso of a game that i already own and use my own personal cd key on it?
  14. dude 16ms responce time? nuff said
  15. i brought this one http://www.ebuyer.com/customer/products/index.html?rb=13332642713&action=c2hvd19wcm9kdWN0X3Jldmlld3M=&product_uid=46113 its very good it powers the x850xt pe very nicly
  16. since this site gets hacked regulary, do u thing it would be wise to have peoples home address in your inbox,
  17. dude wtf u should of took the money, then all u had to to is wait a few weekks (or less) and brought a 360, and kept the rest of t he dough for a ps3/rev
  18. lol i can not wait till the ps3/rev launch i hope its like this, lol this reminds me of the anticipation when harry potter : HBP was about to released, i luv the ambiance of pre lauch days!!! i am not getting one, i am gonar wait till summer, since i got a lot of games to play and h/w to do any how any how enjoy your xbox 360 guys!!! <off to play faranheit on his xbox >
  19. lol i was thinking th eexact same thing, but hey as my old business studies teacher once said " its supply and demand, if morans wanna pay a high price is instead of waiting, then let erm"
  20. i say the first one since it has a amd 64 cpu, however the 6600gt that it has will limit u to newer games at high settings i.e fear, quake 4, so if u get that one then i suggest u update your gfx card, however the second is pretty good as well, a 3.0 ghz p4 630 cpu and a 6800xt hmm pretty good but 512 ram only? hmm ok in my own personal opinon, u say your buget is £800 then go the first one, sell the 6600gt on ebay, u should make at least £120 for it, then u will have at least £320 left over to buy a kickass gfx card like a 7800gtx or 1800xt pe whenh they come out, then u will be set for the next two yrs or more
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