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Everything posted by Columnar

  1. Will this game ever come to PS3? I thought it was a bit strange it was only on 360 since surely the Japs will love this and if it stays 360 exclusive won't it just bomb over there???
  2. Totally agree with what most people have said - there is no way that either Lara or the Tomb Raider franchise will go under with SCi. After Mario and Sonic, Lara Croft is the most famous video game character in the world (from the general public's opinion anyway). I just hope whoever does 'buy Lara' as it were won't wreck the good work Crystal Dynamics have done in re-inventing her.
  3. According to CVG, this RE0 Wiimake is being designed to ONLY use the Wii Remote - no nunchuk!
  4. Hmm... not sure about this. I suppose it opens up the game to a wider audience (although RE0 can still be easily bought for GC on the internet) but if it really is just a straight port and only uses the Wii Remote then it does seem a bit pointless. I would love REmakes of numbers 2, 3 & CODE: Veronica though.
  5. I've been reading about a game called Valkyria Chronicles from Sega today heading to PS3 during Q3 '08. Its being produced by Shuntaro Tanaka (I think that's his name) who also produced the amazing Skies of Arcadia. I know its supposed to be an RPG but some sites have said its a strategy-RPG which kind of puts me off a bit. Does anyone know much about this game as it does look like it has some beautiful cel-shaded esque graphics and PS3 does need some good RPGs before FFXIII comes along???
  6. EAs new space survival horror Dead Space is being released this Halloween (31/10) in the US & Europe on PS3 & 360 according to an EA Press Release on IGN. Apparently they have updated the game's site at: deadspacegame.com I think this game looks pretty good actually and Halloween seems the perfect day to release it.
  7. @ H-o-T: I got Orange Box from Shopto.com about a week ago (it was on for £22.99 then but they've put it up now:heh: ) and they sent me the PAL EURO version not the UK one - the only difference is that the PEGi 16+ logo is on the cover rather than the BBFC 15 certificate that is on the UK edition. Other than that they are identical so I would say if you want it buy it!
  8. I love PS3 too! Had a few wobbles earlier in the month because I thought I missed my 360 but turns out I don't and I'm so glad I went with Sony this time. Anyone getting Lost Planet on Friday? Been playing the online demo but its all crazy Japanese people playing and I've been kicking their asses so hopefully more people from here will be playing online too?
  9. Lost Planet Multiplayer Demo is up on PSN this week according to CVG. Only lets you play with 8 people but the full game can be played with 16.
  10. What happens to the deals that were struck with movie studios choosing to be HD DVD exclusive, for example Paramount? Were these deals not supposed to last until 2009? I was gutted when 'The Bourne Collection' & 'Heroes - Season 1' were HD DVD only but I suppose its only a matter of time before they finally make the jump to good ol' Blu-ray!!!
  11. I love Silent Hill!!! I can never decide which one I like better though out of 1,2 or 3 (I've never played number 4). Really looking forward to 'Origins' when it comes to PS2 in May and then of course number 5 on PS3!
  12. Just posted this on the Bargains Thread but thought I may as well post it here to. Just got The Orange Box on PS3 for £22.99 at ShopTo.com. £23 for five games is a bit of a steal - no?
  13. Just seen this 'Legacy Edition' listed for Xbox 360 on play.com for £24.99 so maybe there is a Wii version as well or Zavvi have got their wires crossed?
  14. OK so I've just been hunting around online for a good deal on Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2 on the PS3. When I got to Zavvi's site and typed in 'Ghost Recon', the first result I got back was for: Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2 - Legacy Edition that is apparently coming to Wii on March 21st? Does anyone know anything about this game??? I'd seen it listed on the Wii section at GameFAQS.com but thought it was probably just a rumour or had been cancelled (there were some rumours on there that the recent 'Sega Rally' was heading to Wii because apparently a Wii logo could be seen on the American TV Spot for it). I know if it is true that it will most likely be a PSP port but surely that date is wrong as I've never seen any website or magazine mention it? Any ideas?
  15. I voted for Balrog and hmm, I wonder what female character I chose? I can't believe she's fourth out of the five - come on people its the Killer Bee. She better be in SFIV:heh:
  16. A remake of RE2 definately - but a remake like the original on the Cube with new areas, puzzles and a few new bosses. I'd also like it if you could go through the game as Ada & Sherry and see things from their perspective.
  17. I got the exact same TV for Christmas but my one is white and it matches perfectly with my Wii. The light on the bottom of mine is Orange though - it would look a damn sight nicer if mine had the blue light I think:heh:
  18. This comes out tomorrow (8/2) so was wondering if anyone has ordered it/got it? I love a good point & click so I've ordered it from Amazon but they're not delivering it until next week. There's also 'Secret Files of Tunguska' coming to Wii on 14/3. I hope these games do OK saleswise (I doubt they will) because I'd love to see a Broken Sword game on Wii:smile:
  19. Nothing - just sharing a thought. Sorry:heh:
  20. I think I'm starting to miss my 360:( I've only had my PS3 for a month but there's something just nagging at me that I've made a mistake. I could sell my PS3 and buy a new 360 but I'm not sure if anyone would buy it and if I bought a new 360 and it red-ringed on me I'd be devastated. I really don't know what to do!!!
  21. You're right King_V - Cammy is the best but I do love playing as Juli and Juni (Juli especially). I'd be well chuffed if all three dolls made it into SF IV although I doubt that will happen!
  22. "You must enjoy being beat. Let me remodel your face one more time!" "Mission Completed, Sir!" Cammy did always get crappy quotes:heh:
  23. When do Sony usually update PSN on a Thursday??? I'm desperate to play the DMC 4 demo and it still isn't there!!!!
  24. ^^^^ If only...
  25. Shenmue I & II are my favourite games ever and made me proud to be a Dreamcast owner. I would be over-the-moon if Sega did decide to make a Shenmue III and I still have some faith that they will deliver eventually. I never thought I would see a sequel to NiGHTS and it didn't exactly set the world alight either at the time (sales-wise) and with talk of a Burning Rangers sequel I think it will only be a matter of time. I remember rumours going around in 2003 after the release of Shenmue II on Xbox that the third installment will be a CG movie - even that would do me, I just need to know what happens to Ryo!
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