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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. I asked him/her a general question about how he/she has so many fo the games to sell at such a good price and so on. We'll see.
  2. Was the revolution Harribo-gate? I was around for that, but missed the actual bulk of the thread/s in which the big action took place. I loved that dubbed video though.
  3. That would be my biggest fear. But 108 sets have been bought, and no bad feedback..?
  4. ADVICE WANTED! Should I buy this;http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Pokemon-GBA-X-5-Fire-red-Sapphire-Ruby-Emerald-Leaf-G_W0QQitemZ120445372208QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_PC_Video_Games_Video_Games_JS?hash=item1c0b1a8730&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=65%3A12%7C66%3A2%7C39%3A1%7C72%3A1683%7C293%3A1%7C294%3A50 Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed and LeafGreen, all for £25.99 with free delivery. No boxes/manuals, but that's fine. Sure it's like...3 more games than I actually want, but for that price, it seems a steal. Nothing I can ascertrain seems out of the ordinary, except that he/she has solds LOADS of sets of these. Does this look at all suspicious to anyone? Bad feedback seems just bad luck rather than the sellers own evil scheming.
  5. ...in life, ever! --- So been listening to Dangerous and HIStory by MJ recently (not to much, hate using bad CD players and not my darling speakers at home, so I don't want to overplay the albums), and I really like them. Standout tracks that I never knew before; Give In To Me, Who Is It, In The Closet, Stranger in Moscow and History. Really great fun. In all this tabloid/news coverage of Michael Jackson the last month or so, it seems like not enough is being mentioned about his music. Maybe that's me just flicking through too many of my mum's shitty celeb magazines.
  6. The colour is perfect, but it just looks a bit too fake and would make no sense on a super assassin/spy. And that picture is misleading, Black Widow generally looks like; I obviously find big curly red hair much sexier and whatever, but it just looks too OOT there.
  7. I love N-Europe...my second "main" forum, after a US one that ReZ, Chair and I all hail from originally (unless ReZ was here before he was on that site, dunno). "Growing up" a lot over the last few years means that I just find a lot of the discussion over there...dull. I much prefer this European board to that US one. Less inane chatter.
  8. Back to .. I actually missed that image of Johansosososan on the last page, and it's intriguing. Considering I'm a supporter of ginger girls with curly hair as sexy, I think it's...too much. It looks too fake. It reminds me more of Poison Ivy. I think straighter hair might have been more appropriate for the slick super spy. But I'm drawing conclusions too early on.
  9. Made me lol. This seems a bit extreme. Families taking in children/teens on exhancge trips should have connections to the school, and they'd have all the families details anyway...and people in an official capacity who work with children are checked out anyway. Seems silly to do this. Will they assess all those catholic priests?
  10. On second thought, I'd make this, including all it's pocket-sized inhabitants;
  11. How does one ascertain what pronounciaton is correct? Sconns or Skones? I'm torn. I think my family has always said "Sconns", and my family have a terrible fear of "commoners" and so would presumably try to use the "poshest" version.
  12. Dyson, you have been loved...by somebody good. When thinking of new ways to categorise/understand/group people I know in my head, I decide if they'd be playable, NPC or a Boss in the "video game". You'd obviously be playable from the start. Really well-rounded a a character, may as well have on the team as you can dish the damage but won't faint after a few hits, like ReZ or DynastyGirl. They have some great attacks of their own though, like Flail and Flamethrower, respectively. I'd love to use you.
  13. Did nothing in Kirkwall, Orkney, as usual. Went to lunch immediately after waking up/watching Desperate Housewives repeats. Rented Goblet of Fire, Order Of The Phoenix and Marley and Me. I refused to watch Marley and Me as it looks SHIT, so watched Goblet (probably should have watched Order instead). Went to see Half Blood Prince after gorging on a flabby omlette. When I grow up I'll turn the tables.
  14. I have the sudden urge to dance. Don't you dare try and stop me from embracing the beats. Not now. Not ever. It's near morning but I'd rather be tired than boring. Light Skin, Dark Skin, My Asian Persuasion, I Got them all that's why these girls out here hatin Cause I'm sexy *bored, feels slef slipping back into one of his old personalities. Possibly Pashmina. Skullbuster. Possibly Dodoriazarbon himself. Only ReZ/Chair knows what I'm on about. I'll leave now*
  15. In my head. Come in, have a hot cross bun. AYE.
  16. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince I remembered nothing about the book since I read it. Forgot Slughorn existed, forgot where thingamie dies in the book, so was surprised when he didn't when I thought he would. I remembered bits like the horcruxes, but that was because of an inside joke. ANYWAY It was fine. Good. Pros (extreme since it was overall good anyway); -Helena Bonham Carter, Alan Rickman et al. Flawless, flawless, absolutely flawless. -Hermione/Ron in general -The Burrow scene, since as people say, it's not in the book (I don't think), but was a really good addition. More Bellatrix/Fenrir the better I say. - Malfoy was pretty good! After a few films of doing nothing. Allthough he looks EXACTLY like Patrick Wolf. But in a cinema in Orkney, think only I would have that bugging me. -Some good funy bits. -THAT jump scene. People screamed in the cinema, I nearly had a heart attack. I loved it. MOAR in the next films! Cons- Ginny Weasley/Her actress is possibly the most boring person ever commited to screen with the intention of seeming interesting/attaractive. She has no personality. That was silly. She may have none in the booik, but bits of the films were original, why not her character? Awful. And I hate ginger straight hair on girls. Curly hair ftw. Overall a massive phail. - I find Danile Radcliffe/Harry arse-clenchingly awkward to watch, for whatever reason. He just annoys me immensely. He's better than Ginny at least. - Just too rushed in term of of storytelling I think. But then a lot had to be crammed in, whilst still keeping the action balanced with the introspective scenes. - The sound was horribly mixed here. Lots of characters shorter, more colloquial lines got lost in the mudge (new word) of noise. Especially when Harry used Sectum Sempra. I didn't understand why there was blood everywhere because I thought he'd just used ExpelliAHmus or something. But yeah. I liked it overall. Alternately itchingly annoying and great. Bits reminded me of the last year at school. (...) 6/10 (10/10???? Seriously?)
  17. I just want a photo/video montage scene set to Bulletproof by La Roux with Black Widow going shopping for parts for her Iron Widow suit. At random points she breaks the fourth wall by mouthing/dancing along to the song. She Hulk and Pulsar are her back-up dancers/singers. *loves* Seriously though. I enjoyed Iron Man, it was very...solid, and hopefully this one will be more of the same, but now can leave out the lengthy origin stuff for more Whippage/Gunnage/*what other villains are confirmed*-age.
  18. Of course I'm playing. I've just run through the main story of Diamond again, and am Poke crazy atm. Bagsy Feebas/Milotic. Or Miltank, the forgotten one that cries out for a pre-volution.
  19. Katy Sagal is a legend.
  20. Paj!

    Wasn't allowed in the end. My parent/s care TOO much. Which I something I can hardly complain about. I'm not "outdoorsy enough" and "would hate it". Despite me deciding I wanted to do it...


    But in the end, it's my parents who would be paying for it, so I couldn't do anything. I'm meeting up with the group in Berlin and Amsterdam in a week or so though. Not the same thing though. *sigh*

  21. I've been playing Pokemon Diamond pretty solidly the last week+, and today got my eighth badge, got, and then evolved my Cranidos, and have now begun my hunt for Feebas. I decided that my main goal in the game is to fill the (Sinnoh) Pokedex. Has anyone ever died of boredom trying to find one?
  22. Monster-In-Law I enjoyed it, thought J.Lo was better than I expected, but Jane Fonda and her aide steal the film. They were funny. Average otherwise. 5.9/10
  23. See "worst" being in inverted commas. Obviously it's pretty awesome, but I think many fans agree that it's just her least impressive or...outstanding. Actually, I'n lying. Most people don't like The Red Shoes. But I think it's fun. Both are good just not compared etc. But Red Shoes is a favourite of mine, but not her best and so on. Hounds Of Love is brilliant. The fact the second half is a strange electronic suite paired with the "singles" of the first half. The Sensual World took me MONTHS to get into. Only got into it this year, after having it for almost a year or something. Not sure why. It's brill though. Aerial is possibly my favourite though. 13 years after the album before it, it's so low key and serene, it's wonderful. Takes a lot of people time to get used to as well, who might be expecting the typical pomp and OTT-ness of her past work. No, she's a legend whatever we all think of her albums.
  24. Until it's on a World War Scale, I really can't imagine much about this being done. Sadly, they signed up for it, it's a high risk they'll end up dead. I understand the necessity of a military, even if I don't agree with what it represents.
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