I've thought about languages a lot since coming to Uni. Not only am I in London as opposed to the MUCH less multi-cultural Scotland, but Uni obviously brings in people from all over the world. Next year I'm living with a Dutchman, and Italian and an Englishwoman.
So yeah, it's made me really sad that we English generally don't give a shit about learning other languages, and when we do, it seems to be given much less importance, since "everyone else learns English"...
Anyway. Tonight I started learning basic phrases in Afrikaans. Which I want to learn. And while I have relatives in South Africa, I don't have any immediate plans to go there. I just felt like it. It's quite similar to Dutch so will see what my friend thinks of my progress. (Hoe gaan dit? Goed, en met jou?)
So this thread can be about anything language-based. What do members outside the UK think about languages? etc etc blah balh