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Everything posted by jammy2211

  1. Bioshock says hi... and Half life 2. And Halo 1 :/. And lots more, er yeah. Red Steel was a good game with horrible horrible flaws.
  2. I was bored of Red Steel by the point I got to the slow motion bit. Saying that, I had Twilight Princess unwrapped waiting for me to play it, so I guess once I started that Red Steel was an after thought. Red Steel 2 is interesting, it was in developement hell for Ubisoft for a while. I think they're banking on the success of the first too much with the sequel probably over-estimating how much appeal the second has, but if they can get good reviews it should be okay. Will be interesinting to see something non casual from Ubisoft though.
  3. While SCE's terrible management of the gaming division hasn't help the real problem is the global recession combined with the stupidly strong Yen. That's going to hurt any company, even Toyota are posting a loss I think. Sony have been heading to problems anyway but it was never going to hit them that hard unless it was extreme circumstances, like it is now lol.
  4. I sort of enjoyed it, but for a show type thing like this it was just meh. Why was it like, HEY IM GONNA INVITE ALL MY FRIENDS OVER AND TALK ABOUT GAMES. Just seemed unprofessional, but still, there is still a lack of these gaming discussion things so I may follow it for a bit. Invisible Walls wins for now though.
  5. Chances are they've played COD5 at some media events or something. But yeah, the list was meh. Bayonetta 5th? yikes. Need more Brutal LEgend, and Prototype, and InFamous, and Tekken 6.... and lots lots more.
  6. http://www.joystiq.com/2009/01/21/poles-big-adventure-segas-countdown-to-reveal-8-bit-wiiware-t/ DUN DUN DEEEEER. Looks er weird, not the sort of 8-bit resurrection I'm into though. Is cheap though so may check it out.
  7. Depends how much Microsoft paid for it's exclusivity... Wow, 3 third party Wii games in the top 100 0_o.
  8. Provided they don't put this in the Christmas Glut of games I'll be sure to be an early adopter then. Would be great to have something like this over summer or in the early weeks back at uni, I'll get it one way or another. Sounds interesting anyway, another game for the list.
  9. Well obviously, I literally said it in what you quoted.
  10. In the press it's generally 'accepted' to be as positive as possible with a preview, normally falling back on the old if you don't like this, it should be fixed by release. It's hard to find a negative preview, and in my experience the ones the devs care most about are the ones which state possible niggles or problems. But yeah, I've never thought this game would be a repetitive motion-waggler or anything. Quite looking forward to it .
  11. But you don't know how long it will take until it gets boring, until you've played it that long. You can 'guess' it might not get boring but you don't know. I just don't think the media is in a position to make these promises of longetivity after short plays. And I don't think SEGA have sent out any preview builds as my site hasn't received any yet and we normally get most of SEGA's preview stuff. Might be different in the States though.
  12. Those previews make me laugh. one literally said "We only played it for 5 minutes, but it won't get repetitive after playing it for an hour!". Not slating into Mad World or anything but that's just a laughable contradiction. You can't tell from 5 minutes how long until it gets boring. But yeah, aside from laughing at stupid journalists, it's getting alot of media hype and it's all been very posititve. Not long until the final verdict now, is there much coming out to compete with it? :/.
  13. Not a clue if any of you are interested but the site I work on has a tournament thingy going on with the winners playing the developers. I'll copy and paste the N4G article...mmm: http://www.n4g.com/gaming/NewsCom-263040.aspx?CT=1#Comments
  14. All games on the Aussie rating board are multiplat, even MArio Kart and Mario Strikers lol.
  15. I'm definitely getting this for PS3. Absolutely no idea what it is or how it plays but I've been pretty hooked on WRPG's lately, think it's due to the lack of JRPGs lol.
  16. To me it shows that third parties need recogniseable brands on the Wii - Sonic, Resdient Evil, Star Wars, High School Musical, Sims etc. They're all household names, and it would appear that most the Wii userbase will only buy what it can recognise. Advertising is important but if you're going to advertise a game like Nintendo do a million sales isn't really a good return for the risk you're putting in, and it seems most third parties will struggle to go beyond that. Equally if it allows you to make a recogniseable brand but not get strong profits initially then it's worth it - See what EA are doing with the MySims brand. I'm eagerly anticipating to see how the major publishers will tackle the Wii in the upcoming years, from what I've seen the best approach for the big publishers is get a strong brand and then milk it for all it's worth. Sonic says hi.
  17. He got them off of VGChartz if you go to the million sellers list for the 'world'. The list is a sorry sight for third parties lol. Albeit it does hold some hope.
  18. 500k sold at full retail price is a huge success. Equally is a game like Zack and Wiki with low developement costs and without a marketing budget, albeit I'm sure the figure weren't as favourable as alot of people dream up as it did get hit hard by retail price cuts (In America anyway). It all depends on context really.
  19. You have alot of figures wrong, for every copy Capcom manufacture it'll cost rougly $4 in shipping / manufacturing / taxes, then an additional $6 to pay royalties to Nintendo (Which they pay during manufacturing, not after the game is sold). That puts costs of making 500k of the game around $5 million. Then they'll sell to retail each copy around $30 dollars per copy, albeit I'm basing that off the cut UK retailers take so it could be more or less. Retailers won't take all 500k up at once, either, but you can see the figures become less favourable. Sure Capcom can still make a tidy profit if they sell alot of those copies at full retail price, but how often does that happen on the Wii? There are often costs like translation, server hosting, PAL Conversion, marketing (maybe lol) etc. It doesn't look like a great 'deal' to me.
  20. And that's pretty much why it doesn't make alot of sense for Capcom to market this game in the west, and ultimately raises questions to the point of bring it to the West at all. New IP's are becoming less common because, well, whats the point. Why try and make a big new brand when Capcom can just release another Devil May Cry or Resident Evil or Street Fighter and be guranteed to have large sales before they've even spent a penny on the marketing. A new IP can keep low on marketing but get big sales from press hype and strong reviews. This has it's only gambles too, and doesn't seem as prevalent for a game on the Wii then PS360. I think EA is the best example of this, they're desperately struggling to get a huge IP they can release every 1-2 years on PS360 and get huge sales. Activision and Call of Duty, Ubisoft have Assassin's Creed, EA are still struggling somewhat I think.
  21. The Developement costs are irellevent to be honest, as the Japanese sales will cover them. The real costs will be from producing enough copies to fill retail and maintaining and setting up the server in the west, which isn't really going to be worth it if it doesn't sell that big. The last Monster Hunter sold a good 550k in the west, but I think Capcom were put off as that was majorly helped by retail price cuts and PSP bundles, both of which will have cut the revenue they made from the game heavily. If it's built up a fanbase who'll buy the next at launch then they could justify it, maybe. They'll try Monster Hunter 3 out in America for sure, I've got a feeling it's going to struggle for sales in Japan though which may put them off porting at all.
  22. I do have a feeling VGChartz figures are over-tracked, albeit it was probably helped alot by being one of the only PSP games on the market to get good reviews in that period, less competition will always lead to greater sales. I think it was bundled at some point too? I know the PS2 game was a sales disaster, and when you're spending alot of money to translate, convert, manufacture, ship and pay royalties on the game while having a capable server being setup and maintained it just doesn't work out financially viable. As for marketing the game, not gonna happen. Costs too much money, it'd make much more sense Capcom spending a marketing budget on another Resident Evil game for Wii or something.
  23. Oh I hope this isn't a sign of whats going to happen to Dead Rising 2. Still need Dead Rising to come to the PS3 anyway, sigh.
  24. I've just never been bothered by a graphical tear or slow framerate now and then. Guess it just doesn't bother me, I grew up playing games online on the PS2 though, so I've probably just been accutomed to this sort of thing lol. But yeah, it would appear I did miss the point. My apologies. I do think a smooth frame rate is especially important for the Wii though, with an FPS. It'd be hard to keep track of the controls when you start running at < 15 FPS, so hopefully High Voltage can nail it.
  25. I think GTA III's attatch rate to Wii Fit / Mario Kart was similiar when it launched. It does seem odd comparing the top selling games, nor do I really see the point 0_o. PS2's attatch rate fall is generally more attributed to the pre-owned market, no one buys PS2 games first hand now and it was pretty much like that into it's later life cycle. Wii's not been heavily effected by this yet but it does pose some interesting problems for the consoles future years.
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