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Everything posted by Jonnas

  1. Seems great! I'm glad this game will capture the feeling of the Soul Calibur series. What I like about Soul Calibur is the fact that skill plays a very important factor in the matches. I'm not talking about the "do memorized combos to win" skill, I'm talking about the fact that dodging and predicting moves is everything in this kind of game, unlike other games where a single blow may trigger a lengthy combo. In Soul Calibur, playing mind games with the opponent is crucial to land as many blows as possible. Most of the "combos" in the game can be escaped from any way. My friend and I would ocasionally play SC 2 (and later 3). He is very good at mind games and beat me nearly every time while feigning grabs, kicks and the Affondo Fendante (a deadly Raphael move). I only started winning when he was getting tired of playing and stopped with the mind games. [/offtopic] Anyhow, I just hope that this game gets done properly and has a good difficulty, as well as having a good character selection (I can't wait to see if I'll be able to play as Voldo).
  2. Well,I don't think I will be able to say anything that hasn't been said yet. That arrangement is simply amazing and reminds me of why I loved Ocarina of Time in the first place. It's definitely a trip down memory lane. The only part of the arrangement that I didn't like was the Song of Time part. I liked the original better. Still, this could mean that an Ocarina of Time stage is in the works! That's great! I was very disappointed when I bought melee that there weren't any OoT stages...until I saw Sheik in action and unlocked Ganondorf, that is. The characters certainly quenched my thirst for OoT.
  3. That's pretty much what he meant. MP3 will finish the Prime story arc. That pretty much confirms that you will lose any traces of corruption by the end of the game though, unless the guys at Retro Studios change their minds...
  4. Woo! Zelda! She may have sucked in melee (without sheik), but I'll trust she got improved in Brawl. About Sheik, I too suspect he won't come back, but, quite frankly, games like this are pretty unpredictable so maybe he will return as a secret character...
  5. Good to know that the exploration elements are still present. That floating citadel looks amazing. The art style really reminds me of Halo in certain parts. I hope the similarities stop there. I wonder who that is on first page: Dark Samus or a "corrupted" Samus.:wink: Finally, sorry if this is a dumb question, but what magazine is that?
  6. I've played Halo 1 and, quite frankly, I can't see what's so special about it. Never played Halo 2, though. In my opinion, the only FPS of that generation worth mentioning is Timesplitters. It had a really fun multiplayer and even the single player mode had a fun co-op. [/Off-Topic] Anyway, Metroid Prime 3 is shaping up to be a memorable entry for the Metroid franchise. If it manages to capture the classic feeling of Metroid while implementing the new features (WiiMote, Allies), it will become one of the best games of this generation (much like the first Metroid Prime). If it becomes too much like your common FPS, it will be a dark chapter in the history of the Metroid series. The great thing about the Metroid Prime Series is the fact that it is so different than normal FPS (so different that there are people that refer them as First-Person Adventures, myself included). So let's just hope that the guys at Retro Studios won't let us down and make the best MP game ever.
  7. Let me throw my 2 cents: Personally, I prefer Wind Waker over Twilight Princess. I loved being able to set sail towards the unknown and finding islands, treasure, maps and other secrets as I explored The Great Sea. Whenever I tried doing that in Twilight Princess (mount Epona and explore Hyrule) I could barely find anything, whereas in Wind Waker there was at least one hidden treasure or a side-quest in nearly every island. Twilight was rather weak in the side-quest department. The only rewards for Soul Hunting and Bug Catching were things connected with money, I believe (correct me if I'm wrong). The rest of the side-quests in that game were mini-games and that monster-filled cave in the desert. In Wind waker, there were tons of little side-quests (Ex.: The Auction, the Koroks, the Giant Pig, Moe the moblin, etc.) that had worthy prizes and rewards like heart pieces and charts. Plus, the Figurine Gallery was awesome, even if there wasn't anything worth the trouble (other than the feeling of acomplishment). With all these side-quests, Wind Waker felt like a complete world, even if there were only two or three towns in the game. Twilight Princess felt like a barren world. There were also two or three towns in the game, but they weren't as active as the ones in Wind Waker. Wind Waker was also better in the music and sound department. There were a lot of memorable tunes in Wind Waker. In Twilight Princess, the music isn't memorable, but that is because its function is to give you the feeling that you're actually in those locations (Hope you know what I'm trying to say). The same thing happened in Metroid Prime. Still, there were a few memorable tunes in TP, mainly the Boss Themes. Graphics-wise, I prefer an artistically beautiful game to one that has realistic visuals. Even if I love the character and monster design in both games, I love the art style in Wind Waker more. In the Gameplay department, I must admit that the Twilight Princess items and battle system were better and more fun to use. I loved the battle techniques, as well as the "BeyBlade" and the Ball & Chain (even if there weren't many uses for them in the open field). I also thought that the Dungeons and Boss fights were better thought out than in Wind Waker. The Arbiter Grounds Boss remains as one of my All-Time favorites. Twilight Princess was also longer than Wind Waker, but it felt shorter, since there was little to do besides the main quest. Finally, Wind Waker's story was better explained and managed to hook me. Twilight Princess, not so much. (Plus, I prefer WW's Ganondorf over the TP one) Conclusion: Wind Waker had the best overall game while Twilight Princess had the best main game (without side-quests). Phew, this post turned out waaaay longer than expected.
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