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Everything posted by jammy2211

  1. Last time I checked, plenty of Wii games offer GameCube / Classic Controller support as an option, and the most of them which don't seem to only benefit from motion controls. I think Tony Hawk's is the only exception to this rule? Presides, there are plenty of 360 games which feel like the single player mode is sacrificed for a more in-depth online. Not everyone is too pleased to hear about that, but I guess it's down to preference.
  2. Personally, I find it incredibly difficult to play Guitar Hero while talking to someone at the same time. It'd be a nice little feature to talk to whoever I'm playing, but I doubt I'd ever use it personally. The lack of mic really doesn't bother me, knowing I'm kicking a real persons arse is all the satisfaction I need. Also with the portal they have on the internet, that should give me all the incentive I need to play this game online.
  3. Watch out Sheikah he's gonna e-stalk you now!
  4. I think it's time this thread got locked. It started out a pretty good discussion, but alas it's gone downhill. Oh well, I'm sure the next set of NPD figures are out soon :P.
  5. Can someone help me out on Metroid Prime 2? I just got the echo visor and well, it doesn't seem to work :/. I use it in the room I got it, get the three white pad locks and 3 orange sonar things. I locked on to all 3 of those sonars, shot them with my power beam, and now I can't lock onto them again, but the white padlocks are still there :/. Am I doing something wrong? Or is it a glitch, cause it seems pretty weird.
  6. In their podcast thing IGN said they're expecting a Square-Enix and Capcom character still. They didn't seem to have any sources for it, but thought maybe it could be Nintendo's payback from Square as they let them use Mario in the DS basketball game. They kept saying it should be Cloud, but has Cloud ever been on a Nintendo console? I'm thinking more along the lines of Chrono :P. I still think Megaman is a given too, not long left to reveal it though. I reckon they must be saving something awesome for Christmas Day though, it's just that cliché sort of thing they have to do :P. Anywho, I hope they can keep the secret characters quiet, especially if they have some really unexpected ones in there :P. Saying that though, I'd imagine by the end it'll be quite obvious who is and isn't in what with assist trophey's covering most of them for us.
  7. http://www.consolegaming.eu/newspost.php?id=401 Seem's like it's heading to the Wii. I do think it'll struggle to compare to the PC version, but hey if it looks good it's probably a safer option then trying to run it on my current PC :/. Great news for the Wii though, especially as it sounds like 360 and PS3 won't be getting it.
  8. I guessing PS2's won't have DLC in Europe either?
  9. As I said in my above posts, Nintendo probably record sales to retail, so SMS and BBA arn't yet million sellers...yet. However they both will be, if not already :/. Metroid and SMG will no doubt add to that list though, which is already becoming pretty dam impressive.
  10. Like Zack and Wiki Then?
  11. Ask for Zack and Wiki!!! Okay, I dunno why I just posted that, but you should still ask for Zack and Wiki. It's better then some huge chunk of plastic.
  12. What about Super Mario Strikers Charged and Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree? You know, the ones Nintendo official just confirmed? :P. Vgcharts is a bit of an iffy source, I like to use it as a general reference but don't take it as 100% fact. Resident Evil 4 will definitely pass 1 million though, and last time I asked SEGA they said it would >_>. Although Nintendo's numbers are probably those sold to retailers, so on reconsideration, BBA and SMS might not be 1 million yet, maybe. They'll be very close to it though.
  13. Only two are third party though :P. Although that number will probably become 4 with Resident Evil 4 and Sonic and the Secret Rings. then maybe RE:UC and Zack and Wiki. Still, it's doing pretty good software sales, more so for Nintendo.
  14. I'm guessing the figures are from this fiscal year, which means WarioWare / Zelda:TP didn't sell 1 million since April 1st. I guess you can forgive them though :P.
  15. It's a Capcom game, they're hardly going to hold back on supply, it's not like it really costs much more in the scheme of things to get a decent amount of stock out there. Especially as they'll be aware of the hype it's gaining from IGN and now other sites. I'm guessing it's more to do with the stores writing it off, seeing as it's a non-Nintendo game at a retail price below normal. Who knows, it'll be fixed sooner or later .
  16. I think it's more the fact that Nintendo 100% pushed the technology, which seemingly was a huge risk. No one has changed the industry like that. you can say the technology is old or whatever, and it is, but it feels new which is surely all that matters? I mean the the technology in the PS3 and 360 has been around for years, just like the Wii Remote's it was never at a price which they could economically bring to retail, until now. As for their being casual gamers, yeah there were, but again I think you're missing what I'm saying. It's bringing these people into our industry, who before would have just carried on playing bejewelled. In my experience, it is getting people into video games when they previously wouldn't have touched them, whether they played a few of these casual games or not. And that too, was the reason behind the success of the PS1. It opened the industry up to a new market, and I think most of us agree it was ultimately for the better. The Wii's just taking that approach even further, while also doing even more. What else are you expecting Nintendo to do? :/
  17. My sources said consumer, I'll look it up and see if I can find anything :/. When you look at the DS, it's as much the Pokemon / NSMB / Mario Kart carrying things as it is Brain Training and nintendogs, so I'd say there's plenty of room for both games to do the carrying. Zelda floped as much as Big Brain Academy Wii Degree I guess :/.
  18. To be fair Super Mario Galaxy already has 700000 consumer pre-orders in Japan, and that was a month before it's release. Chances are that Mario Galaxy is going to be bigger then Wii Fit in Japan, or at least on par, the Japanese market isn't really suitable to do all this comparison stuff anyway. You've got to remember the size of houses in Japan, and that they all have one TV and stuff. The Japanese lifestyle means that family-orientated multiplayer games are always going to go down to much better. It hasn't really slowed down the sales of their single player games either though.
  19. Dude it's a PR, you've always got to take what they say with a bucket of salt. Personally I just laugh at it, non of it really means anything. It's not like they have the power to make decisions or change things.
  20. But Wii Sport's has a 70% attatch rate in Japan :P. Not that it's even worth bringing the Japanese market into this, as it's an entirely different kettle of fish.
  21. I laughed at it. What did make me wonder though was, didn't EA already skip FC's with Madden and FIFA? Monster Hunter 3 is ages away, so it doesn't surprise me he didn't have a proper answer. I'd be more worried about a headset :/.
  22. Yeah, how dare Mario Party sell as well on Wii as all 7 previous iterartions did on N64 and Gamecube! God dammit it's those casual gamers buying it again, the same ones that owned an N64 >_>. Every major Nintendo franchise has a sequel on the Wii - except Pikmin and Star Fox. Now, seeing as we're not a year into the consoles life span, I'd say that's pretty good going. Yeah, Nintendo are going after other markets too, but I'd say their line up still speaks more then enough volume as to where their loyalty lies. It's all your opinion, for the most part I'd agree, the Wii's software has pretty much sucked. I guess people cope with it in different ways, to be honest I got exactly what I expected having owned a SNES, N64, GameCube, PS1, PS2 and GBA since launch. Fact is, consoles post-launch always suck, I can't remember for how long Oni was the 3rd best PS2 game, but it was longer then I wanted to cope with >_>.
  23. Do we definitely know that we're only getting start roster from the site? Cause Snake was going to be secret last time I heard. I know he said it was going to be starter only, but on the other hand I'm not sure I can believe it, hmm :/. there's about 3 months worth of updates until it's released in Japan, so I'm suspecting we'll see at least 3 more characters revealed. It does seem pretty hefty though to have 23 characters without even any unlockables, I mean, that's almost as much as melee :/. Also, does Dedede put the Metroid franchise at the lowest amount of characters with just 2? Which to me sort of confirms Ridley. (Yeah, I know Kid Icarus only has 1 character, and a few more, but Metroid is alot more major then Kid Icarus / Earthbound / F-Zero).
  24. The exact same reason I wanted him in from the start .
  25. Because it's introducing people into gaming who would have otherwise never even considered doing it. It's tearing down that stereotype of anyone with a console being a no-friends geek who plays all day in their basement and allows people like me to share my passion with alot more people then I was previously ever able too. It seems some people don't dig this for some reason, which is their views, but to me it's great. As far as I'm concerned the fact that Nintendo are changing the face of video games in this way makes them worth every sale.
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