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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. I tried to wish you a Happy Birthday as you drove away, but I got no answer.
  2. Just faxed ReZ.
  3. I think you'd suit a longer hair style. (Not that one in particular, but something)
  4. TBF Hank Pym is hardly a "weedy" scientist. I always imagined him to be quite "superhero-y" looking/acting, at least relative to people like Bruce Banner (Hulk) or Reed Richards (Mr.Fantastic). I thought Fillion would fit quite well. Kinda oafish.
  5. I, too, am terrified when I see the shadow of a bird flying above me. I assume it's targetting me or something.
  6. I like it. Are we sure the film is going to be mainly set in the 40's?
  7. Came to post that. :p
  8. Anyone else read Elektra: Assassin by Frank Miller here? (I have a no feeling) It's effing amazing. Once it's over you feel a sense of perfection emmanating from it. It's so self-contained and well-told and you're left so satisfied. And yet it purposely has hardly explanation of events, until a bigger picture becomes clear. The anti-Claremont writing style. Love. The art is mind-blowing. I wish more comics used interesting artists. Most use good artists, or at least ones with a style...I hate "generic" artists like the guy who does X-Men Forever (but at least the art matches the story in quality). But yeah. Miller may have soured people towards him of late with All-Star Batman (which I think people took too seriously, and had the wrong artist on it ) and I know loads of peeps hated DKSA (which makes no sense to me, I think it's amazing), but this is a PERFECT use of the comic book format to tell a challenging, intelligent, badass story.
  9. Britain's Got Talent is perhaps the epitome of everything I hate. My new phrase "Very itv" comes from this kinda TV show. I was in the living room on my mums PC while she was watching it, and some idiotic guy's "act" was to impersonate Lady GaGa, neither dressing as well, singing (at all) or dancing. And Amanda Cunt and Piers Fuck were like "Oh FUCK off Simon, the AUDIENCE love him!" *cuts to chavvy woman screaming in the audience*, Simon clearly the only one having any semblance of credibility left (relative to those two abominations). It wasn't even an act though. It's not a talent to say you like Lady GaGa or want to impersonate her. You have to be able to (though I'd argue that's barely a "talent" too). UGH. ITV. DIE.
  10. I met Prince Charles and Lady/Duchess/Whatever Camilla Parker-Bowles Come on bag searches, sniffer dogs and at least 15 agents of S.H.I.E.L.D around the college (though all really friendly as opposed to surly as you'd expect). The whole thing was so surreal cause Leith (the area where my college is) is famously littered with filthy, often mad people. So yeah. Various cars and people arrived eariler to assess the situation. I loved Monica Rambeau, simultaneously on the phone to Nextwave and instructing the photographers what to do. Eventually it was like "Fuck, they've left Edinburgh castle." Then "Fuck, they're in the building." I was happily cutting away at my shizz, then Charles just arrived in my personal space, taking me by suprise (I was in the room that Cami was meant to "do"). We chatted about my piece, film amd where I'm going. Said he liked film directors, they have creative minds. Or something along those lines, he mumble-laughed. I said hello to Camilla, but she was loving life with a posse of girls from my course gathered around her. In the end it felt like it would have been more intriguing to have been in the crowd outside. But an experience meeting them nontheless.
  11. Don't give up, you still have friends. It was a joy when you did it last time you were up, in the middle of Princes st.
  12. He could do Hawkeye. I hope to GOD he's not going to be Hank Pym. Seeing him pretending to be a scientist would be on a Jessica-Alba-As-Susan-Storm scale of visual ridiculosityness.
  13. It hasn't I've just had WERK to do and it feels rude if I actively take time out of said work to do this. I'll get on it this weekend, after both my final project and theory test are out of the way.
  14. I toldja I'd never run awee Now led me go -- It was just a suggestion. *twiddles thumbs*
  15. Is it actually just a black hole at the bottom of that sink hole? It just seems to suddenly end, as though the black bit has been photoshopped in.
  16. You weren't thinking Your head was in the book
  17. Bitch that's 2002... I thought you were a real Tori fan. :wink:
  18. Oh ok. Some random ones. 1979 Why'd Ya Do It - Marianne Faithfull 1987 If I Was Your Girlfriend - Prince 1996 The First Taste - Fiona Apple
  19. Surely this is the most subjective thing ever? Everyone's got a different favourite song from different years...
  20. I'd just use my Star Sapphire to contain it. Then I'd toss it all to Thanagar for those cunts to deal with.
  21. That I would be good. No, I'm away on the date, and I don't move down to London until like...2 months later. lol NEXT YEAR/at a different meet though. Winter meet? Yes. I will.
  22. On my school art trip to Barcelona I was in the worst room with the absolute arses. While they can be hilarious they talked ALL night and for some reason I COULDN'T block the noise out to go to sleep. Needless to say I was pissed off. Then there was a knock at the door, and of course everyone went silent (we all knew it was a teacher coming to tell us to shut up). Continual knocking, no one gets it. Being the avatar of justice and all things proper in the world, eventually I grudgingly get up an answer it, and the teacher is just like "Yeah, can you guys be quiet" (he knew it wasn't me). Then
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