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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. I think my year at school was brilliant (same yeargroup entire school life), no real divisions that held any distinct...malice toward each other. It was really just groups of friends that formed each "group", and everyone generally got on with each other, group wise. I drifted, but really that's because I'm a nice person. To me, I classed the groups as "The Cool Crew", but really that title is just a huge net over most of the year, "The Bombadiers" who are another group of friends, who are all arty, music, etc, but can be a bit silly. However, I admired their innocence and desire to just have a laugh and didn't try to reenact The Hills like some others might have been trying to do. I was a part of those two. Good friends with both, but never felt like I was a definite part of either one. Again it was more about the people themselves than the perceived groups. There were the "weird ones", but everything's relative. They were perfectly nice people (just some may or may not have had intense mental problems and the sort), and they seemed to like/latch on to me a lot. Maybe cause I'm so nice.
  2. ... Why are they remaking a film that was released this/last year? CUNTS.
  3. I'd use it to house my (arguably illegal and unethical) experiments in Dinosaur ressurection, using the DNA from within the insects trapped in millenia old amber. Then I'd turn it into a theme park and invite people to come see real dinosaurs.
  4. She's truly an original, and paved the way for "weird women" after her. All the albums have merits, but I'd probably put the order as; (from the perspective of someone very familar with all her albums, in best to "worst") Hounds Of Love/Aerial The Sensual World/ The Dreaming Never For Ever The Red Shoes The Kick Inside Lionheart Is that them all? Yeah think so. Lionheart just sort of shrinks away compared to all the others after one gets to know them all. After that she really got interesting (Read: The Dreaming onwards). Glad people nowadays are giving artists like Bush a chance.
  5. The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas I liked it's simplicitiy, but it's a bit twee and just a bit stupid in places. The ending was satisfyingly unsugarcoated. 6.7/10
  6. His work for the score for Requiem For A Dream is also outstanding and is an essential part of the film.
  7. Is that Lupa or something? I've only heard the spanish version, and it sounded absolutely disco-tastic. Not sure If I liked it.
  8. Portishead by Portishead is great, but yeah, requires most attention.
  9. Well I half-wanted dad to die, but I'm more pleased with myself for freeing him. Go Kain! What did she (Kate) do? Or has that not been revealed yet?
  10. At least it's not within the same universe. Halle Berry was Storm and Catwoman, which seemed fine as they were different universes/companies.
  11. Hellboy II: The Golden Army No one would go to see this with me when it came out. Loved it, but I liked the first too. This one was definitely Del Toro given free reign, after his success with Pan's Labyrinth. Stylistically, it's got his name all over it. Fun and lovely to look at. I love how concise the "team" is. 7.8/10
  12. Ghostbusters or Airplane I assume? In other news, I like your avvie. Ho-Oh is a legendary, and so would fall into a cliche bracket, but he's come full circle, since you never actually remember he exists, so your choice of him is uber-uncliched. Dislike how the sig isn't as rough around the edges as the awesome avvie (should be). And the image as it stands with the japanese text is a bit dull. The sig should be as great as the avvie, but isn't. 8.8/10
  13. N goes into the light? If it's that, I'll give you the Madonna gif face. It seems too obvious, but this trap is too muddled and confusing to understand to draw any conclusions from. EDIT; NO! K Goes Into The Light K for kilelr, he was my self-styled killer at one point..? EDIT; NO! I need answers, so S for Stacey needs to "go into the light"? S Goes Into The Light
  14. Wait, Haggis, you and your best friend share the exact same birthday?! I'd clap.
  15. Ms.Potter Left me with nothing, took away nothing. All way through I was just reminded how much I dislike Renee Zellwegger, except in Chicago. Even then I'm in love with her. *shrugs*/10
  16. I'm annoyed the BBC took down the memorial service from iplayer within a few hours of putting it up, I never got to see it.
  17. I managed to evacuate the dining room before I could lose anymore of my brain cells to Katie and Peter Stateside. I hate them both.
  18. There a certain staisfaction...in a little bit of pain. I can see you understand me. Tell me you're the same...?! If you're afraid, then rise above; I only hurt the ones I love. [My mind was drifting around the idea of S+M, with all the mention of sex toys and such]
  19. Yay Letty! I need to start doing some art. Been out of practice as of late. Leith School of Art haven't sent my summer project details though. And if they have now, I'm away for a good while.
  20. I always forget PM's exist. And with that, I'll depart this thread. *bamf*
  21. You hit me once, I hit you back. You give a kick, I gave a slap, you smashed a plate over my head, I set fire to our bed.
  22. More pupils deserve to be attacked by teachers these days.
  23. Coolio. Yes, but I'm not discussing the game. I was unfortunately mislead as to what page I was on (posting after I died without realising), and so this started. Ell oft gives me bad vibrations.
  24. The only way it makes sense that you care is if your name in real life is Ell(Meister). If it is, sorry for not getting that. As it is, your username cries out for an additional vowel of some sort whenever I look at it. Just my eyes. Elle, Elli, Ello, Ella, Ellu etc.
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