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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. Paj!


    The changes basically don't affect me as I only use it to listen to maybe albums I'm not too sure of or discovering new music. I'm with Chair on the music buying front. I have a thing about ownership.
  2. Paj!

    The Hobbit

    One of the reasons things are shot in 24fps is to give films that cinematic "feel". 48fps might make it look like a home movie or something, lol. Though Jackson seems very visual, I don't think this will be the case.
  3. Less fun. Give me my stupid/camp originals. Or even the Burton one.
  4. My course doesn't do exams. Ever. I do have an essay (only 2000 words though) to do soon though. That's it. And hand in all my work again, and I'm allowed to tweak bits of it but I can't be bothered, except in certain cases.
  5. Nothing. I am a comics fan (one of a relative few in the world compared to fans of...other things, IDK) and I don't buy comics. I can't afford it. I would buy a lot of graphic novels, though that has slowed due to to uni and other monetary commitments. The 20 pages or whatever just more often than not doesn't feel worth the 2.99/whatever price. I was always used to the UK "Collector's Edition" of getting 3 US comics in one issue for that price. Much better value. (Though I know time spent reading being short doesn't equal the time spent on each comic...)
  6. Yeah there was no joke. That was the joke.
  7. It's been 10 days. Have you come to a decision?
  8. REZ LOOK AT THIS My friend from home just texted me saying things along the lines of "hey, how are you/uni/life" etc, then said she was looking foward to seeing me at her house party, as I'd accepted on the facebook event. Then she wrote, LEL
  9. Have fun without me, cunts. *sigh* It's whatever.
  10. It will never not look like a fan-made photoshop job. The mask...! The rest is ok I guess, just terrible cgi intergration (as evidenced in the trailers so far) lets it down. Should have been a physical costume (IMO). The feet might be my favourite bit. And the little glowing lines.
  11. Jesus CHRIST that looks awful.
  12. The font/title of the show is disgusting too. Lower-case "i" is so risky to use, and here looks shit.
  13. I'm enjoying Season Two so far. Also, I got my friend to start watching it. Woo.
  14. While I never like the idea of PURE action films, Superman might be a case where they could just go balls to the wall, action-wise. Have a villain that can challenge him. Even though that idea is almost...boring. Just don't Michael Bay/Zack Snyder it. :/ I liked how in the DCUA cartoon/s, he wasn't as powerful as he is in the comics. Still had all the powers, but generally less great.
  15. Paj!


    I will look at your site, thanks. It was the "HGHGHGHG" noises that crop up in Dutch/Afrikaans that worried me, as well as the rolling R's, since I don't think I can do them (I had speech problems in my past, AND a tongue-tie, which I think would affect the latter), but practicing tonight, I CAN do the guttural "hgh" noises if I try hard enough.
  16. I'm in Orkney, the top shithole of Scotland, until the 20-something of July, I want to say 25th. Can someone impale me? I wish I was a Black Lantern.
  17. I've thought about languages a lot since coming to Uni. Not only am I in London as opposed to the MUCH less multi-cultural Scotland, but Uni obviously brings in people from all over the world. Next year I'm living with a Dutchman, and Italian and an Englishwoman. So yeah, it's made me really sad that we English generally don't give a shit about learning other languages, and when we do, it seems to be given much less importance, since "everyone else learns English"... Anyway. Tonight I started learning basic phrases in Afrikaans. Which I want to learn. And while I have relatives in South Africa, I don't have any immediate plans to go there. I just felt like it. It's quite similar to Dutch so will see what my friend thinks of my progress. (Hoe gaan dit? Goed, en met jou?) So this thread can be about anything language-based. What do members outside the UK think about languages? etc etc blah balh
  18. Flip-flops that I fear are too small for me. - £5 I tried on the right size (10/11) but they felt really big, so I bought 8/9 and now the strap feels too tight. Hopefully will loosen off. Bright yellow thin zip-up hoodie - £15
  19. I could have sworn I JUST posted. Basically. Even though it sounds like Britney has a cold/doesn't deliver the lines at all as well as Rihanna, it feels like such a powerful statement having them both there. A female duet that ISN'T about fighting over the same man is refreshing. Has there ever been such a duet between two "superstar" female singers that is not only directly about sex, but about bondage/S&M? Loves it.
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