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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. Who else remembers Invasion? I watched the first series of that. Or maybe not the last few actually. Diddn't matter as it was never renewed. But I remember Channel 4 being like "We got LOST and it's a fucking success, lets get the next big weird sci-fi show in the US atm!" then it was cancelled. I liked how random it was, but then hated elements.
  2. No, I really don't. She's annoying as fuck, and her personality/affectations offend me. This dream was just a confirmation of that. What she's done to herself just makes me feel absolutely nothing anymore, where once I was sorry for her.
  3. Had a dream that the girl who lives with me who has sabotaged her chances of ever coming back to school after blowing up a tiny situation unbeleivably, came back to school. She just cried the entire time, and I kept ignoring her by mistake. Guess that means I really don't care about her anymore? Big surprise. She has a persecution complex, that won't go away until her parents stop letting her run away from things she does/ she stops sabotaging her own recovery. ---- Also had a dream I missed an exam because I was smoking outside the exam room. (Possibly same dream, different time of day)
  4. As far as I know, no. As I was there the whole night until he went home with our other friend. However, I'd never met the guy in question befroe last night, and he's somewhat camp, so yeah. Not what I expected.
  5. YES I actually just clapped and span in my chair, in reference to the end of the Wolverine & The X-Men episode, Shades Of Grey. I'm stunned yet love it. I never even knew yet I should have. COME ON YOU FUCKERS! *calms down*
  6. Don't like Britain's Got Talent, it's not a fair show. Also the whole Susan Boyle debacle is just hideous. I'd prefer they stopped filming now and just gave her the prize, she's already won.
  7. Grease is very good. A lot better than the dross churned out now, and it's sad that people watch the HSM trilogy multiple times without ever having seen Grase once. I want to marry Rizzo.
  8. It was stiunning. I have the theem tiune to breakfast club stuck in my head now. "Don't You Forget About Me" by... *should remember but can't". I want to say Depeche Mode, but genuinely know it isn't them.
  9. Same with Blue Lips, if I'm not mistaken? ASAIK, a lot of live staples of hers are only just being recorded in studio.
  10. Back from Chair's birthday celebrations...the private cinema thing wasn't as awkward as I predicted. Breakfast Club was awesome as ever, though the guy's DVD was scratched and bits skipped entirely. Then went to a lovely bar, and expressed my general lack of desire to do anything tonight club-wise, which was met with disgust, but in the end, no one did anything anyway. Was fun. In keeping with tradition, I made Chair a ridiculously funny/rude cqrd he had to hide from his work friends, for fearo f misinterpretation.
  11. I'm not a very good socialiser, but I don't think I don't share things with people, in coversation.
  12. Happy birthday, you miserable cunt. Tonight's going to be shit, and I'm blaming you. JOKES.
  13. Dance Anthem Of The 80's A lot more like her earlier stuff in terms of experimenting/unusualness. But still cute/simple. I love the 'Sleeee-e-e-e-e-e-ee-p" bit. I prefer it to Laughing With.
  14. I like the sound of Regina Spektor's new single, and like the lyrics, just not the message. The Chorus is fine, and they make sense, but I have no faith in god, so it falls a little flat. It might sell in America though. Regina Spektor - Laughing With No one commented on her other new song I posted, Dance Anthem of The 80's, with I prefer.
  15. Dyson doesn't annoy me as much. I get the feeling Bjork would forgive him were they to meet.
  16. Is that not the one that is about teenagers being killed, but has got a lot of press for some reason? I keep reading about it. I also read it was awful.
  17. St. Vincent means an 8/10 for both. They (or at least the signature) could do with a border. It's not hard to do on GIMP, just make a box that gets only the edges in, then fill it in.
  18. Yeah realistic dreams are horrible! I once was like "Thank god all my essays are done!" when I woke up, then realised...they weren't.
  19. Related thought; Does anyone, when they're lying in the dark, trying to get to sleep, suddenly realise that their eyes aren't fully closed? I sometimes do. I suddenly snap into realising that I can see black amorphous shapes of things in the dark of my room. However, I don't think this would have stopped me from sleeping. (having my haves not tightly closed)
  20. While I love lyrics, I also love music that has simplistic/no lyrics. However, I take issue when the lyrics hinder a song.
  21. :blank" I think everytime I've mentioned her name, I've mentioned the fact I hate her personality/image more and more, and that she acts like an idiot with ideas above her station. So that comment holds no weight. I enjoy her actual music every so often as catchy pop. But it's not much other than that. Her grating image doesn't permeate into the music (half the reason she annoys me) so I can take it for what it is, harmless electro-pop. --- Also, why would you be "ashamed" of liking all kinda of music? Surely that shows an open mind?
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