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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. Missed it on general release. Wanted to see it. Then it was being specially shown in a cinema while I back home. Missed it. Cuntz. Will get the DVD probs.
  2. ---- Now finished Season 3. Powering through / they're relatively short seasons. I actually am stunned. As a tv show. Too good. Like, please let's forget Battlestar Galactica. Let's just. It feels so REAL. Yet is surreal and quirky when it wants to be, but somehow communicates real life amazingly. So devastating. The entire
  3. Desperate to see Blue Valentine. Meant to be the "overlooked" of the Oscar 'noms from this year.
  4. Also read the one about the woman with the missing cat.
  5. The trident was one of the only stand-out bits of Anchorman for me. The rest was fine. Nothing to write home about.
  6. "I have read your website and it is obviously that your a foggot." Funny e-mail exchange between this guy David Thorne and some redneck foo'.
  7. Although the original is more stunning. I love the music at the end - really sad and mournful, as though their death was predestined/a massive shame.
  8. ??? Are the Pokemon DVDs Region 2? I could need.
  9. I'm going to start spreading I R Artichoke. It's my new favourite thing in life.
  10. Yeah but that image is such a stunning thing. Fact is, it depends on the people around you. If they laugh at it/you, why, and is it ok? If they don't laugh at it/you, why not? If the people laughing are good people what does that mean? If they're cunts/idiots, what does that mean? / This goes into like imagery/symbols/semiotics. If I had a cartoon flowery backdrop nowadays people would just assume I was being ironic. How interesting is that? Uncool is cool. Nicki Minaj uses "Barbie" as her motif and bright pink, while rapping "If I had a dick, I would pull it out and piss on 'em. Shitted on 'em, yeah I just shitted on 'em - put your number 2's in the air if you shitted on 'em" and "I'm a bad bitch, I'm a cunt, and I kick that ho - punt" etc. etc. But that's a seperate topic.
  11. Thread bump. The new Adele album is very nice, and Rumour Has It is a standout. I love the "..RUMAHASET!" bits. This song is too epic for me. CRIME it was put on her album. If you could you would get rid of me Fuck you gonna do when a bitch try to go hard? These birds all fly south for the winter Fuck I look like chompin' on a chicken dinner?!
  12. Saw my uni friends for the first time in 2 weeks+ at the pub tonight.
  13. It's fine. I don't believe in god either. We can be ugly together. Yet I wear an unnecesarry amount of religious imagery on my person. To protect myself from vampires.
  14. @Flink - Well no one likes a stirrer. :p Even though stirring is my favourite thing. The fact of the matter is...we're beautiful in our way cause god makes no mistakes. We're on the right track baby. *closes eyes and raises hand to the sky*
  15. I was saying he looked like a "lesbian stereotype" I suppose, but I never said that was a bad thing. I don't think that look is a bad thing, nor did I say that. Just reminded me of a lesbian woman. :p It's like someone said earlier, people can look "gay" in that they can "look like" a gay person - their exterior/appearance. Not a negative comment.
  16. Oh Nicki, what have you started? -- Offence/lack of offence is interesting. I have thoughts, but they need to mull.
  17. That was my intention. Filthy filthy lezzies.
  18. You look like a lesbian. It might be because you're so thin.
  19. Paj!

    Lady Gaga

    I'm more interested in BLACK JESUS + AMEN FASHION --- I love. Suggesting she killed him. I love her look too - "You?! PLEASE. *stifles laugh*" The upcoming video for Judas has reportedly cost $10 million. :p
  20. I wish I was dead.
  21. Paj!

    Lady Gaga

    Diageo just added me on facebook...what is he planning?
  22. Paj!

    Lady Gaga

    ... Popstars are generally beautiful because they are easier to sell to the public that way. That is one thing I liked about GaGa regardless of her music - she's not "popstar beautiful", so she's carved out her own way of getting attention. She's got pointy stuff all over her face/she covers her face...that's interesting for such a huge popstar. Her music is in no way avant-garde, but the way she presents herself/what she represents is extremely positive. No she isn't this fantastic genius artist. Yes she dresses bizarrely for attention (duh, it's not like she'd be insulted if you said that to her!), YES all the stuff about "I'd die without my fans/music etc" is questionable. But it's all an act. She's a construct, but a self-made one. Not like Britney Spears or whatever. Has there ever been as successful a female popstar on the planet who often makes themselves uglier than they need to be? That's something worthwhile. The female icons of the 20th century are generally all known for their beauty/looks as much as anything else. How cool to subvert that a little. --- I have a current interest in this as I'm thinking of including her in my essay on subcultures they affected style and taste ---
  23. Paj!

    Lady Gaga

    Yes, no one likes her because she doesn't look appealing. Oh, except for the 16 million people who bought her album. And the millions of others who illegally downloaded it. Sit down.
  24. Once I picked up my friend once after getting out of the taxi back to halls (while REALLY drunk) and because the weight was off-balance/whatever, instead of just repositioning her, I just kinda ran foward with the momentum, and then tumbled to the ground SMACK ON MY FACE. The first thing I thought was I'd killed her but she was actually ok, just bumped her head mildly. I had a painful scratch just under my nose - so lucky I didn't break my nose! [/mildly relevant story]
  25. I find it interesting RE: crowds sometimes. First time I saw Scream 4 (day after it was released, night time, so cinema was pretty full) lots of people laughed at the various jokey bits. Last time like...no one laughed. :/
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