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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. The Countdown video changed my life. Though it's sadly another things she's involved in which is vaguely tainted by 'plagiarism' and stuff...which crops up a lot in her work...but I prefer not to think about that. *blissful*
  2. My tutors seemed to love it, it's like shown to prospective students and stuff. Which is really nice, but it really wasn't a very ambitious work (it's just a camera...) - I just put a lot more thought into the concept (evidenced in the presentations/development meetings blah blah) than a lot of people given the same task.
  3. That's the best part of the opening montage, it's like "Did this happen? If it did, it was off-screen.". Felt like comic universe continuity, where if you dwell too much, you realise not everything they say fits, actually does fit. But you just to apply a wide-angle lens to your eye, and it's all in it's right place.
  4. Don't talk to me about old photography. / do, I love it. Don't know much, but getting into it. Did a documentary about a broken Polaroid camera, that talked about memory-photography and the validity of physical film. (Kindof) And I'm currently doing a project on Super-8 that I will hand-splice and edit and stuff. So much more intention and worth that how photography is used by the masses these days.
  5. I haven't been commenting much in here as I'm reading so sporadically being so busy. Read a few of the issue 2's...I think. I read Batgirl at least...I'm so lost at sea.
  6. I LOVE the We Found Love video. Rihanna rules.
  7. I heard it's atrocious shit. -- I'm so bored of Mark Millar these days. I have a feeling his creator-owned projects will just devolve into 'typical' Millar stuff like OTT violence and blah blah. He hasn't been as good as his early Ultimate runs in a while.
  8. Yeah, Animal Man, Swamp Thing, Batwoman and a few others are gorgeous. The sort of things comics are capable of, yet people often find themselves reading generic shit instead.
  9. EH NO. Gone but never forgotten. Icon. Legend. QOL. HBIC. No-one could ever.
  10. Yeah but these threads are reserved for a certain school of forgotten femme. And don't you worry...ASHANTI will have her thread soon enough. Brandy too, but I feel she's still slinging on for dear life, career-wise. And I know much of her music anyway, she was always more US-centric.
  11. KIMMEH The most in-the-mainstream-at-least successful female rapper ever probably, though her peak was a small window a long time ago, a lot of people still consider her 'The Queen'. Regardless, her career was DONE until she recently got attention for being an idiot and dissing Nicki Minaj really badly over Nicki's supposed 'Kim-diss' Roman's Revenge. This led to her atrocious new mixtape Black Friday, which sounds awful from what I've heard. BUT she was at one point on top of her game. Who can forget How Many Licks? It's such an elastic song. Puerto Rican papi, used to be a deacon Now he be suckin me off on the weekends I enjoy this one sampling/featuring Phil Collins too. I like..know her verse from Lady Marmalade off by heart too. That song is a childhood classic though. I have yet to delve into her acclaimed first album, but I will. BONUS: Here's Black Friday, the title track from her shit mixtape, and the only passable song I've heard from it. Spot/hear the Nicki Minaj references! It samples the Godzilla theme, which stuns, tbf.
  12. I can't bear the Weetabix one where the family describe how 'tought' their days are. Some nice filming in it but so tedious and a shite, generic representation of human beings. And the fact it's on every break on itvplayer kills me. That fucking baby screaming. And the Halifax (?) ones with the staff singing overdone songs as a choir just makes me cringe.
  13. Happy Birthday Hamishmash! My fellow Kingstonian. You deserve everything you ever get in life. I found an image of Tintin because you... love him so... Hm. *leaves room*
  14. That Green Lantern cover is so horrible, the image is rubbish (why to the left?), and it looks weird without his mask (though that's just for actor recognition, like how the Cap A posters don't have Chris Evans with his mask on), with too much font-y shit going on.
  15. Had a the feeling of the onset of one of my inertia-moods today. I went to DJ Society but wasn't feeling the idea (despite meeting several of the main members at a party last night and getting on well with them) and the door into the Penrhyn building was closed. Felt like a metaphor or 'Don't bother.' My new things is taking advantage of opportunities, but then having the decisiveness to say "I won't do this today." when it isn't borne of a feeling of nervousness or laziness is as much of a thing, so it's fine. Like, Chair and I were talking yesterday about if it's better to let go of having something, or to never have had something? The answer could seem obvious, like the famous phrase 'better to have loved and lost, than never have loved at all', but then if your disposition in life allows you to just deal, you might shift between the two how do I end this sentence? Anyway instead I worked on my ideas in a sunny park, then got home and realised I should've just been watching Jan Svankmajer films the entire time. I was cleft to my centre. A friend is coming round tonight to seal my halves together again though. [/listening to YS by Joanna Newsom]
  16. Paj!

    Star Wars

    Just finished A New Hope. This was the only one I'd seen twice in my life, but still effectively forgot everything about it except the famous bits. I enjoyed, so much more than the prequels. The actors felt like they were trying. There was passion, it felt like they'd worked on their roles etc. Compared to the 'technical run-through' feel of the prequels. Leia is great.
  17. I asked for it for my birthday and didn't get it.
  18. No but it's obvious if you saw the rest of the conversation. It's like *rollseyes*.
  19. I love how My Little Pony is such a thing. I watched the first episode and loved. I need the first season on DVD or something.
  20. You're my favourite person. You're just great. [/Kate Bush's accent]
  21. Someone wants to have sex with me. Or 'a movie night' yeeeeaaaaaaahhhh. FLIPSIDE: They're really foward and I've never actually spoken to them in person. They just jumped me on fbook. I don't know what to think.
  22. If Krypto hasn't survived Flashpoint, that means there's no hope for Comet.
  23. Also Daft, X-Men is just about to relaunch, with a new Uncanny X-Men 1 and Wolverine & The X-Men 1, as the team has split into two teams.
  24. I actually think she did a great job with her album...at first I enjoyed it but was sad there weren't more crazy moments, but then I realised that an album of her crazy moments would be shit. And the whole album has such a nice aural aesthetic, the 80's sample and stuff. Songs like Moment 4 Life (with Drake) took a while to enjoy, but I really do now.
  25. Well of course. In further celebration of Nicki, I will post these again. Done in. Sometimes she just KILLS it. (I know this one off by heart)
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