Twilight: Eclipse
Same-old, same-old. Though more fast and furious than New Moon, sadly Edward is in this one a lot more, and so it becomes way worse. The soundtrack was good as usual, but not as good as New Moon.
Rosalie is the only one I can bear, since she's the only sensible one. Actually speaking sense RE: Bella's ridiculous desires, and the clearly retarded rest of the Cullens. So I liked we saw her backstory in this one, since her one line in New Moon was the thing I liked best about that.
Unfortunately Stephanie Meyer's mormon allegory becomes so obvious in this, it takes away, and renders the story meaningless. The logical conclusion to this story is ignored in favour of outdated mormon rules and..yeah. The fact is, it makes no sense to want to live as a vampire in this universe. I hate her. She's Stephanie Meyer's Mary Sue, stemming presumably from Meyer's regrets/thoughts of the life she's lead (soccer mom etc). Ugh.
I love how the vampires have such shit make-up that whenever it cuts to them, I just laughed. When it cut to Rosalie reading the paper, I cracked up.
I enjoy Bryce Dallas Howard. She's a good actress. However, even she can't save the "dialogue" she was given. Plus I think she's more attractive as a blonde, like in Spider-Man 3. It suits her immaculate face more than Tori-Amos-Circa-1991 hair.
I LOVED how they portrayed a vampire's body though. (i.e made of an porcelin/ice-like substance, and able to shatter.)
But yeah, overall, it's a stupid stupid book series, turned into a visually appealing, if faulty stupid film with lovely music playing.