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Everything posted by Jonnas

  1. I knew it was easy. How about this one? Try to guess the full name. [ATTACH]1329[/ATTACH]
  2. Here is an easy one (I think) [ATTACH]1327[/ATTACH]
  3. I take back what I said about Ike being a Marth clone. Different B-Moves = 100% sure it's not a clone. Eruption reminds me of an attack in a "Tales of" game. Cool and devastating. The fact that it's chargeable makes it all better. The Up-B move surprised me. It's definetely cool that a recovery move is that high, but now I wonder what his Final Smash will be. [Dream Mode] Maybe several characters from Fire Emblem can attack the field. Or maybe just call the three brothers to do a Triangle Attack. [End Dream Mode]
  4. I know. As I said, it's still not as irritating as Starfox Adventures. The rupee message was heard several times, but it was quick. In Starfox adventures, the message takes quite a while. Since it happens with every new item (like key items and small keys), I saw that a lot of times.
  5. Usually Zeldas don't irritate me in that aspect because only the important items get that treatment. In Starfox, every single item (including healing objects, key items and small keys) gets the delay and stupid tune. That is what bugs me. In Twilight Princess, the rupees were quickly taken care of and there was barely a delay (It was irritating, but not nearly as much as in Starfox Adventures).
  6. Starfox Adventures...Not a bad game by any means, but had a few flaws: -Repetitive combat system. If only the additional powers were more useful in battle... -Was linear and lacked side-quests, aside from a few caves. This pissed me off the most, since reviews said the game felt like Zelda. No, it didn't. -Whenever you found a new item...well, just see: http://www.vgcats.com/comics/?strip_id=39 Do you know how much that pissed me off during second walkthroughs? -Prince Tricky. He was annoying during gameplay.
  7. Man... I miss a week of updates with vacations and we already have: -DK's Final Smash: Cool. Anybody else find it ironic that DK's Final Smash is a bit inapropriate in moving stages like...Rumble Falls? -Pitfall: Nice. Proximity mines without KO's. Hilarity WILL ensue. -Ike: Hell Yeah! Finally a new character! It was very predictable that he would get in but it's good to see him anyway. My only fear is that he may end up as a Marth clone. Could Marth be gone? Or is he unlockable as a homage to the series? -Castle Siege: My favorite stage thus far. Bummer that it's not based in any particular Fire Emblem, but it's still very interesting. It's very atmospheric with the catapult assaults and the destructible statues. Liked the red soldiers inside the castle. My question is: since when did Fire Emblem ever had catapults? -Adventure mode: Hell Yeah! Better Adventure Mode! And it has neat cutscenes as well. And the enemies seen in the screenshots...I thought they were all original, but someone said that Fox was running away from a Jungle Beat enemy. And the things Pit and MetaKnight are facing seem familiar (I think MK's enemies might be from Kid Icarus). And the machine with the pig face...wasn't there a pig in Starfox that eventually became a machine? -Smoke Ball: Hilarity WILL ensue. I love the idea. Someone here mentioned characters that have nearly zero chance of being playable, but we hope for them anyway. I have a few of my own: -Skapon: A limbless pink robot that starred in Nintendo's first-ever fighting game, Joy Mech Fight. I never played the original game, but he sure seems interesting. Here is a MUGEN battle featuring him (it was the best I could find. You might want to turn off the music.): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skapon -Jill: The main character of Drill Dozer, a highly unnoticed GBA game that never saw European lands. Basicaly, Jill has a drilling mecha and the game focuses on the gameplay varieties that can be achieved with the drill. Jill could definetely be an interesting character for Brawl. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drill_Dozer -Muddy Mole: See my avatar? That's him. Mole Mania was a criminally unnoticed game that deserves more attention. A creative puzzle game where you had to move under and above the ground to throw huge black balls against walls that you had to destroy to move on. This is more like a personal wish, but I will jump in happiness if Muddy reappears in Brawl (or anywhere for that matter). Burrowing holes, using claws and throwing black balls can still provide an interesting moveset, though. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muddy_Mole EDIT: Better video for Skapon. The fight starts halfway through the video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OC5TBT8pTcE
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TaUmJcp3I9E After watching this video, I have to agree. Megaman (except Legends), Dante, Phoenix Wright and a few more Tales characters are missing from the game above, but if a fighting game were to happen some of them would definetely appear to kick some ass.
  9. The only games where I saw Knuckle Joe were Kirby Super Star (Kirby's Fun Pak) and the "Kirby Wii" in some screenshots. In Kirby Super Star, Knuckle Joe gave you fighting powers (the same ones shown in the blog entry) and he also appeared in a mini-game where you had to compete with him (easy mode, I think) to see who could punch the ground harder.
  10. I was kinda hoping you gave me the Mega Drive name, Chiki Chiki Boys. But yeah, you're right.
  11. Kieran is a bit weak at first due to low skill (you need to be lucky for him to land a hit), but nothing that can't be solved with a Secret Book. Oscar usually ends up being the weak one, since he can survive for such a long time, but can't kill easily due to low attack. Different sides of the same coin. I never used Tormod (plan to in this hard mode), so I forgot celerity. You're right, that can be of some help. The knight-movement item? You're referring to Naesala's present? It's equippable and it's highly useful for support units. Allows them to heal/regenerate in the frontlines and then retreat in the same turn. In my opinion it's more useful than the Full Guard item. The aerial disadvantages only work in Bird Form, by the way.
  12. Clue: Melf is not the character's name. Much like Link or Dragon Quest, the main character has no set name.
  13. I would say Metroid Prime 2 is the least good, close with Metroid Fusion. Personal opinions, of course. They're still good. If you're willing to play a great world without a map, but with clear objectives and progress, Metroid II is the one. No hint system, no map gives you a great sense of loneliness and claustrophobia, but with the clear objectives and sense of progression, it manages to stay interesting. You just have to be careful not to get lost.
  14. Nice. These retrospective series are cool. There are Zelda, Metroid, Final Fantasy. But Metroid II, the weakest game in the series? Yeah, right...
  15. PSP seems to have the prettier and more polished versions. They even have FMVs. Plus, it has more extras the the GBA one. Besides, I've played FF1 in the GBA and is kinda boring (and the constant random battles certainly didn't help). Maybe the PSP version is more interesting (for the reasons listed above).
  16. Opinions vary. I thought the game was irritating and quickly lost interest. I still played a good portion of it, actually, but still didn't grab me. Now, another picture [ATTACH]1285[/ATTACH] Don't forget to guess Patch's game, though. I still have no idea, but look's kirby-like. Maybe some clues? Scores Zechs Merquise: 12 theguyfromspark: 10 4q2: 8 Hellfire: 7 Jamba: 5 steggy: 5 Jonnas: 4 Mcj Metroid: 3 welsh_gamer: 3 Happenstance: 3 Gentleben: 2 YanRuo: 2 Patch: 2 Mundi: 1 Petey_Piranah: 1 Daft: 1 thirtynine: 1 tapedeck: 1 The Villan: 1 Emasher: 1 Darksnowman: 1 Tetzcatilipoca: 1
  17. Attention. Mist is very difficult to train. Her staves won't even cure your characters completely for a while. So don't ditch Rhys right away. He's still useful until chapter 13. Never used Nephenee, though. I'll try using her and Brom on my next playthrough (after I beat Hard Mode). Brom proved to be useful on chapter 11 Hard. EDIT: Just saw Japjer's post Don't kill Naesala. Have either Janaff/Ulki and then Reyson talk to him. He'll leave and give you an useful equipment. Reyson is a bit complicated. He's pretty useful if you know how to use him strategically. Any excuse to level him up works and in bird mode he can rejuvenate more than one person. Just make sure he's out of harm's way. Check ballistas' range and don't put him right in the open. Some tips for Reyson: -Support with Ike or Tanith. They will give you extra dodge when near them. In Ike's case, if you keep Reyson near, he'll probably kill everyone more easily attacking twice a turn. -Give him the equipment given by Naesala. That'll help you keeping him out of harm's way. Granted. I don't know much about Nephenee, but Mia seems to be the obvious replacement. They are both agile foot units. The difference lies in the weapon used. If you're going to use Nephenee, replace Mia. Also, with that line-up, I would replace Tormod with Calill. She doesn't use staves, but her magic ranks are impressive and she doesn't need leveling up. If you're going to use Reyson, then replace Astrid. You have enough good mounted units by the time you get her (including the flying ones). Plus, Kieran is also a good choice to use instead of Oscar, if you prefer. Either choice is equally good. Ike Oscar/Kieran Titania Ilyana Nephenee Marcia Mist Lethe Jill Largo Calill Shinon Gatrie Reyson Not a bad team, but I would advise adding another axe besides Titania's to use until you get Largo. Maybe promote Oscar/Jill fast or use Kieran? Or maybe use Lethe in situations where an axe is needed (definetely the best choice). Your choice anyway. The team is solid like this. Support-wise, you could: -Get Oscar/Ike with great dodge; -Support Ike/Reyson for the reasons listed above; -Support Gatrie with Marcia/Shinon/Illyana (Marcia is not a good choice. They'll be regularly fighting in different parts of the scenario.); -Support Calill/Nephenee; -Support Kieran/Marcia, since they make a good team (if you use Kieran); -Support Jill/Lethe (see above). There are several combinations but these are the advisable ones. Maybe I'm wasting my time, since this team was modified by me, but the tips are there, if you wish.
  18. Yeah. It's Red Areemer, alright. But it's not that good of a game, really. My worst Game Boy game. Your first pic is still strange, though. I have no idea.
  19. Ok.I like this stage. Cool idea not seen in melee (or any other fighting game for my knowledge). I'm definetely using Jigglypuff in this stage.
  20. I knew this one was easy. Correct. And turn off the Caps Lock.
  21. OK. My turn. [ATTACH]1273[/ATTACH] Scores Zechs Merquise: 9 4q2: 8 theguyfromspark: 8 Hellfire: 6 Jamba: 5 Jonnas: 4 steggy: 4 Mcj Metroid: 3 welsh_gamer: 3 Happenstance: 3 Gentleben: 2 YanRuo: 2 Mundi: 1 Petey_Piranah: 1 Daft: 1 thirtynine: 1 tapedeck: 1 Patch: 1 The Villan: 1 Emasher: 1 Darksnowman: 1 Tetzcatilipoca: 1
  22. Awwww... This picture is too cute. This has got to be the first time I found Yoshi to be cute. Too bad I never liked to use Yoshi. Maybe with the character tweaks... Also, This picture left me simply speechless. In a good way.
  23. It was strange at first, but eventually I became grateful, since Nosferatu is the best way for Rhys to cure himself. Yup, Sacred Stones was the least good I played, too. The training grounds and the shortness of the game take away some of it's appeal. The fact that the game was somewhat easy by Fire Emblem standards (characters were too strong. At least the maps were hard.) and there were few charismatic characters didn't do much for it's replay value. I did like the revelation about Jehanna's prince. I certainly didn't expect it. :wink: One more thing. I don't know if I already said this, but you should try training Mist. Not only because of THE battle, but because she's more reliable than she seems. With a high magic stat, she is the best candidate for the Sonic Sword. Use Arm Scrolls if necessary, but after promotion, she becomes an awesome healer and fighter with that sword (you might consider using Hammerne so it doesn't break, though). You might even use a band to help guarantee the high growths in magic.
  24. To clear up some confusion, the Jap-US Final Fantasy relation is: -FF1: Came out normally in both regions. Later remade for GBA, PS1 and PSP. -FF2: Japan only. Later remade for GBA, PS1 and PSP and launched in the US. -FF3: Japan only. Later remade in 3D for DS and launched in the US. -FF4: Called FF4 in Japan. Came out as FF2 in the US. Later remade for GBA and PS1. -FF5: Japan only. Later remade for GBA and PS1 and launched in the US. -FF6: Called FF6 in Japan. Came out as FF3 in the US. Later remade for GBA and PS1. From FF7 forward, the names and releases were corrected and saw no more confusion. Note: I didn't mention Europe since I don't have much information on that. However, the naming system remains the same as in the US.
  25. Actually, some licensed games from that era were rather good. There are several old licensed games made by Capcom that were quite enjoyable (Alddin, DuckTales), from what I've been told (never played DuckTales). And it's not just Capcom and Konami. I recall a disney game featuring Mickey % Donald for the Mega Drive that was very appealing and enjoyable. The Lion King game made by Acclaim (I think) was also good. I still play it from time to time and, although the controls could be better, it's still as good as I remember.
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