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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. £8.99 I'm on a lost highway. Hey Karen O appearing to sing the first song. Some dark grey/grey skinny jeans. - £14.99 A grey sweater/jumper/pullover - £19.99 A little interesting book about with illustrated strange poetry/graphic novely bits from the eternal book sale at uni - £4.99 An expensive day, but I NEED clothes. I am effectively clothesless/ I'm not, but most of my clothes don't actually fit me, and just have strange pockets of air/emptiness/look like a fat person's clothes.
  2. The album's been hailed as the worst thing ever to have been created, but it's such a joke, you have to let it slide. I like the cover too. EDIT: I'm stunned by that song because it's causing the word 'table' to deconstruct in my head/I no longer know what 'table' means. A word we always take for granted, and you have to take a minute to reassess its position within your vocabulary. But yes, it's atrocious. But a lol. Are they finishing each other's line(s)? I don't understand. I M The Table ------ TAKE UR PICK (think this video is fan-made. I have no idea what she looks like, so maybe it is her. ANyway this song/she is ON hype atm. All the right people are listening to it.) Nothing.
  3. There's lots of single ladies on the countless internet dating services.
  4. Boring. People who purposely don't do some form of dressing up ruin the feel.
  5. Today I read an article about K-pop on Pitchfork, which had recommendations. I'm stunned by selects. ^ Her whole EP of the same name is really fun. --- P.S Who else is interested/intrigued by David Lynch's debut album? I might buy it. I love how it sounds like his films, just transposed into album form. Like you imagine a blonde woman and a dwarf sitting in a bar, listening to this on the jukebox. Took a few listens, but it's in me. P.P.S This thread is fucking shit. This forum needs blood.
  6. Selina Transforms Birth of a Penguin Cat Suite Final Confrontation
  7. I've passed my driving test and now can cruise the streets in my car all on my own. I can finally play tapes in the cassette player. I could just listen to the radio/get one of the tape-Mp3 things, but then I love like...devoting myself to a dead medium. And I prefer physical things. My tape collection is very poor, being just Fly by Dixie Chicks (which is fine cause it's the only album of theirs I don't have on mp3/cd, so adds a new dimension owning on tape), All Saints self-titled debut, Vengaboys - The Platinum Album (yes!) some random Alison Moyet one and a Nick Cave album. So I bought loads more today in the fantastic charity shops of Stockbridge. Debut by Bjork - necessary. Youssou N'Dour - Eyes Open - feeling wordly. Then I actively chose to get these 2 as collections of hits make better driving music than individual albums - though I was stunned by the shimmering gold Love symbol on the cassette case for the Love Symbol album by Prince. Prince - The Hits I I actually have his entire discography (effectively) AND both Hits I and Hits II on CD, but it's fine for 80p. I love how Hits I is so selective and you can tell he chose the tracklist, When Doves Cry is arguably the only concession to his popular songs. The Immaculate Collection - Madonna. The truth is, this is one of the most essential albums to own in life, if you make no other concession to pop. And I don't own it other than in mp3 form from my Dad's cd of it. So yes. Inside Story - Grace Jones "Grace is perfect." - Andy Warhol All Jones h8rs are cünts. And all cünts are Jones h8rs. Don't be a cünt. And an Edith Piaf collection and the Batman Returns soundtrack. But I'm bored now. EDIT: OH! And We Need A Resolution Cd Single by Aaliyah since it had 2 B-sides and is stunning and she died ten years ago this year. (R.I.P) And Erotica by Madonna on CD because again, I just had it on iTunes from my dads copy which is AWOL now. And it's one of my best albums.
  8. I PASSED MY DRIVING TEST Third time lucky, roflcopters. Move bitches, get out the whey.
  9. ReZ will have a rant about this, but I'll toss in my two cents. It's consistently fantastic once it gets going. Think it's issue 7 that's the 'big un' - you realise it's not your typical comicbook thing. Everyone says the same thing about the start, but then everyone says the same thing about what comes after the first few chapters. You'll love it.
  10. *dusts thread off* Some thoughts on music re:me in recent times: 1) I'm adding to my iTunes, all the dancey songs I had no opinion on at the time of release, but realise I enjoy after actually dancing to them at clubs. The last in particular is *grabs crotch*. The horn loop/sample/beat. I can feel the ghosts of 90's dance/house/whatever either clapping or turning in their graves at the return to this style. I'm so ready though. I still kinda hate Pixie Lott. She is so unimpressive. I like the lyric "grab someone if you're single, grab someone if you're not" though. (Relatively. I don't know why. Feels really rude and unnecessary but adds. She's too pure to be pink - it's like someone else told her to say it. She's such a Sandra Dee to Dev's Risso. Dev is e'erthing though. I finally understand. Bass Down Low is horrid. I enjoyed Like a G6 in clubs. I love that she's pregnant, a massive hinderance to her just blossoming career. But maybe it's the *new trend* to be pregnant, amongst sexy female singers. PIONEER. 2) Ceremonials by Florence + The Machine is really good, throughly enjoying it so far. Takes a few listens for it to unfold, it's always *on*. Quite intense. Shake It Out is changing my life, but others are great too, just need to take them with me to bed and they'll reveal all. 3) I heard Nicola Roberts album was good in a "It's pop, but quirky and actually with wit/good" way, and I like the production, but I kinda can't be bothered. Like...I hate her voice. I love Beat of My Drum, and will give it more time before lots of the album is culled from iTunes. 4) Finally got Lykke Li's second album, which is great. Saw her live, she was great, but a bit bitchy and we all felt judged for not being enthusiastic enough. Soz bytch. 5) This year marks another year the Trion have all released albums. Let England Shake by PJ Harvey is good, and has won critical acclaim beyond all imagining (strange, since I'm really like "Yeah it's good but..." about it), Biophilia by Bjork has been pretty big too, and has met with more temperate reviews, but more positive than her last release, and Tori Amos' Night of Hunters has basically given her rebirth. She's on fire on tour for the first time in years, the album isn't cringey (yes!), she isn't being annoying in interviews, she doesn't look (that) weird etc. The Trion's power is so strong right now. 6) The only male artist I feel a proactive interest in is Tyler, The Creator, and the other OddFuture members. Even though the content of their songs would have me decry'ng them if it were by anyone else. They just stun as a thing, aurally and visually.
  11. I'm having a reactionary moment re:owning shit clothes. It's like...sometimes I have to spend money on clothes that'll last and have a good fit. None of my trousers actually fit me. Either too big or just...strange fit. I need someone to burn the majority of my clothes, but magically replace them with nice, wearable-outside things. I never buy myself enough proper stuff. I own one belt, and have had it since 2008. It's bright yellow, but now all faded and dirty. I can't ever have it on display/tuck shirts in, as combined with my too-big trousers, it just looks weird. So I'm embracing nice clothes finally.
  12. I watch very little television, and it's exclusively on catch-up services. Young Apprentice at the moment, but any series of the Apprentice I watch. X Factor too, out of boredom/I hate the fact I do, but it's fine. And currently Made in Chelsea (catching up with the last series), which is hilarious. But yeah as for actually good tv shows, I always watch them in box set form, and only one at a time. Just finished Six Feet Under, and need time to rest.
  13. I got my monthly money in today and so of course I spent a third of it on two items. I have no clothes. No clothes worth looking at. And it's not like "Oh they aren't stylish!!", it's like..."They don't fit and I can't go outside like this. I need to grow up style-wise and stop buying shit." Plain dark blue shirt from FCUK - £55 Jeans from FCUK - £85 It's fine though cause I got a student discount and I basically only spent half that as my dad owes me £65.
  14. My sister and I were really bored yesterday, trapped in the Scottish borders: My most recent mutation since losing weight, the forehead vein Sarah Walker (named after Rachel Griffith's character in Brothers & Sisters) makes her photographic debut. I love how when I saw this in the camera viewfinder I shouted "I'm beautiful!". I like this. Less stunning in full view, but then I need these moments of not hating my face. "Can you get me up like I'm late for my first class? So I can give it to you rough like a first draft...I just want to get you wet" [/Charlotte Gainsbourg's speaking voice] Could be a still from my first music video. ^ TBF I am currently writing/plotting my guest rap for a friend's single. Watch this space. Oh here's me as a vampire from the other night. I thought the red where my cross is was a nice touch. Obviously no care taken to the make-up, but imagine it was done well. I claimed to be Vampire Bill from True Blood, just cause I had flat hair that night.
  15. I ran for the first time in a few months yesterday (but not properly, more like gamboling or jaunting) across a field, and now I've got a twisted/sore-in-the-joint knee. Cringe. I walk loads (really fast) though, so it can't just be like sudden exercise shock. Also I was led on by someone I now discover is in a relationship (I'm just like *eyebrow*, that wasn't the tune you were singing the other night) and is taunting me as though I knew and initiated the whole thing (Please. It's called alcohol) but I'm over it cause I'm dragging this horse around/gonna bury this horse in the ground. [/cross-over event with the Lonely Hearts thread]
  16. Yeah, more jokes need to be told with classical music/literature/art. It's about expression.
  17. and Ceremonials by Florence + The Machine. But for some reason the internet slows down whenever I try to find a website that has the album cover. Can't even get it for my iTunes. Hm. Shake It Out could be one of my songs of the year.
  18. I'm out the loop again! Uni has been busy and it's so annoying just setting aside time to read stuff on my laptop screen...now I'm home for a week I'll catch up. Still not read a lot of the DC no.2's...most recent Marvel thing I read is Ultimate Spidey 3.
  19. That bodes terribly. No film that justifies being 18 can then be a 12A and remain the same film. And just shows a really annoying lack of conviction/decision/blah. We all know it'll be a 12. Maybe a 15. Doubt there'll be much blood in the film regardless.
  20. Yes, I'm sure there won't just be a majority of Japanese characters all speaking english with a Japanese accent. Wolverine speaks fluent Japanese in the comics - but I don't expect Jackman to learn that...nor that any producer/s would let such a potential money-spinner be foreign language. [/mildly pedantic/nitpicky]
  21. Kinda cool, but yeah this tech will just find it's way into actually AMAZING cameras eventually, and it's not like it's something everyone's been clamouring for. Interesting/useful, but yeah. Whatevs for now.
  22. To my friends informal halloween house party I went as 'a vampire', though I then realised I looked vaguely like Bill Compton from True Blood (I had a fringe for a lol after not having a fringe for a while), and I added red on my chest, as though my silver cross was burning me. However my fangs didn't stay in. And I couldn't find any vampire fangs that were like a gumshield only the ones I already had that I KNOW don't stay in. :/ Got another possible night out tomorrow...one the other night I didn't dress up for (unplanned) ended up with some knobend covering my clothes in fake blood that thus far hasn't come out. Hopefully dry cleaners... I was going to go as Ellen Ripley but then John/chair stole/took/I gave chair my army jumpsuit. I feel so barren, like Kylie Minogue's womb.
  23. GURLS GETCH'YO MONEH is all I have to say.
  24. this is a a baj e EDIT: Just a test to see the time. My phone has mysteriously gone back one hour, meaning that I have missed my doctor's appointment. Fuck you you absolute piece of HTC Smart £100 shit that can't connect to the internet and lags like a mutha. Why can I never just *have* things that work? I spent like...weeks planning my new phone purchase earlier this year and I still come away with a piece of fucking crap. Feel free to move this to the bad stuff thread.
  25. I don't feel like I even know what curry looks or tastes like. I've had chicken and other types of curry in my life, but never in the context of fast food, and never often enough to discern if I like it enough. I wonder what it's like as a fast food. I always crave (fish &) chips when drunk...lots of people want a curry or a kebab. I've definitely never had a kebab before.
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