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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. and Lynch's Cowboy and the Frenchman, which I'm sure no one will watch as it's almost half an hour, but I loved. I lol'd numerous times, just at the lolness of it all. The stunning sung interludes, over before you time to understand what or why, the music/Frenchman at the start I found hilarious too, for some reason. I love his use/treatment of dialogue, he really makes us think about how we interact with each other. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7085107810914558775
  2. Paj!


    Yeah, I'm also in wardrobe transition. I've not liked baggy things in ages, but I lost weight gradually/accidentally all last year so I keep having to buy new clothes/trousers to fit me. Trim/classy/dapper/muted is everything. All I wear is grey these days.
  3. Paj!


    The black jacket can stun, but only if you wear normal/stunning trousers (dark jeans, suit trousers, whatever) with them, and discreet shoes. Looking trim, basically. Don't go all baggy, or it'll all be over, and you may as well have chosen the green one.
  4. I fucking hate that Littlewoods advert but just cause it's the only advert ITV ever play on ITVplayer and it makes me want to die. Not because of any 'message'. -- When I was younger it was established that family bought each other presents, but then some were 'from santa'. Maybe the big ones, I can't remember. We put biscuits, carrots and milk out for Santa and Rudolph, which would have chunks taken out come morning (magic!). I don't remember when I 'found out', but it was like...obvious/I had my suspicions but would rather play along. Especially as I had a little sister. I would wager I stopped even believing just a TINY bit around...8? Feels like younger though.
  5. A great response. That's all cool - I know I'll never truly be a fan of 'metal growling', so naturally it would rub me the wrong way. --- This is still changing my life. Mainly because the sample is AMAZING. Jamie XX + Gil Scott Heron <3. Rihanna always adds too.
  6. Fire or water. I prefer to look at the water one though - feels like a lol.
  7. I own a tape MP3 thing you plug in ya you posted Moogle oh god this sentence has no puncuation But yeah, I want TAPES to be hipster and authentic. I made a trip to Oxfam music just to get some tapes. I love the feel. Ok I'll investigate further, thanks for yo sojesjuns people. I feel my dad will know secrets too.
  8. A question I thought I may as well pose here as Google is being annoying. Basically, does anyone know the best way to get my mp3's onto a traditional audio cassette tape? I want to make up literal mixtapes for my car, but am not sure how to...? I know there's recording devices of some kind for other machines like VCRs, record players etc (my dad used them before with me when I was young), but how would get music files transformed magically into a cassette tape? Would it be easier to burn it to a CD then do it from a CD player? I don't know how to do that either but it sounds easier to do it from CD to tape. ANY ADVICE? xxx
  9. I love so much. Bagsy Aaliyah, coming back for more 10 years on.
  10. The build-up was nice, I like how it's more atmosphere than...like...normal metal I hear which just punches you in the face but actually has no impact. It was ruined when the vocals came in. I don't understand why metal seems to REQUIRE people to have those shitty growls. It works (I don't like it, but it works) in a lot of stuff I've heard, but this was musically quite nice and the vocals were LOLworthy in comparison. Felt added in. Bleurgh.
  11. I LOVED McDonald's toys when I was little. All the Disney ones were *fainting smilie if there were one* And I loved the rare Batman ones they did. Eventually BK got the rights I think, I remember Batman Beyond toys being at BK, which we never went to at the time.
  12. So beige. I don't like any of his music, except maybe Just The Way You Are, which is more of a relative 'like' - it has oomph, instead of being smotheringly unabrasive. Grenade is a BAD song, actually annoying to hear the lyrics, which is rare. Most bad pop songs just have meaningless lyrics that glide over you rather than annoy. Urgh. He seems liek a talented guy vocally/performance wise though. Just so blah. -- Songs of the day -
  13. Since I lost weight I just get approached (IRL or Facebook) by people all the time. People not looking for anything serious/heavy. It's prime. *dances out of room to the tune of...* [/REALLYunhelpful]
  14. *Time travels to How Was Your Day?* - Had my assessment, which I was 40 mins late for as my project decided to reveal itself to be for some reason made up of part NTSC/part PAL material. WHY? WHEN DID I DECIDE I WANTED THAT? Cunting video programs. Effectively meant I couldn't burn my project to DvD, and had to show it on a laptop. *sigh* Have to somehow get it to DVD, it just doesn't like the file (after fifteen million tries I managed to export it from FCPro eventually...whatever). The tutors liked it though, and basically agreed with everything I said in my statement (inc. negative points.). Good, fine. Then I showed a friend/client (lol) the 30min movie I'm making of a gig of his, been in the making for months due to MORE cunting editing program fuck-ups. FINALLY he saw the first rough draft, liked it, and took away a DVD to go through and note any bits he wants changed. Good, fine. Went home cause I was tired, but then coursemates who had their stuff assessed in the afternoon called me back to the SU bar with their siren cries. It was nice, chilled. Then went back home as we were entertaining/having dinner with the friend/client from earlier. A joke thing. Come on bringing wine. I felt so grown-up, accepting wine then pouring it (into tiny ASDA luminous plastic cups, but you have to embrace studentidity). Then went back to the SU for various reasons. Ran BACK into coursemates still there hours later, only wasted. Then I met a friend and then Bad stuff too though - found a weird little lump kinda below my left ear/on my neck...feels strange. Not on the other side and never noticed it before today. Might go check that out, unless it's just an awkward spot or something (doesn't feel/look like it). EUW! [/N.Minaj]
  15. This makes me LOL everytime I scroll past. I love 'timeless'.
  16. Technically the sound quality of a download will always be worse, and therefore never truly be as fantastic as the CD copy. *assuming we're talking about standard download quality from the major retailers. I know you can get FLACC/lossless stuff but it's not the majority and I don't think it ever reaches the quality of a mastered CD?* *if Chair were to listen to the CD, and not rip MP3's from the CD, of course*
  17. I hate the fact I don't own Rihanna or Kate Bush's new ones right now.
  18. B A D K I D S E H, E H (N O T H I N G E L S E I C A N S A Y) T E L E P H O N E [F T. B E Y O N C É] A G A I N A G A I N [u K B O N U S T R A C K] B O R N T H I S W A Y
  19. I kept seeing the album on the end of shelves in HMV/seeing it crop up, as though it was to be taken notice of. I suddenly thought, "Wait, is a Selena Gomez album being considered good?" (I'd never listened to her before). Her name does seem to include a band, which perhaps suggest more integrity. Anyway, it's just standard pop in every way, I was tricked. But I like the wobble wobble of this. It's phat - it feel like muscles tensing in my most sensitive areas. *bops along* More worth listening to... One of those songs you just don't know where it came from. It can't be from this dimension. Originally meant to be in Blue Velvet by David Lynch (*orgasmic gasp at the mere mention*) but This Mortal Coil were being rude. Then it showed up in Lovely Bones (I don't remember). But yeah, a song I think most people in the universe/this board would agree is gorgeous/haunting. No one will listen to it though.
  20. I love. Such a joke thing. The first picture feels really un-you - too posed - but the second is everything. I'm going to Marais La Nuit.
  21. Checked account and it was taken out - never thought about phoning RBS - would they really refund it? I may as well ask I guess.
  22. While walking from one group of friends I was seeing to go meet another at the pub, I noticed that my recent sore throat/cough/popping ears thing meant that it hurt a little if I breathed in solely through my nose. Something about wearing my headphones exaggerated this, so I was preoccupied with testing what felt better. Anyway, I got to a cash machine - I chose "Cash", but was thinking, "Oh I should check my balance really...", whilst in strange pain and singing along to the song on my iPod. So I chose £20, took my card, and walked off. I didn't take the money. ... Someone in the street just got £20 off me because I'm an idi. *sigh* Now I feel I can't buy Rihanna/Kate Bush/Drake's new album in a few days because I need to save my monies. I hate. UGH.
  23. I did. 10char
  24. Of course.
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