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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. First day back at school. Actually fine. I HATE THOUGH! My English set organised a trip to go see Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellan (Legends, I love them both) in Waiting For Godot, and we booked so far in advance that I completely forgot it was last night. A friend said she tried to text me but failed. I smell a lie. Actually gutted about that. But yeah. Art was fine, got some lovely drawing done. DT is anooying, have to have EVERYTHING done and handed in by the end of friday. *cries*
  2. If I find it for a fiver in Fopp/HMV or whatever, I'll pick it up.
  3. Charlie's Angels Full Throttle Both films are hardly great, but I enjoy them a lot for their ridiculousness. This one is bit more bloated and with more OTT action and special effects, it's weaknesses show more. Plus Demi Moore's acting is awful. And she just ISN'T the "seductress assassin" type. I do enjoy both films for the jokes they tell me though.
  4. I hated that they didn't include the songs. Well, I watched the first one, and they didn't. And that's just their interpretation. (It's not far off the actual story behind the alvum)
  5. I don't care overly. Radiohead shouldn't have HAD to meet Miley, that's obvious. They could have done. We don't know their schedules though. However, she shouldn't have any more of a right to talk with them than any other fan etc. I think insulting her for it is stupid and immature.
  6. He's just singing the song in an accent. The subtitles aren't very fair.
  7. Now that you mention it, any pose of pain, happiness etc in his work will forever be assumed to have come from porn (as it probably did). That's a bit ridiculous. Also that he uses neve Campbell as a reference so much.
  8. Is Land only doing the covers? If so, that's fine. His covers are dynamic (ignoring what they're composed of). I don't like it when it's inside the issue.
  9. I would become veetarian if I actually liked vegetables. And didn't love meat as much.
  10. I wouldn't mind Greg land, but he shoots himself in the foot. His drawing style is very "realistic" so when he copies it's obvious. It's REALLY not hard to make things look different. Storm in that cover didn't have to have the EXACT same face as Scarlet Witch, including the cheekbones in shadow. It's jus ta bit silly. If you're gonna cheat, cheat well.
  11. Realistically, I adore Unleashed as a set, and it has the air of unbeknownst shite. As though the characters assume they're great. Maxima thinking her defence is so unbelievable. I always defend Unleashed since it has greats like Shade and Batgirl. AND SILVER SWAN.
  12. I remember dreaming that I was on the iTunes store, listening to all the new tracks including on PJ Harvey's Greatest Hits. Which doesn't exist. dun-dun!
  13. Armor Wars?! And Legacy are still good. I'd say anything before Legacy/Armor Wars aren't competitive, and those that are, are exceptions.
  14. I love that all your families have really interesting characters. Sheelagh is the jokey kooky one that surprised us all at some point, Helen is the Queen Bee who rules with a sugar-coated iron fist, you're the one that's great at fighting, the wildcard, Georgie is so good at fighting and solving the puzzles that block out paths. Ali we don't know yet, but will probably be the cliched baby-that-no-one-realises-is-the-one-saving-them, a la Togepi in Pokemon. *breathes*
  15. Well it's in comic shops etc, but as a product, it's in limbo. The company that made it previously went tits up ASAIK, and it's waiting for a confirmed new producer. Therefore a lot of the old stock are in Pound shops. In my one in town, DC Heroclix: Origin are there, and in the one Happenstance goes to, it's Marvel Heroclix: Secret Invasion. Look around comic shops and if not, pound shops. I'd recommend you go to the website and look for your favourites though. (Bearing in mind, the earlier sets are technically rubbish against most figures from newer sets)
  16. What Is A Combat Dial?
  18. Yeah, she overdoes it, imo. But then it feels like she's earned the right to dress up however she wants, since she's unbeliavably intelligent and machiaveliian.
  19. Rule 3 has truly gone to shit now. Shame, it was definitely a milestone in my internet life. HCR, that (first proper forum where there were no rules etc) and this. I love that I was hated by all when I joined that.
  20. Why are all your comments about your suprise at how slutty pop singer's lyrics are? Everyone else knew that!
  21. Just type in "leg surgery" in Google images. It was from the first page.
  22. Yeah but bear in mind we have wildly different tastes in films a lot of the time. I only buy stuff on DVD that appeal to me or I think I'll really enjoy and take something away from...I dunno about these films. I'll investigate further.
  23. I've still not seen either Ghostbusters (there are 2, right?) movies in recent memory. I know I have seen one at some point, but I dont remember any of it. However, I have been informed Sigourney Weaver is in them? Do want.
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