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Everything posted by D-Day

  1. Lol, do you know how many people have asked me that . And to think I started off with one in each ear! I know how you feel, I want a proper artist myself to draw it, as I really want it perfect and so I can totally get use to the look. Once I'm clear and happy in all departments, I'll go for it. Oh looking at Paul A. Romano's stuff, I would myself
  2. Wow, I always said to myself I only want one tatoo, and I said that I'd get a tree too, or something like a leaf, that natural feel! But I'm impressed, and I like So I currently have no tattoos, but from the reaction of quite a few guys and piercings in this thread, I'm in the other box . I currently have 7 piercings in total, all in my ears. Five in my left and two in my right. In my left ear, I have three in my lob and two at the top, and in my right ear I have one in the lob and one at the top. I know its really imbalanced with the sides but I like it like that. I'd send in a picture... but not now.
  3. Well I'm in that boat too. But I don't know anyone who likes 'players choice' range of games full stop. The case to do otherwise doesn't help with the look of the PS3 ones. But I am also hoping the other ones get a price cut too, I've played Motor Storm and I would definitely pick it up for a cut price amongst some others.
  4. Thankyou , next will be the giraffes well I may get a chance to help out some of the people who take care of the animals, so you never know. But the most important thing was getting myself in there. I know, one of the workers said to me himself (he also sweeps and stuff, but at a different part of London Zoo), so he told me he'll show me the 'ropes'. I'm actually kind of excited.
  5. Well... I'll mainly be sweeping the grounds but also kind of helping out in the shops because I've worked in retail. But because of the course I've switched too in September, I told the guy who hired me and he said that I can speak to the guys who are responsible for that and possibly even helping them out from time to time (as it's not like I'll have to be constantly sweeping from 8-5)!
  6. I have the collecters case too (just like Choze), got it from the Neo-Empire event that happened in London over the weekend. Still have to wait till Friday for the game though. It's true though, you don't really need it, but it's cool nevertheless, and me as hardcore fan of the series am happy enough with it. At the event itself, Soul Calibur 4 was playable! And please let me tell you, if you had your doubts about the game, throw them away totally (atleast for the games fighting engine). The game is absolutely glorious, to really say the least, and is the biggest overhaul overall since Soul Blade to Soul Calibur (but obviously not as big). The guard impact/ parrying system has been tweaked (mainly for the one hit finishers I'm guessing), but makes it all the more vital because of that. Oh, and it is far more balanced than three too! The game is still totally accessible to newcomers too, but there is more depth to it than before, so button bashing doesn't quite have the same effect . There is a lot more I could say about this game but I think Play Magazines Review is almost spot on (from what I've played). http://www.play-mag.co.uk/ps3/games/soul_calibur_iv/soul_calibur_iv.html Oh but on a side note, Yoda is flipping annoying I'm personally not a big fan of his (at the moment), but some will be. He is over-powered and short, so most highs totally miss him. The 360 version was there so I couldn't try out Vader, but on another note, the 360 pad grew on me with this game, it's not that bad at all. I really can't wait for this!!
  7. I'm throwing a party at London Zoo soon because... I FINALLY HAVE A JOB... AND IT'S AT LONDON ZOO Hooray!!! the long road has been completed. Plus London Zoo is cooler than working at quite a few places!!!
  8. Happy B'day Serebii!!! Here's a bouquet of Roselia for you OK, not quite a bouquet, but Happy Birthday anyway!
  9. Its going to be present at this even here!!! http://www.battleofdestiny.com/index.htm I really hope I can make it on Sunday, just to try out this and SC4! And Cammy needs to be in home console versions, her first appearance was at the same as Akuma and she has popped up in quite a few Street Fighter and Street Fighter Crossover/ Mash up games, so it makes sense
  10. I really need to see the Dark Knight, rave reviews everywhere I turn (here, the web, friends etc.) Its my goal to see it next week. Eenuh, the cake looks wonderful! (and there goes the sound of my stomach) But as for todays activities... FINALLY GOT AN INTERVIEW!!! Never been so happy, just to have an interview but I'm going to make this count! London Zoo would be an absoloutely epic place to work at It'd look great for my course too! I'm not family with Bishing but I'll definitely check it out!
  11. ^ That is a heck of a combination! Forgive me Jay7 and mysterious other (providing the other person doesn't know its me), I haven't sent my CD's off yet, so bloody busy trying to nail down a job, house sorting (for next uni year) and bothering with Student Finance I didn't get time to grab a couple of jiffy bags and some stamps, but I'll be on it tomorrow without a doubt.
  12. And thats disgusting *feels for UziT*. A few people in my old secondary school were beat up for Pokemon cards too. People went mad over 'teh shineez'! O_O! I want pics! Sounds impressive to say the least!
  13. I was still collecting them when the EX range (althoiugh there are loads of EX sets) came out, so I was there supporting that £2.50 for 9 price tag (well to a degree). Truth is, I only totally stopped collecting just over a year and a half ago. Me a friend use to play (pretty much the proper rules), it was a nice alternative to things so I think thats why we kept on collecting. Ah memories...!
  14. Man... this thread is making hungry and I ate an hour ago!!! Well like Coolness Bears , I'd like some ofJay7's baguette too!! But I'd like a vertical strip so I get everything too The ultimate baguette is still something I haven't found for myself yet, but I have had some disturbing sandwiches and witnessed people eating some disturbing sandwiches. For example, I've seen someone eat a mayonnaise sandwich, containing nothing but mayonnaise. That didn't go down well with me, and I weren't even the one eating it
  15. My thoughts exactly, the off the wall factor is enough to keep loads of people engaged alone, let alone the quality this game may possess. Fingers crossed that we get this. I still can't really adjust to Birdo's look, but I'm intruiged to see (and experience) more! (Including more Birdo)
  16. (Without saying that I totally agree and repeating the same thing) The random groans and noises during conversation really do become evident when you can't understand what your reading (therefore, really focusing on the audio). The box art is gorgeous, the game radiants with a particular charm and I can't wait to purchase it when it's released.
  17. Ha ha, of course not, just remember when you listen to my CD, have a totally open mind (there's atleast 6 different genres on there so I guess that has to be the case anyway). I guess I'll have some bragging rights for the new cover then! (that's if anyone really cares). I just need your address too and I'll make sure (pretty much) that it's sent off tomorrow.
  18. 1800k?!? But yeah, it was like that for me last year too. I got the most at the end of April, and I had just over a month of university left . Well, all that went on bills anyway!! Infact, because one of my housemates have gone AWOL, the rest of us have to pay his quarter now! And yeah, I don't think it's that bad, but I do have a friend that left McD's 3 weeks after she started... I fully agree with everything you said, still, it was a bit of shock to see that randomly!
  19. Lol, definitely not you!! But errrr, I don't think I should name drop, besides the thread has been locked, and rightly so! (*total gossip fuel*) It saddens me though, just a bit of change in my pocket for uni would be nice. If McDonalds came with an offer right now... I'd take it without a seconds thought, overtime included! (I need it that bad)
  20. and £4 from market. The weather is perfect for them, especially the Raspberries!
  21. Lol, I was going to do the same with the tracklistings but they'll discover it once they pop the CD into their disc drive (providing they use a computer). Besides, I've written it out already. The music should just be enjoyed for it is though. Jay7, I got the PM and cheers , I'm sending off the goods tomorrow! Oh, and yes I really wouldn't mind your CD (if you can be bothered )
  22. See Eenuh, I feel your pain!!! SOMEONE THROW ME A JOB!!! Just been to Brook Street Agencies and although I was assisted by a very nice lady, even she said that work is thin and totally hard to come by at the moment!!! I'm going to go back to university poorer than when than when I finished in June!! And sweaty people on a packed bus on a hot day = not cool! Oh and just to throw a bone out there, I realised who I do and don't really have respect for here after seeing a particular thread (had to get that out my system). Please job, I need you!
  23. Ha ha, D-d, that one could totally grow on me. I was kind of joking with my response, you shouldn't feel bad, I understand that sometimes we just miss things out . Nice way to try and implement me into this. I'll definitely send you my CD, if a second pops along, I'll be more than happy to send them one too. Again, it is totally cool, you really shouldn't feel bad
  24. You beat me to it! Was going to pretty much say the same thing. But that is how a lot of smaller companies would operate, they aren't large enough, so if they see an infringement in anyway on them (especially if it may 'potentially' block them in some way because it is a large company) then court is the result. Money is the issue. Well I started reading it, then I skimmed the rest but I think you have it spot on. Couldn't help but laugh when they said the Wii remote is the rectangle one that comes with the console.
  25. Yes I did! You sent me a response to it on Sunday too, saying this: Well, I see the love has vacated... I'll just take my two burnt CDs and scurry off then... after I spent a good amount of time on it too
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