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Everything posted by jammy2211

  1. 2D games sell less then 3D games, that's why Sonic keep the 2d stuff to the handhelds where 3D isn't really the standard as such. Still, if Sonic can play Tennis, race go-karts, host parties and rip off all the other Mario Spin offs, I see no harm in making some kick-arse 2d Sonic game on top. I don't know if I'd like them to go down the Mega Man 9 route or give us some sort of awesome art-styled 2d game. Bah it won't happen, and even if it does, it's nothing worth shouting about if Sonic Team make it.
  2. Surely if Lord of the Rings cost $100 million to make and GI Joe $50 million it's fair that one is priced above the other though (Random figures btw). MW2 is probably the biggest budget game coming out this holiday season (Second to AC2 maybe) and as such I see no issue with Activision pricing it higher - end of the day we still get the choice of whether to buy it. The video game market already works on a basis of game developement costs being related to it's RRP, hence why Wii games are cheaper, I don't see why this shouldn't work the other way for the most expensive of games. The price cut is currently secluded to the UK anyway, where the price of everything is going up, recently the price of Wii's. No one seems that bothered about Nintendo's greedy business ethics though.
  3. The whole point of a game based on metal really was that it'd seem cliche and cheesy, I wouldn't expect otherwise...
  4. jammy2211

    PSP Go

    Indeed, it's a small issue but I'm willing to pay slightly more for the convinence of not having to carry UMD's around, albeit definitely not an extra £7. I'd imagine I'll save as much with games releasing cheaper then buying old games in the long term. Supposedly Sony are going to have to get ALOT of PSP games up on the PSN store before October 1st, so I'd imagine alot of those will be reduced once the PSP Go launches and, hopefully, the PS Store is redesigned. Sony are apparently working on a 'solution' to old UMD's going on the PSP Go too, so for all we know it could be possible to buy cheap UMD's for the Go and just copy them onto it.
  5. jammy2211

    PSP Go

    Yep, I think GamesCom will probably decide for me whether I 'need' a PSP Go or not. Expecting some pretty decent trailers / announcements from the show .
  6. The one problem is I don't think anyone knows how it's going to play. Some people are expecting a Ratchet & Clank type platform / combat hybrid, some are expecting a Fallout 3 type huge open world thing with one main quest and lots of side missions and others a hack and slash type affair. It's got a whole online mode too :/. I've no doubt it'll rule though, it's Tim Schafer at the end of the day.
  7. jammy2211

    PSP Go

    A quick gander at the current PSP titles on the PSN store shows nearly all ofthem at £14.99, which is 50% the RRP of DS or PSP games. Looks quite expensive if I want to pick up older titles but new releases will be cheaper - I think Sony have 'big plans' for the PSN store before the PSP Go is out though. I hope so as the current interface is ****ing useless. Buying a new phone would be just as expensive as this... but I already have a phone that I'm happy with. A new Mp3 player won't set me far off of £200 either. I'm far from sold on the idea and just toying with it at the moment. The DS Lite really hasn't gripped me as a handheld gaming device (I think it's a stigma due to the nature it's games vs their price which puts me off) so I might try out the PSP. Won't sell it until Scribblenauts is out though . I need to read up more on the PSP to PS3 stuff as well, they could have some interesting selling points, or be complete poo :P. I'll do some more reading I think, see what exactly the PSP can do and make sure there is no horrible catch to put me off. I think the biggest appeal for me is not having to carry around any games or cartridges, I like the digital era. EDIT: another 16GB storage will set me back £40... Which is a bit more of an expensve >_>.
  8. I don't really get how this related to what I said, but you seem to be missing the point that Nintendo can afford to put up the huge budget required to make every Metroid Game awesome. The rest of the industry doesn't work like that, and your suggestion we 'cut-off' the studio's without millions of dollars to make one game. If Nintendo had done that 10 years ago, The Conduit wouldn't have ever come to fruition, as one easy example. If Nintendo every studio's then it would be a dictatorial monopoly, of course it would. It certainly wouldn't be better for gaming, but it's derailing whatever the hell we were debating anyway so lets forget it. I think the problem is you've taken your pretty dumb and misguided views, and put them in the Business/Sales Discussion thread. People might care whether SMG was too hard of TLP was an OoT rip-off, but non of this bares any relevence in a thread about console sales.
  9. jammy2211

    PSP Go

    I'm pretty okay with the PSP Go costing £199 - for me thats good value provided: 1) Buying games online is cheaper then at retail, what with it costs being reduced with no retail cut, no packaging, shipping blah blah blah. 2) Getting another 16GB memory stick thing isn't too steep - as I'll use this for all my musics. 16GB internal just isn't enough for me if I'm going to have all my games on there too. I'm still split on the idea, but I need a new Mp3 player and the PSP have a decent library of games I'd like to catch up on. Wanna feel the PSP Go for myself though, and decide whether I should sell my DS.
  10. Also after reading a few more posts I'll pick up on two things you said: Nintendo should stop shovalware? - Yeah, Third parties will just love Nintendo telling them what they can and can't release, simply cause some people are offended at the box of a game they don't have to buy or read about greeting them on a shelf. What makes a bad game anyway? If Nintendo start censoring release 'quality' how do you know some games some people would really enjoy might never make it to release? Your whole point of shovalware doesn't make sense, people like different games and enjoy different things. Some of the games the AVGN berates in his reviews are games I played as a kid, and loved. You'd hate on Frogger 3d if it came to the Wii, but it was one of the best multiplayer games I've ever played on the PS1, it'd be discarded as shovalware now though. Also you dream of the day when Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft buy up everyone else? Sounds great, a monopoly, hell yeah! Nintendo really would need to make quality games if they controlled everything that was released on their platform, it's not like they could just exploit their complete control of the industry, raise prices and lower quality. x
  11. This is an absymal attempt to explain why Nintendo might struggle and the comparison pretty much falls to pieces in my eyes. I can't even begin where you think there is any sort of a trend, it doesn't even worth bare going over. Nintendo don't even need to cater to everyone they are as currently the casual market is a blue ocean they can just keep harvesting from. I'd say most people are satisfied with the games though they're making, as they're all breaking records for Nintendo sales wise and show no signs of slowing down. It's kind of ironic as that whole post just sort of proved what you quoted of me lol.
  12. Lots of games you call shovalware and enjoyed by lots of people - who then go out to buy the sequels. They're not being conned, they're not idiots, they enjoy the games and them going out to buy further iterations just show their please with these games. Not everyone wants to play a Zelda or Mario, and this was true well before the DS and Wii started sparking this dumbass casual vs hardcore argument. It's pure elitism on your part to begrudge the Wii's library cause it has lots of games you don't like - fair enough some of the shovalware is of such poor quality and lacking actual functuality that is shouldn't make it to market, but this still happens on the HD consoles too. Alot of casual games are actually really well designed for their market and alot of money is pumped into them to make sure they're accessible to their intended audience. I'll say it again, Neogamer, you're getting your own opinions and views mixed in with whether Nintendo's strategy is going to be successful.
  13. Difficulty is my biggest gripe, lack of. I'm not asking games to be stupidly difficult, that can put me off if the game doesn't hold it's fun factor, but nowadays there are too many games you can just stroll through without any sort of problem or issue. The game gets boring if it doesn't challenge me throughout - of course its worse when the challenge is unfair due to poor game mechanics or whatever.
  14. Neogamer I've been trying to read what you're saying but non of it is making any sense to me. You're trying to apply your own ideals and thoughts to the strategy of marketing and selling a console worldwide, non of it makes sense. I don't think the lack of AAA games or amount of shovalware really effects the console - the average Wii house hold buys ~ 3 games per years (Check the NPD reports) so Nintendo's line up of Wii Sports Resort, NSMB, Wii Fit Plus, Mario and Sonic 2 and the third party stuff should easily suffice. The PS2 was never harmed by its software line up either, and that had tons of **** on it. Nintendo are making their games more accessible - SMG was very easy to complete (just 60 stars!) And MP3 had a hint system take you through the game step by step with an easy difficulty setting. TLW was a GameCube game and targeted at the core Nintendo fan, I found it piss easy but again had that hint system. The fact these games are all outselling their Gamecube iterations shows that they must have appealed to a larger audience then before (Especially Mario Kart). So why are sales down? Well the obvious reason is the current economy - thats why all console sales are down (Except for the price-cut PS2). I'd also point that in the quarter you're comparing them to last year they launched Smash Bros, MArio Kart Wii and Wii Fit with the asscociated marketing blitz for each, whereas their release schedule this year is more Q2 (Jul-Sept) / Q3 (Oct - Dec) heavy. The biggest question for Nintendo is what next - Wii HD will probably launch before Sony and Microsoft announce another console and with both of those reaching a mainstream pricepoint by then - plus their further attempts to catch the casual market I do wonder if Nintendo will be able to continue their success. There's no point in either of us debating something so speculative though.
  15. Motion Plus's future to me is very iffy, there is really no incentive to develope a game for it except a few games supporting it as to 'stand out' in the market. Sure enough I'm sure EA only supported it cause they got a deal with Nintendo to bundle the things. I think Red Steel 2's delay also is related to worries over the attatchment, it's supposed to exclusively support the thing but Ubisoft are maybe worried the market size won't be as big as they're hoping. I don't think Sony's tech or Natal will fare much better at retail for games, but I can see alot of developers making motion games for them to release via PSN as XBLA - imo that business model far more suits the 'added peripheral' type market if the publishers can get the hardware into households in the first place. I'm not really sure how Motion Plus could be used to interest me... Grand Slam Tennis did look pretty good though but I'll need a price drop to get tempted.
  16. I use a 22'' monitor with HDMI input for my PS3 at uni as I don't wanna take my TV up there. Didn't cost that much (Was B'day present so dunno cost but less then £200), picture quality is fine and stuff.
  17. I'll talk about gaming as much as any other hobby / interest, whether that be sports, music, physics, festivals blah blah. If people still think gaming is some kid's hobby acne faced geeks do and that no one else has any interest in whatsoever then let them judge, I couldn't honestly care. Why would people honestly be secretive about playing video games in the 21st century? :S
  18. IT's not from the guys behind LBP. It looked fun, I'm not sure a racing game can contain the genius and creativity that LBP showed off though. Sort of feel like I'd get sick playing the same racing game over and over again... waiting for 4 player local multiplayer to be confirmed.
  19. Why should I spend full price on a game, when there are lots of awesome games I've not played that I want to in the £15 - £20 range? I don't owe these companies anything, it's a business and I've just as much right to buy games at the prices I feel I want too, then spend full price just cause they need the help, or something. If they give me a reason to buy it at full price, i will, otherwise there's no possible reason to. Lots of people sitll can't afford to buy games at full price... Like me... unless I don't go out for that week (Which ain't gonna happen).
  20. Got my ticket + Confrimation email before 8, line up is iffy but theres plenty of good bands playing yet to be confirmed. Sure some of you will be interested, Lostprophets are headlining the R1 tent (not Sure whether it's Fri or Sun) and the other headliner of the tent is also a 'rock' band .
  21. ToD was a fun, different game seeing as i've been without platformers lately. However it really didn't stand out in the shadow of SMG. I dunno how I feel about a sequel, just seems a bit... again? yanno, how much Ratchet and Clank can I stomach. I'll get it cheap no doubt, this year is shaping up rediculous for my wallet. Wanted and Wheelman are getting pretty solid reviews too, intend to pick them up once I find them below £20. So many games to catch up on ^_^.
  22. Alot of 'multiplatform' Wii games arn't really multiplatform. Taking COD:WAW for instance, the Wii version really isn't the PS360 version - it was made by a different team entirely at Treyarch, on it's own engine, with it's own artists, and codes etc. It shared some resources like Voice acting, perhaps even some art stuff but it's pretty much a different game from the PS360 version, just with the same title, and same story, and same level design etc. If I was going to say a true multiplatform title it'd be Sonic Unleashed. That was made on the Wii then upscaled and 'improved' for the HD consoles, it's only really viable to do it that way, and is normally at a loss to the HD systems... which is why it only happens with games like Sonic, Crash Bandicoot, Spyro etc. But er, games coming to all systems in some form? That Wolverine game, GI Joe...mmm. Corrention, the PC retail market has been declining. The PC gaming market still generates more revenue then any individual console or handheld every yeah, and that's including their hardware sales revenue, which PC doesn't have the luxary to receive.
  23. HOTD Overkill is stuttering at retail. Like the bundle of HOTD 2 and 3 it's struggling at a high price point, 2&3 found their way to a million units but most of them sales were at a heavily reduced retail price - not very useful for SEGA. Overkill's strong retail presense shows SEGA put some money behind marketing but it's not really paying off. Mad World it's too early to say, but first week / few day sales in various regions are pretty passable. I never expect a game of that style to sell anyway, I doubt it'll hold strong sales in the preceeding weeks. Nothing to inspire third parties to make more core games, but I don't think these were the best attempts at doing it. Conduit should sell really well, albeit I can see it bombing hard outside the US.
  24. Why would anyone buy this when you can get the PC version for like £5? It might have nicer graphics... and a few new levels maybe, but surely not £30's worth of extra content!?
  25. His rant is priceless, he's a complete idiot. The best quote for me is when he calls Nintendo's Wii strategy "Going after the niche mass-market". Ahahaha. I can sort of see where some of what he's saying comes from, and the profit margins arn't exactly too nice on the Wii for American sales at least, plus the fact retailers are so shitty about taking in Wii games. He's made is far too biased to take serious though. The Invisible Walls crew were all clearly taking the piss out of him as he said it too lol.
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