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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. Well I'm not really a Jim Lee fanboy, I said when I first read ASB that I would have way preferred if Miller had illustrated it himself, and that I 100% believe the final product would work better as a whole if he had. But then I've read up on him and his thoughts recently and I believe his using Lee was an active (artistic) statement...TDKSA was all bright and vibrant as a reaction to how the first one seemed to shape the tone of comics that came after it, he wanted to shift it back to ridiculous bad-assery or whatever. Or just make a statement about that. I think that in All-Star, the prequel to both Dark Knights, he uses Lee so there is a disconnect between expectations of a Batman story and what is presented. Hush has become definitive Batman in recent years, and especially Lee's art. I think Miller is just playing with the notions of archetype and it all links quite nicely with Strikes Again. It's not a hugely well-told story (so far) let's not lie, but I think people seem to miss the point as well. Okies.
  2. One for the X-nerds, this is awesome!
  3. Yes. No, his project is about kinetic drawing or something, like making little machines that draw/create images based on the movement of the bowl/machine itself. One he floats along a river and the movement creates lines and stuff. It's all very interesting.
  4. Really awkward pictures of me, cause I'm standing strangely to look at a laptop screen, but I look like I'm a gormless zombie/asleep. Anyway, me meeting Prince Charles.
  5. Don't even judge me. Well do, if you want. At least it's not Ultimates 3. Which I even know is bad. A-SBAR:TBW (I love) is hilarious (and I appreciate it far more than most seem to...). Plus I'm loathe to buy things I don't know If I'll like. Image is tricksy for me.
  6. £5.95 OhEmGee ElOhEl It's true that sex will always sell
  7. o eye c Thanks. I was confuzzled by the prescence of Grim Hunt approaching too fast for me.
  8. Went into college, my little film got a good reception from my tutors. I already got a 7/good mark for it when I handed it in, but this week's been about "resolving" everything before the exhibition. Then planned how I'm going to present it with them, come on designing a shrine incorporating a crucifix with a bat symbol emblazoned across it. Then played football wit da boyz at lunch. I was surprisingly good. (still worse than the others, but better than I expected) Came home. Read more Hulk. Sat with my mum and dad wrapping my sister's presents for her birthday. Had a battle with a fly in my room. Am now here.
  9. I probs will. (start Chew) Let me analyse my current readings; Uncanny X-Men/X-Men Legacy/X-Force (any and all tie-ins to Second Coming) Amazing Spider-Man (though the release schedule for this is mind-frazzling, I'm not sure whether I've missed an issue or not..) Thunderbolts Avengers Secret Avengers Probs Avengers Academy too. Batman and Robin Brightest Day Justice League Justice League : Generation Lost Invincible Walking Dead (behind by 4 issues or so) Think that's everything. And on the trade front, I'm reading Ms. Marvel still, got X-Factor to go through too, hopefulyl both of these I'll keep collecting in trade. Also planning to get all the Morrison run of Bats. And complete Ultimate X-Men. :p
  10. Yeah, I like Robin in the comics, but he will not work in the movies. I mean even the absurd 90's movies had an adult one cause they knew they could only push the boundaries of insanity so far. And Poison Ivy wouldn't really work either. They could have Bane. He stuns us all.
  11. Yeah Riddler is in no way confirmed, but he's the one the media has latched onto to mention. He's just innapropriate IMO. Maybe they'll reinvent him so it works, but eh. Even the Riddler from The Batman cartoon who was made "dark" still just used glorified puzzles.
  12. It wasn't amazing...but it was good compared to everyone else. Even my beloved Siggy.
  13. Oh. Ugh. I didn't want the Riddler to be in it at all. Though it's a suprisingly (potentially) good fit, Gordon-Levitt.
  14. I liked it, as the premise is actually quite interesting. Considering I was so unmoved by the concept of an "Avengers in-training!" when Young Avengers already exists. But the twist/reveal makes it somewhat unique. --- Art Adams artwork in Hulk really pisses me off. Just the way he draws Ms. Marvel. I know in superhero comics the human figure is exaggerated to inhuman extremes, but I hate when it just looks stupid. Her tits are ridiculously BIG, with her nipples visible through what is presumably leather, and somehow the costume is cut so it somehow is like liquid on her skin? I hate shit like this. It's just distracting. Frank Cho (who, at the point I am is pencilling the She-Hulk vs. Rulk story) is guilty is doing the ridiculous tits, but I actually liked that he drew She-Hulk, Valkyrie and Thundra as ridiculously unattractive with actual extreme musculature, which they would have.
  15. I may be bias, but having just read it, I felt Quitely's section was the most clear and easy to understand. His layouts are second to none though, so it's understandable. I like Andy Kubert a lot, but the colouring in his bit made it hard to see what was going on. A nice story though, and cool to reference all these different possible Batmen.
  16. *cries, mouthing "no..!" through sobs* ---- I loved The Sword. Not ground-breaking but lovely nontheless. I liked the concept of setting out to tell a single story without it being a miniseries. I'm also enjoying Jeph Loeb's Hulk in a "...lol" manner. Think ReZ said it would be like that.
  17. Patrick Stewart is in my book of great people. Though I think he might be in everyone's. I have no opinion on James Corden.
  18. I don't ever hear any chart music really, beyond stuff like Lady GaGa that I have some interest in. My little cousin always buys the NOW albums, so I give them a listen when they come out, take what I like. The most recent NOW was awful in this regard...stuff I'd heard mentioned like Tinie Tempah I assumed were meant to be decent, and was just "...". I'd never heard that Usher song. I kinda hoped he'd left my life forever, but I should be so lucky. (Talking of catchiness, I've had the hook of that Katy Perry song in my head all day too...)
  19. I'm planning on getting all of Morrison's Batman run...considering I'm such a fanboy I don't know why I hadn't thought of it before. Am I right in thinking in order it's; Batman & Son Batman: Black Glove Ratman R.I.P / Bits of Final Crisis Batman and Robin At least in trade form? Is there other stuff I'm missing?
  20. I like the concept of all Loeb/Sale's "colour" books. I've only read Spider-Man: Blue though. There's Spidey:Yellow, Daredevil: Yellow, Captain America: White and Hulk :Gray isn't there? Might be more I forgot.
  21. That's fair enough. I'm once again just morbidly curious. But you'd think if that was their mantra they'd have both the Doom Patrol and Supergirl runs I mentioned?! Especially since one cannot buy them in collected form.
  22. God, nothing I request on that site is ever found. Except Daredevil and Elektra. No Peter David Supergirl run (which you'd assume people would scan, considering only the start and end was collected into trade, meaning if you missed the rest, you missed it), no Rachel Pollack Doom Patrol run, no Jeph Loeb Hulk run (!!!!) and probably others. Yet they have some of the most obscure shit surely no one would want, like Archie meets Spider-Man and stuff. Ugh. ---- Just read We3 by Morrison and Quitely. It;s gorgeous. A very short but sweet story. Like a twisted version of Homeward Bound. Everyone here would like it I suspect. It's incredibly universal.
  23. Is that a joke, or completely true? It's sounds like something The Onion would report. Has Samus ever had a "love interest"? I've not played any of the games fully before, I assumed she hadn't, and was one of those rare female heroes that wasn't actually defined by the men she swooned over.
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