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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. We all were painting the college white/cleaning it, in preparation for the exhibition. I hate how because I'm one of the 6 guys in the year that all the heavy lifting comes down to us :p But then again you feel so great once you work out how to get things through doors. I dyed my hair brown last night and too many comments (mostly good) were thrown at me today. I was just like: Went home after lunch to change then went into town/around my old school to get some colour copies of stuff made. Couldn't find anything of interest in the charity shops of Stockbridge except a few Millar F4 comic books, but they were too dirty for me to look at.
  2. Guess what? Continuing in my "Let me buy this really bad book" trend, I feel like I need the Ultimatum trade. I'm gonna buy the Spidey one (thought it was amazing), and now feel like I may as well get the main series, it might all hang better if read together (with the X-Men tie In too etc). Probably not though. *cartwheels away*
  3. I like the covers to Scaped whenever I come across them. I'll read more of Chew, but it's not on my immediate radar atm. I read finished Ultimate Spider-Man vol.1, (i.e the last Ultimatum tie-in issues), and I thought the ending was brilliant. As Happenstance (I think?) said here, it was so unbelievably consistant, not a single bad issue. The whole Ultimatum event was handled with more delicacy and realism in Spidey than it was in the mini itself. Obviously the mini had to encompass more "events", but still. It was done beautifully in Spidey.
  4. Those are the essentials. I'm just sitting on a shelf in a paperbag waiting for you to watch BSG. + I got my sis AD season 3 for her B'day so it's available to watch avec moi during the holidays if you need.
  5. Yeah but you base that on nothing/the Heroclix figure. :p He is so heavily pushed it's insane. I don't understand why DC want him to be so popular. Maybe to try and make a point that they don't plan to bring the original back. (yeah right).
  6. Oh I forgot about that, was gonna post. Not her best vocal but cool. I'd never heard the original in full, and it was...awful.
  7. Not sure if it's been posted but apparently/it's heavily thought that... Rosamund Pike will play Emma Frost in X-Men First Class. It's not confirmed but evidence/photos etc. She has the look sortof. Maybe more of a bitchy scowl.
  8. Lose weight Get some money (Hmm.) Lots of planning to do RE: Kingston in general. I'm still lost as to what SAAS want from me.
  9. I love Kelis but I didn't like that very much. Better second time around, but yeah. I prefer La Roux's version.
  10. Woke up at 1 with a hangover. Sat and read more Hulk. Watched Scary Movie with my sister. Sat and finished Hulk. Am here now. I've done no work this weekend, but I don't have any cause I'm finished. It feels like I've forgotten something though. Just remembered I love Swallowed by Bush.
  11. So I've read a whole ton(ne?) of Hulk the last few days, and am now up to date. I've enjoyed. It's nothing very special at all, and is quite poorly plotted, so things don't really make sense until it's revealed later on, but it's treated like you should've known. Dunno how to explain. I'm all for ambiguity, but it's just done strangely/badly. The amount of one-shots/tie-ins seems gratuitous too. Why couldn't The Savage She-Hulks issues just take place in She-Hulk? I'm guessing for Trade Paperback collecting purposes. It does all appeal to my love of team-ups and stuff though. Also I felt John Romita Jr. was the only one to draw the female Hulks the way I think they should have been. Ed McGuinness does do some awesome male Hulks though.
  12. Yes. I loved tonight. House party at the sexually disturbing 30+ year olds woman's house tonight. Too good. I'm numb from red wine. I'm so hard.
  13. Where 'em haters at? Where they at Where they at Where thay at Where them bloggers at Where them bloggers at Where they at Where they at Where they at Hard bu Rihanna was my anthem for tonight. Contemplated listening to it, but it FUCKING CAME ON SHUFFLE JUST NOW. Brillien' Resilien' Fan mail fron 27 millien'
  14. Had a hair cut. Hated the prices of everything I saw in shops. Went to a meal in town with famille for my sister's birthday, knowing I'd miss the end of an eBay auction for JLA Deluxe Vol.1 (worth at least £20), and I was winning at 0.99. I kinda hoped no one would notice it (as no one else had bid). Came back and I'd lost it to like 50p over my max bid. I should have bid more (max for 4.34 or something). I am cry. Those sorts of deals don't come around too often. But it was my sister's birthday so I'm bearing it all in mind.
  15. I love how shitely named all the DC cities are. Star City, Opal City (adds somewhat, cause Opal as a word interests me), Central City, Gateway City etc.
  16. That's hot.

  17. Fine. (Forbid you can tell is too elite. Considering the 4 main people are still there, including the indian woman with blonde hair.) It was more that Splendid!'s bag is "No experience needed, come on and take some money!". I'm dealing with it/applying already as we speak.
  18. Advice needed re: catering jobs: I'm applying for a job in a catering company, loads of school friends work with them, they actively take people with no experience etc and apparently love anyone from my old school, so that's good. However they go on about being well turned out looking professionals etc etc for staff, and that'd be fine, I'd cut my hair and dye it back brown, I was gonna do that anyway, but then it goes on about looking after/maintaining physical appearance. And also mentioning actors and models working with them with the aim of meeting people at the functions they get booked for and things like that. This may sound silly, but would they not take me on based on the fact I'm not thin/built/I don't have a normal "figure"/am out of shape? (That sounds like some woman on a special K advert). I also have bad skin (it could be worse, but it's never completely clear. I think it's pretty disgusting personally). It just sounds like that would matter to them. I am very self-concious *in a self-sabotaging (i.e I do nothing about it) way* about how I look. As in, I'm always aware I am, or at least feel like I am, the ugliest, most awkward mis-shapen guy in the room (usually. There was that time a hunchback did outdo me). I know workplaces aren't meant to "discriminate" in regards to physical appearance but I assume catering companies might be different. I never really mention it, but I do have ishuez! regarding how I look.
  19. Got up around 8.45ish and realised I had no idea when my driving lesson was today cause I had to shift it all around last week. Phoned and the guy said it was in 5 minutes. lolol ran and got dressed in time for my instructor to arrive. I was really bad. Always happens when I've been driving my own car for a while and not had a lesson in a while. Meh. Friend came over. MOAR Marvel Nemesis. Yes, Paragon. "Jesus Christ! *crying*" has become a catchphrase after a horrific Daredevil vs. Paragon battle. Went into town, I wanted to spend a Blackwells token I forgot I had, but they had shit-all in the way of decent graphic novels. Might see if it works online/if they have an online store. Forbidden Planet had everything I wanted obviously but I'm so loathe to buy graphic novels at RRP. It always seems just TOO much for too little in most cases. I was going to buy Hulk Vol.4 :Vs. X-Force, as it was expensive online (£14) and thought it might be cheaper in a shop, but it was £19. For like...150 pages. FTL. Non. We then went to Hard Rock Cafe for reminiscing times. I hate expense. £17 or something. After walking home realised the barbecue sauce stuff on the chicken tenders gave me an allergic reaction all over my face. It went away within 20 mins though. However, it now reveals I must be allergic to something found in BBQ sauce/powder...years ago when KFC did popcorn chicken with sachets of flavouring you could choose from, I was really sick after having the BBQ powder one, but no one believed it was that which made me ill.
  20. Glee Finale I'm still reeling from the amalgamation of Bohemian Rhapsody with
  21. That actually looks very good. I'm not a zombie fan as I've mentioned but the comic is so good I'll give the series a watch. --- I read the first issue of Chew. Seems interesting.
  22. Ok. ....
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