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Everything posted by jammy2211

  1. If Monster Hunter could turn Capcom a profit in the West, then they'd bring it to the west. It's just common sense, it's obviously lost them money in the past bringing it over here so why bother in the future? You thinking MH3 would sell well or whatever is great, but Capcom have market research, previous sales / finance figures of the game to go by, rather then you and your... thinking. I still think MH3 will come to America though, just not Europe unless it's a surprise hit.
  2. You're right, The Conduit is better looking then Uncharted and Dead Space. Consistenly speaking, of course.
  3. The only reason it's not been released is because Capcom don't see any profit in the game for them. Perhaps Capcom should employ you in charge of their finances instead though? You seem to have a better perspective then Capcom on how to make money...
  4. Well, that could be useful, if all 3 of my flatmates bring their Wii to our uni house, and have their own TV's to play it on, and all buy The Conduit. I need some other multiplayer games, you can only play Smash Bros and Mario Kart 64 so many times lol. Mario Galaxy and MEtroid Prime had far more style then this. And they looked technically better too, but they had style too. Maybe The Conduit has just been, hiding it's aulustrious jungle settings and awesome ice capped mountain peaks for later trailers or something?
  5. Looked quite interesting, I do wonder if this is a sort of trend we may expect, PS360 games being completely redesigned on the Wii but being the same game, of sorts? I'd rather just see this come to the PS3 to be honest . Always gutted I've not been able to get it, the Wii version looks alright mind you.
  6. It has no split screen multiplayer... wtf 0_o. Can't believe I just read that lol. I was sort of starting to see parralels to this and the Goldeneye / Perfect Dark on the N64 . Arg. But mmm, I dunno how it'll turn out, I really can't figure this game out lol.
  7. Good rant mcj, I find it amusing all the Sonic fanboys hyping up every possible game in the hope that it'll be good. It's like what? 4 months since Unleashed came out, and that was yet another complete let down. I just don't get how SEGA get away with it like this, if Activision made one bad Call of Duty or Capcom one bad Resident Evil they'd have their market eaten up by all the other publishers and the series would be null and void. Sonic Team can just keep releasing poor game after poor game and the fanbase keep coming back to swallow it up 0_o.
  8. It's a full retail release, no one's going to buy Halo 3 (first hand) once the 'expansion pack' is out.
  9. It'll sell alot better in the west, that doesn't mean it needs to sell well though. But yeah it won't be Japan exclusive I'm sure, no one makes a new IP like this and then keeps it in just Japan... Europe though? Might depend on USA performance.
  10. This has to come out in the West, it's going to flop hard if it relies on just Japan sales 0_o.
  11. It was Halo 3 and Super Mario Galaxy. And er, it's hard to tell who'll win out. Probs SMG as the new Halo thingy will kill Halo 3 sales.
  12. Battlefront 3 has been moved to another developer, they did the PSP version of battlefront I think. It's still alive, just that build has been moved to a team who didn't build it, and have never worked on PS360. 0_o.
  13. There is definitely a stigma about the Wii among some major publishers and developers. Alot of developement teams who are more successful on the PS360 sort of look down on the Wii, shuddering at the thought of developing for it. Epic Games were the only ones to come out publically and say it, but then I don't think anyone else has done better off the HD systems this gen then Epic lol. The difference between the PS2 and PS1 gen is publishers are seeing good returns on PS360 developement so it's hard to justify taking support away from the systems, especially when the studio's you allocate to Wii software probably don't want to develope for it. All my experience is based on Western developement though, which will always focus on PS360, just like they've ignored the DS for it's entire lifetime (Aside from stuff like Petz etc). I'm not sure what the attitude is like over in Japan but developement over there is turning more and more like the west.
  14. I didn't really both to expand on my statement, but I think you pretty much did. Shooters, racers, if they look bad, then that's pretty much a sign how far the rest is going. Most of the games you listed looked great at the time, I really don't get where you pulled some of them from either 0_o. Body Harvest was a great looking N64 game, especially when you consider the fact it was this huge open world with vehicles and everything, stuff that does restrict graphics potential. Boom Blox I think looked alright too, nice style, couldn't ask for much more. Obviously it varies from genre to genre (And generation to generation).
  15. Megaman 9 looked great.
  16. If a game looks ****, then it's pretty much a testament to how the whole game is going to pan out. Games can look amazing but be pretty crap, I can't think of an example the other way round.
  17. I'm at uni so chances are it'll be mid February by the time I'm done with Bioshock, but anyway, the Q1 games I intend to buy eventually. Resident Evil 5 Bionic Commando Street Fighter IV Killzone 2 Skate 2 review-pending Chrono Trigger DS and Mad World if it's Q1? I do have a stupidly long backlog though so chances are I'll just end up waiting for these to all go cheap lol. Little King Story I'll get once it's cheaper too.
  18. I don't think they're sexist, if they make a game they feel is aimed at girls, and their market research tells them 85% of consumers for this product are female that's not sexist. If their games with guns and blood are believed to sell to 75% boys whereas the horse ranchers are 75% girls, whats sexist about that? I doubt anything that Ubisoft have said can't be backed up with facts. The second paragraph the guy above bolded isn't from a Ubisoft rep, albeit it may be verging on the sexist at the same time it's just psychology and probably again got alot of truth behind it. The one thing I think Ubisoft are wrong about is that you can't make a game for a boy and girl. They do sometimes get too hung up on demographics and miss the bigger picture, they're very successful at what they do though. I never saw any major outfall from when Yorkie launched the 'it's not for girls' campaign thingy. I always thought that was a shit storm in a can waiting to be opened, but no, I don't think that was sexist either, for the same reasons.
  19. Famitsu scores really make no sense, it's hardly the testament to quality that er, IGN or Gametrailers are, if you follow that stuff. But yeah, this looks interesting. I'll pick it up cheap, or something.
  20. No. 10charwtf.
  21. There isn't alot to add really, the Wii is full of crap and the more full of crap it becomes the harder it is to stand out Albeit some may argue it becomes 'easier' to stand out amongst the crap, I feel this would only be true if your audience were more informed and better educated (which assumes they don't enjoy the 'crap' in the first place). While comparisons to the Atari 2600 are laughable, it is no doubt becoming a problem for the Wii, and once these 'crap' games reach minimal retail prices it's going to escalate even further. Ultimately it to me reads as an excuse for 2k to ignore the Wii and justify developement for the PS360. I'd imagine it's not to that extreme though, especially after their success with Carnival Games. He does make a valid point though.
  22. You do realise that when a $50 Wii game is sold over 50% of that money doesn't go back to Activision's bank balance? Even with that in mind it'll still have done healthy if it sold at full retail price for those 500k, whether it was full retail for the long haul though I've not a clue. I think if the next COD is on Wii then it won't be made by Infinity Ward, albeit could easily use the same story etc. WAW's sales are probably irellevenent as if they're making a Wii verison it'd have been decided before WAW's release. I'm not sure what Activision are going to do though, as the next James Bond game coming out near xmas this year is supposedly PS360 exclusive, unless they've got another company in to produce the Wii verison. Hmmm..
  23. I'm sure Assassin's Creed more then made up for the lack-lustre figures of er... Beowolf... and er... Endwar? But yeah, Ubisoft arn't really that talented of a developer. They made a good Prince of Persia game and then screwed up every sequel, Assassin's Creed was a huge let down and having 10 Tom Clancy games in your library doesn't inspire much confidence. They did make Beyond Good and Evil though, which I've still not had a chance to play . Keep meaning to until the sequel hits us though... sigh.
  24. Marvelous could be A Link To The Past? Remake for WiiWare? For DS? Can't be arsed with another Sonic / Mario collab though, never got the appeal myself. Would rather see Square-Enix make a new Mario RPG then SEGA try combine it with Sonic, or something.
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