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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. Bought Regina Spektor's new album, it's decent so far. Some lovely melodies. Definitely more Begin To Hope than Soviet Kitsch, but some really nice ones. I already loved Dance Anthem of the 80's, but Human Of The Year and Folding Chair stick out on first listen too.
  2. Was just given this by a friend. I quoted it in my Cold Comfort Essay (might b my Hamlet essay) in my exams, so will be nice to read.
  3. Scorpion won't look very good, imo. The tail will be hard, and it's a quite boring design for a villain outside the overly muscled superhero universe. Go as Kraven. Or Sabretooth. Anyone with a big furry collar.
  4. Paj!


  5. Opposing Ice, the new laugh-out-loud romantic comedy starring Renee Zellwegger and..dun, dun! Matthew McConahaiugyyhaghy! When smart and sassy Lorna (Zellwegger)decides to give up on men all together after being cheated one too many times, she could never have expected what an impact the arrival of her brother (Vince Vaughn) and his friends would have when they arrive at the annual family winter retreat in Alaska! When one one of guys, James (McConaheeyeyehyg) tries to warm the frosty heart of Lorna, cue hilarious antics on the ice, such as going abnormally fast down a ski-slope, and running-jokes about Huskies! ROFL New title; It's Alright I'll Come Over When You're Not In
  6. I name-checked Danny specifically in what I said, because what I was really complaining about was the lack of set day lengths.
  7. Paj!


    Why can't we all just make love and listen to death from above?
  8. Avvie: 8 Interesting, nice size and rounded off edges. Sig: 3 Colours that remind me of Microsoft Paint. "Rad 80's" is the sort of generic phrase found on Primark T-shirts with pictures of *yes!* stereos on them.
  9. I'll Ask Neil For Suggestions. For the lul
  10. Girl who lives with me continues her spiral of selkf-victimisation. She's now leaving entirely tomorrow (good riddance, despite her being a nice person underneath the ignorance, stupidity, passive-aggressiveness and general petty and pathetic self-destruction), refusing to go to the leaving ceremony. She can't run to her insane parents everytime something goes wrong. She's a prude. False, pretentious and possibily the anti-me. She starts something, the refuses to argue her side. People who run away from debates/arguements possibly grate on me harder than like...murderers.
  11. B) Investigate the star box.
  12. This is taking unbelievably long. Danny, if there are no limits on how long days and nights are, people will have no incentive (if they're casually/lazily playing) to change votes. There's going to be no lynch (giving the mafia the advantage of killing off more of us) if we don't get our act together.
  13. I don't like that title ReZ.
  14. The album massively hyped, and is out in a few days IIRC. I'm gonna get it. Loved what they've put out so far (not heard Quicksand, but less spoilered the better I say).
  15. Yeah, Biology, Wild Horses, Models, Racye Lacey, Swinging London Town, Love is The Key and some I forget on Tangled Up are all great tunes by Girls Aloud.
  17. It's being adjusted as we speak. I'm collecting it on Thursday.
  18. Had the school art exhibition opening tonight. Got some stunning comments, which was always nice. Girl who lives with me FUCKING annoyed me again..her parents in their camper van are down (My mum told then they couldn't stay in the house, we have no room), and so they were around, but she stormed off when we arrived. Apparently "someone had played a cruel trick on her" by telling her we were allowed to come in our own clothes instead of uniform. I know (believe me) it was no "trick", and that no one laughed at her, as was the report by her mum. Drama queen.com just got a new administrator. Ugh. LOADS of people wore their own clothes...she just stormed off too early in the day to see them arrive. Agtah!!rdgfdgfh
  19. Alice has been done to death in every way imagineable, famously in that PC game, which was the "dark" way. Seems pretty typical Burton to me, those designs, but we won't know until the trailer.
  20. Let's just say that at the A-Level English Dinner, where intellectual conversation flowed, when the girl-who-lives-with-me listed the Twilight series amongst great modern literature, everyone started laughing. But we were a bit tipsy on RED WINE (Col-by GAGA!) Yeah oh.
  21. YES. Clarmont is guilty of this. hate it so fucking much. Everytime Rogue has a thought buble, she has to recite her entire life story and the "cursed" soliloquoy, and SOMEONE always has to warn another long-time team member not to touch Rogue because of her *recites entire power description*, despite the fact they obviously weren't. And the overused phrase with Cyclops being able to punch through a mountain or something. Similar to Rogue's curses soliloguoys.
  22. To be fair, I've not ever thought "OMG he's awful!". In fact, I enjoyed the Ooh! mature and mildly humourous bit about wanking in Transformers. He just gets on everyone's nerves. I mean, in Indiana Jones, srsly. Like the personification of annoyance. Maybe Megan Fox just makes his acting seem better.
  23. Neither my power nor anything Chair has said to me indicates I'm a killer. But then if Tellyn says I AM one, then it's best to off me, or just..leave me, a townie, and I'll just stop searching for my other half if it kills people. If he's wrong, you guys should have cause for concern. But to my knowledge my hands are clean. But then I am insane apparently. Vote: Ellmeister
  24. A Daniel Hercter (?) suit, belt, 2 ties, a fancy white shirt, adress/pointy shoes, from Slaters. £256
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