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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. But no one ever watches anything that doesn't immediately appeal to them. I'm guilty. Or if something looks truly awful, I'm guilty of watching it to hear how bad it realy is. I think it's partly the annoyingness of Youtube videos. I mean obviously you have to WATCH that vid you posted, but rarely have I (or many others I would guess, except maybe Coolness) taken the time to actually watch loads of videos posted here. EDIT: I mean, the people talking about Muse aren't going to watch a random video that doesn't pertain to them. Same if we were talking about Tori and someone posted a Muse video (though I might be intrigued, I keep meaning to actually give them a listen). But you get my point.
  2. Patrick Wolf - Vulture EP YES! I love this song, plus a B-side and 2 remixes. Can't wait for the new album.
  3. No one'll watch it. Mark my words. But yes, one of the most disturbing live performances I've ever seen. She was pretty fucked up/off back in those days.
  4. I'd never seen the video before, it was really good!
  5. Radio and TV really are not the best ways to listen to the best new music. The internet has done wonder for the exposure of brilliant music!
  6. Surely you could have just got the gist that they have the "potential" to appreciate a lot of the slightly "off the radar" stuff that he likes? We say good because we think it's good...it's annloying to have to say IMO IMO all the time. It's different when dealing with musical "facts" being stated and whatnot.
  7. I do understand the love of Bohemian Rhapsody, but I don't think it's as untouchable as everyone makes it out to be. It's really good, and has survived overplaying and time, but I find it more interesting than moving.
  8. HMMM. Live Through This >>>>>> Celebrity Skin. It's a nice opener, but it feels like you need to have a song from Live Through This to justify it. I might also choose a more immediate/better Kate Bush one. Like And Dream Of Sheep or Rocket's Tail.
  9. My Pick of Tracks from 2009 (in no order) 1. Zero - Yeah Yeah Yeahs 2. Bunny Club - Polly Scattergood 3. Mommy Complex- Peaches 4. Feeling Good - My Brightest Diamond 5. Vulture - Micachu 6. A Woman A Man Walked By/The Crow Knows Where The Children Go - John Parish & PJ Harvey 7. Service Bell - Feist & Grizzly Bear 8. Digifucker - Fight Like Apes 9. Two Planets - Bat For Lashes 10. Dust & Water - Antony & The Johnsons 11. My Girls - Animal Collective 12. Glass - Bat For Lashes 13. When I Grow Up - Fever Ray 14. Welcome To England - Tori Amos 15. Love Story - Taylor Swift I love getting the width and breadth of my main listening these past few months. Bear in mind I arguably more OLD albums that I prefer more than 2009 ones. I ran out of track at around 12, and so added jokes. It's not singles only...
  10. Is it only that could never imagine whittling a list down to less than...40?
  11. Paj!


    I added Mother Mother by Tracy Bonham.
  12. Don't worry Coolness, we'll sit upon the pier until the tide comes in. *fiddle solo*
  13. "10 Best Songs Ever" is a bit a silly list to even try to compile. The title makes no sense. At least your personal favourites.
  14. Shouldn't a single season take you exactly a day..? :wink:
  15. Isn't the girl in it also a new addition to the official Disney Princesses? It's a massive deal to Disney fans apparently/ (Also, the Disney Princess line effectively saved the marketing dept of Disney from folding)
  16. I used to go there I think. Like seven years ago.
  17. Yeah, Coldplay are pretty easy to better. I liked that performance.
  18. I only have Grow Up & Blow Away by Metric. I keep meaning to get more stuff.
  19. Heffalump.
  20. I grabbed the arms of my chair, gasping, and actually choking on my crisps. Who said the trion and She Who Must Not Be Named could ever be mentioned in the same sentence? [/Joke chair and I have] Although, they're right in that she kinda gathers them all up into one person. But I prefer them all individually/they're better than her. :p But it's good that she's kinda "bridging the gap" generation wise. It's well known that Little Earthquakes is great but nothing on the 2 albums that follow. Same with Debut actually (more so).
  21. That is hilarious! I love Haggis in it.
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