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Everything posted by Jonnas

  1. I wanted to play a couple of short spooky games for this year's Halloween, but I already knew I'd be short on time. However, I did bother to play one of those games over the course of the week, little by little, until I managed to complete on the 31st. And that game was: INSIDE WAKE ME UP INSIDE! (can't wake up) Released in 2016, INSIDE was the first follow-up by the Danish developer Playdead after their previous game LIMBO. This game made waves when it first came out, so it has always been on my wishlist, until I purchased it on GOG earlier this year. It solidifies the developer's niche of "2D-Platforming-Puzzler-videogames-starring-a-clueless-young-boy-in-a-hellish-creepy-setting-with-a-plot-that-is-told-entirely-without-words-and-also-the-title-is-in-all-caps". All I'm saying is, Playdead's got a type. I don't know what much non-spoilery stuff I can say about this game, because if you've seen a clip or two, you get the gist: kid runs around trying to escape/survive a nightmarish concentration camp that seems straight out of the gray world of 1984, albeit a more grotesque, sci-fi version of it. You solve puzzles along the way (the kind that allows you to reach higher ledges or reach vents), and get involved in some scripted sequences. The controls are meant to feel awkward in a Shadow of the Colossus kind of way, making you feel like you're the awkward kid as much as possible. The strength of these games tend to be atmosphere and presentation, and yeah, INSIDE delivers in that regard. It does a good job at signalling that part of your brain that's still afraid of scary adults in authority, mostly through good use of visuals and striking sound design. Plus, it's pretty detailed, with various unique animations scattered throughout the game, and of course, a lot of gruesome ways for the kid to die. It's actually impressive. Unfortunately, I can't say I was as impressed by the implied plot... Basically, I can see the overall themes, but the specific scenarios felt lacking. All in all, I enjoyed the game quite a bit, though I don't really see it as the masterpiece that others do. But I'm nevertheless glad that so many people got something more meaningful out of this game, anyway. If I find some time in the coming week, I may try to play the other spooky game I had in the cards.
  2. Metroid II lacks a map, but the game is segmented in a way that it's actually fairly easy to orient and pace yourself. It's the only Metroid that's designed with that notion, that players can't check the map. Hilariously, fans have actually tried to build a map with that gameworld and found out it was unfeasible, as it overlapped at various points. IMO, the lack of a map also adds to the atmosphere, and the sensation of feeling stranded in the middle of a hostile environment (and that's a big "IMO", as I know this isn't the majority's opinion). The remake takes the same concept and does a lot more than just give it a coat of paint and QOL features. Its design philosophy is much different, in both gameplay and atmosphere (heck, even storytelling). All it has in common with the original is the basic premise and the general outline of the plot.
  3. Yeah, I noticed a lot of what he was saying as I first played the game. I figured the one-way routes were a way to keep the player trapped in dangerous zones (like with the EMMI), not to mention, allowing players to more easily reach new fast-paced segments. I thought it worked well only because Dread is so action-focused. The thing is that it doesn't really stop the game from being sequence broken, or even new players from getting momentarily lost (I did read a lot of impressions that said as much). I do wonder if this sort of design will become more common in the genre because of it. Huh
  4. I really should replay Zero Mission one of these days. It's been a long time, and the most I remember about it is feeling a lot like a smoother Super Metroid. Anyway, it's cool that Julius started with this one. Not only is the plot unburdened by other entries, I think Super Metroid hits that much closer when you have the context from the first game. (P.S.: If you can't find Samus Returns for whatever reason, do not be afraid to try out the original Metroid II, which should be on the 3DS VC)
  5. Hm, normally I associate "running" (moving in general) with defensive maneuvers. When I'm all-out attacking, I often forget to dodge. I guess it is a personal thing, like you said.
  6. Bosses hit hard, but they also produce a lot of health pickups. If you're low on health, try focusing on retrieving those, or avoiding everything until you get that Melee counter. The Shinespark controls are fine... It's the Speed Booster that's the problem
  7. One can still buy stuff from the 3DS eShop by inserting funds from the Switch, or from the Nintendo website. Is the same possible for Wii U? As somebody who's never owned a Wii U, Kirby's Rainbow Curse is the only title left from that console that I really want to see on the Switch. It looks super fun, unique, and lovely. I'd just like to point out, considering the upcoming AW remake, you should think extra hard on whether you should buy the old ones. On one hand, it's Advance Wars right now, on the other, the remakes may render them obsolete. On one hand, the old ones have a more elegant sprite-based art style compared to remake, on the other, there's no online. And of course, the VC versions will be cheaper, which is also important. Regarding Fire Emblem, the first one on the GBA (Blazing Blade) has a mandatory tutorial. Sacred Stones is shorter, but its second playthrough offers more value than Blazing Blade's. IMO, that's all the info you need when deciding which one to get/play first. And for personal recommendations: Kuru Kuru Kururin Drill Dozer Wario Land 4 (thought the first three entries are on the 3DS, this one stands fine on its own) I actually have no idea if those three titles are available on the VC, but if they are, get'em. I second the recommendation for Resi 4, that's the best way to play that game. As for other suggestions, it's tricky, because almost everything made it onto other consoles... but let's see: Wario Land: Shake Dimension Excite Truck Tatsunoko vs. Capcom House of the Dead: Overkill (it's been released elsewhere, but getting peripherals that work for those versions can be a hassle, so this version may be ideal) Another Code: R The Trauma Center series These aren't major AAA blockbusters or anything, but if you're looking for "unique", they're all great choices. Also, check out De Blob or Little King's Story on any platform of your choice.
  8. Oh yeah, I remember the ranking. I'll update mine as well. I'll keep my previous thoughts in italics: Overall, I enjoyed the first pass a lot more than the second one. The first one felt like a whole new world came with each character, while the second one felt like it was covering gaps, to the point that half of the characters belonged to franchises that were already in Smash.
  9. I am actually relieved to hear about this! The radio silence was getting weird, at least this way I know they're paying attention to the game's quality. Take yer time, WayForward, balance those COs, test that netcode, refine that map builder, add Risky Boots as an unlockable CO, all that good stuff Until then... I don't know, let's listen to Sturm's theme: I love that mini-me. Which makes me wonder, which design will Sturm have in the remake? AW1? AW2? Somehow both? The man's itching for some legal, non-NSO Metroid. Let him.
  10. Yeah, it's probably a combo of Smash Bros, Bayonetta (Bayo 3 videos must be hot right now), the word "Switch" being in the title, and the tendency to recommend super short, snappy videos. But that video had to have less than, like, 50 views before the algorithm exploded it. This is like if a random years old video of a random joe shooting the shit with mates was suddenly paraded before thousands and thousands of people. That's basically what this was.
  11. Youtube decided to recommend me a 5 year old "Smash For Wii U" video that's just Bayonetta down-smashing (that is stepping) on a low-health Mii. This Mii apparently represents a friend of the uploader, and his username is... "Switch", of all things. The video is called "Switch's Dream", and it was apparently meant to be a private joke between the two of them, until it was randomly recommended to a lot of people today. ... What the fuck, Youtube?
  12. Has it really been 10 years since the Non-specific Action Figure? Man, what a wild decade.
  13. Right, so there's something obvious I should include, here: Metroid Dread Yeah, so it was obvious that I played this, huh? I already wrote a meaty review on the whole thing, which you can check out by clicking the image above (if you haven't read it yet, I promise it's a good one). The main update is that I just completed this game 100%, which was pretty dang great. Despite this, I'll not consider this game "Completed" until I do a speedrun for the extras. For now, I'll take a break from the game (I promised I'd lend the cartridge to a friend), but I'll eventually pick it back up again for further runs. I may try a sequence break or two... But I'm getting ahead of myself.
  14. So, I'd like to give my thoughts on some spoilers: Still pretty buzzed with this game.
  15. Have you been avoiding the Metroid Dread thread for fear of spoilers? Well, here's something that's almost entirely spoiler-free: Metroid Dread - The N-Europe Review The only spoiler here is a very small part of the opening sequence. By reading this review, you will be more informed of the game's overall quality, without spoiling yourself of the game's more curious contents. It's practically magic! So feel free to read it during your free time: I promise the robots won't attack while you're doing so.
  16. Hello! You may have noticed I didn't really give many of my impressions beyond the initial ones. That might have to do with the fact that I've been working on putting all of the opinion onto a single document: Metroid Dread - The N-Europe Review That's right, a brand new review of Metroid Dread. It's got it all: words, paragraphs, opinions, clarifications... And you won't believe the amount of controversies! Click the image to find out! On a more serious note, if you're on the fence about Metroid Dread, or wish to know some more about the game before you buy, check my review. It's my longest review yet, it's pretty comprehensive, it is almost entirely spoiler-free (I only reveal a smidge of the opening sequence) and I'm fairly proud of it. So please, take a look.
  17. Yeah, that price is too much. Especially when it's 12 months minimum for the expansion. Once the N64 service was complete, my intention was to sign up for 3 months or so to play Snap, Kirby, S&P, and whatever else I hadn't played yet. Until they add a plan that's 6 months or shorter, I won't be getting it. Not without Goemon, at the very least
  18. If by "backtracking", you mean Super Metroid's version of it (where you'll need to re-explore a bit, check the map and such), then that shouldn't be too bothersome here. Dread is clearer about where you need to go, usually. If you mean Metroid Fusion's version of it ("go to the place I marked on your map!, then come back!, then to the other place I marked!"), then there shouldn't be any of it at all. Either way, this game is considerably faster paced than previous entries (which includes general movement), so take that into account on whether that would help with backtracking issues. I think Dread's plot works fine for newcomers, and it is good at recapping the essential bits. But you'll get more out of it if you play the previous entries (Super and Fusion, mostly). There's also the fact that specific twists and outcomes from those games will be spoiled here (they kinda have to be). Gameplay-wise, Dread's fine for newcomers, nevermind the comments about difficulty, playing the previous ones won't help the issue, anyway If you do start with a previous entry, I highly recommend Super Metroid. Excellent jumping-on point, excellent game, and it is more readily available on the NSO.
  19. That'd be quite the trailer!
  20. I still love that Piranha Plant is just chilling in the middle of the chaos, watering some Pikmin with a random watering can.
  21. I thought I'd be the first to post impressions, but it seems BowserBasher beat me to the punch. Ah well, I never was much of a speedrunner! This game is hitting all the right spots.
  22. Fullmetal Alchemist is usually a safe bet. For more recent stuff, there's My Hero Academia, Jujutsu Kaisen, Demon Slayer, and Attack on Titan, but all of those are well known, so he may have read them already. For relatively less known stuff, there's Dr.Stone (young scientist wakes up in a post-apocalyptic world, uses science to restart civilization. There's a Shonen pace and logic to the whole thing), Heroic Legend of Arslan (which is more "medieval epic" than "shonen", but it's pretty good), or one of the Zelda mangas (which need no introduction). I'd also recommend Silver Spoon (which is slice-of-life), but I don't think I've ever seen that one published in Europe. Those are the ones that popped into my head.
  23. While I've been taking it easy as of late, I'm chomping at the bit to play Metroid Dread, and I thought I needed to play something in preparation for it. I did play a Super Metroid Randomizer, which, while fun, sadly ended in failure. As the last week loomed, I thought, "I can't play a new Metroidvania now, I'll get burned on the genre for sure". And then it hit me, I should play a Stealth game. A 2D one, a short one. So I went into my Steam backlog and fetched: Master Spy That's some excellent music. Check the full OST! Like with Double Dragon Neon, I first heard of this game when browsing VG music on Youtube, and ran into the track above. I looked up the game, thought it looked neat, and eventually got it because it was so cheap (and I got the version with the Soundtrack too). It seems to be the only notable game from indie developer TURBOGUN, as they've been nothing but radio silence since the game's original release in 2015. Anyway, Master Spy is a surprisingly fast 2D platformer, and the stealth elements consist of pretty much only "Don't let guards/cameras see you or you fail instantly", because with everything else (like guard dogs or traps) you just need to avoid danger like a regular platformer. There's a button to jump, one to toggle on an invisibility cloak (guards won't see you, but you move much slower), and an air-dash technique that they don't tell you about (but will absolutely need for lategame levels). The goal of each level is to collect every keycard and then reach the exit. Presentation-wise, it's meant to look like games from the late 80s (NES and Pentium alike), with humans looking like Prince of Persia, and cutscenes looking like Ninja Gaiden. Screenshots from the Steam page seemed to have a CRT+scanlines sort of filter, but I didn't find the option on the game itself (I likely missed something really obvious). The game nails the aesthetic look it's going for - albeit with a much higher level of detail - so I don't have any complaints, except that, in some places, it wasn't too clear on what I could interact with or not. The game is fairly short, with 5 missions total, with around 10 levels per mission (plus 8 bonus secret levels), but it's the right length. Doesn't overstay its welcome, and it keeps introducing new obstacles/enemies well into the final levels, including *gasp* guards that actually react to sound! Also you have to sneak around sharks and tigers, it gets wild. It should take 3-5 hours to finish (and indeed, its brevity is why I picked this to play before Metroid Dread drops). As for my complaints... this game gets hard. Really hard. Super Meat Boy hard. I'm not even joking, as around Mission 4, the levels are filled with seesaws, crushing pistons, flamethrowers, etc. and in this environment, the guards' eyesight may as well just be yet another death laser, considering their function (and considering the plot and context, I really don't see how being briefly seen should constitute an instant Game Over). I started the game on Master (Hard) difficulty because I'm such a masochist badass, but had to reduce it to Operative (Normal) at the end of Mission 4 because it was getting so bad. As it turns out, difficulty levels don't change level design or AI or anything, the only thing is that Operative actually has several mid-level checkpoints... and yeah, that helped a lot, actually. It also made the game even more like Super Meat Boy. Unlike Meat Boy, Master Spy doesn't have fancy wall slides or malleable physics, the execution is all do-or-die, and God forbid if you're one pixel off, or one half-second late (and if the game decides to hiccup, you certainly will be). This pixel-perfect requirement to beat the game made it too frustrating by the end. To end this review on a better note, I should mention the plot... At first I thought it would just be a generic plot involving a conspiracy and a predictable twist villain reveal, all in cheesy good fun. But it soon turned into something more unexpected and... dumb. Very entertainingly so. For all of my frustrations with the game's difficulty, this plot was needlessly contrived and deliciously funny. The sort of thing that deserves to be on the "So bad, it's good?" thread. The fact that the game's script feels as badly written as the Ninja Gaidens of yore is the icing on the cake. In conclusion, this game turned out to not be very satisfying as a Stealth game, but it's a rather enjoyable 2D Platformer for sure, as long as you're willing to lower the difficulty when needed. And the insane turns that the plot took were a hidden gem all on its own. Finally, the soundtrack is legitimately great, I don't regret getting this album. Bring on Metroid!
  24. I'm still pissed that I deleted Solid Snake from my predictions only to replace him with Takamaru. If only I knew the scope of this game... But you know what? I correctly predicted Terry Bogard, and nobody can take that away. Thank you a lot for doing this game, @Glen-i I can honestly say this has been my favourite Smash prediction thread/discussion... ever.
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