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Everything posted by jammy2211

  1. Fiddlesticks.
  2. http://www.consolegaming.eu/newspost.php?id=1372 Interesting...
  3. Retailers choose how much stock they order, not the publisher. It could sell out it's initial stock and still be a flop, if the retailers just didn't but into the product. It's an irellevent figure to be honest. The game flopped in Japan I'm sure, it's not going to hit 6 figures... I doubt that'll see Namco any sort of a return. Probably come to the west though.
  4. Oh for god sake, whenever I think of buying a Wii game the sequel is always announced before I get around to it. Same with DS, sigh. Looks cool though, gonna be living in a flat with some mates next year so I'll probably pick this up for multiplayer .
  5. Can't believe you didn't put a rumour tag on this to begin with. But yeah, bit of a stupid thing to do. Oh well, we'll see if any news that comes from THQ is close to this...hmm.
  6. Dead Rising didn't flop on 360, it did really well, just Capcom see it as their best money making opportunity, most likely after the success of the Resident Evils. It's the same premise really, shoot zombies etc. Dead Rising 2 is coming to PS360 btw... just encase you're interested As for Zack and Wiki, it sold well (According to VGchartz....) but most of those sales were after retail price cuts, it had an iffy initial reception and once retailers cut the price then revenue is nearing minimal. Nintendo published it in Europe, and DID give it TV advertising, and it struggled even more here, so I doubt Capcom investing millions of dollars into a Z&W advertising campaign would have made any sense. I still think we'll see a sequel... EDIT: Just seen Sven on the Capcom-uninity boards hinted at Zack and Wiki not making a profit too, so it's not just a misquote or whatever supposedly. Guess some figures somewhere are way-off, I'd imagine retailers cut this games price VERY quickly. EDIT 2: Quote from Sven on Capcom-unity (Not in reply to me): Dam you VGchartz *Shakes fist*
  7. Trailer was great but the music needs to be changed. Interesting non the less.
  8. It wasn't sarcastic. Mmmmmmm.
  9. Dead Space has been EA's best success of the holiday season (Along with Left 4 Dead). It's nearing the 1.5 million milestone (Without PC sales) and still holds it's full retail price, one of the few games to do that at the majority of retailers this Christmas. I'm sure they covered developement costs well before it reached the 500k mark and total costs somewhere around 600k - 700k. The game being a success is as much reason to bring it to the Wii as it is if the game flops.
  10. He's hinting at Dead Space Wii .
  11. Ubisoft seem amazing at ripping off Nintendo. First Nintendogs, then Brain Ages, then Wii Fit, maybe throw in the Rayman RR game as a Mario Party rip off, and now Smash Bro's. But yeah, this looks pretty forgetable at the moment, will give it more attention once I see gameplay footage. It just looks like a Smash Bros clone with no where near the appeal or anywhere close to the amount of content.
  12. I'm looking forward to this, great concept. Might not be that great, see how it pans out. A March release seems awfully early for something I've heard minimal about though.
  13. Yeah, like most betas :/.
  14. Less competition, I'd guess. I mean, aside from GAME and GameStation (Who are owned by the same company) there are no major game retailers. Sure there are alot of places which do video games but that's about it. Not sure how it is in mainland Europe mind you.
  15. Fair enough, although I find it hard to believe they're the only games you can possibly be looking forward to on the other systems. But yeah, one mans garbage is another mans treasure, or something like that.
  16. I didn't say that, I just said it was pathetic that he wished people with families to feed would lose their jobs just because supposedly they disagree with him. Considering he's never met these people in person it surprises me he even cares, not to mention has such a hatred towards them. And @metroid, they didn't 'go under'. I'm not sure the whole story but some big media company bought them out and then fired most of their staff and is doing some crazy stuff with their site now.
  17. It took over a week for me to receive Bioshock but that was during the xmas period. Play can takes ages though.
  18. Oh noes, a business which has the aim of selling opinions, sold an opinion you don't like. It really is quite pathetic 0_o.
  19. Doesn't bother me, it's gonna have the best games for me whether they sell more systems or not. Also at the Giutar Hero vs Rock Band thing, wasn't Rock Band 2 like staggered releases because Microsoft paid for timed-exlucisve? I'm sure EA made plenty of money off of giving Microsoft an advantage.
  20. I love it when hard working people are fired from their jobs unjustly, just cause they disagree with my opinions.
  21. It should clear be on DS. That game is meant to be a handheld game...
  22. Sony have had alot of 'problems' with management of late. The Strong Yen has hit them hardest, most of their manufacturing is in Japan, so when the Yen is high, obviously they're going to lose out. Hell, I think pretty much every company in Japan is reporting losses this year, except Nintendo. Then the recession has destroyed their position as the high-end of the electronics market. Sony's problem is they didn't have a back-up plan for if people literally couldn't afford high-end products, and now they're in the shit. And to be honest, at the moment, not selling the PS3 is probably the best thing for Sony :P.
  23. 16k is pretty bad, looking at 50k life MAXIMUM and that's being very generous. I always wonder how a company like Namco will take it. Will they feel they HAVE to port it to stand a chance at recouping costs, or just write it off as a flop and get rid of it from their memory for good. It does surprise me though, third parties just can't sell software on the console in Japan, unless its from Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest. Not sure if Fragile was ever the type of game to sell big though :/.
  24. It's got lots of games, not sure if there are any really huge epic awesome stand out games yet. Mad World could be just that though, has the potential no doubt. But yeah, lists have pretty much covered it.
  25. It sold 16k first day in Japan. And although you really couldn't have expected much higher... you can't help but say ouch.
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