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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. They're great. --- I listened to Bjork and Dirty Projectors collab EP, Mount Wittenberg Orca or whatever. It was alright, but defines non-essential. I'll give it more time. Not enough Bjork, too much generic Dirty Projectors harmonising. --- I liked that song Dan. My friend mentioned Delorean before.
  2. Wolverine by Mark Millar Omnibus, £14.99 My mum bought me it as my holiday pressie/going away pressie. Suprisingly good price considering most shop prices for graphic novels (i.e Ultimates 3 - which is 5 issues in total - is the same price as this, which is 12 issues in total).
  3. Lol! I love 'WHAT?!". That was awful though. 90's, but made of pure class, and greatness.
  4. Jay's in a right mood today.
  5. Yeah. I agree. I think it's that I don't find your face or voice particularly funny. Which I think is a big thing in terms of me finding anything funny. I often point out people's faces, and the humour of my friends and I is based on voices/things people have/could say, out of context and stuff. I've never been one for "jokes". (P.s Having a non-funny face is actually a compliment/isn't meant to be rude)
  6. *thinks* I think so? I say that sort of thing in real life, but am not a football hooligan, nor have I ever met a football hooligan...but I think so? Just with no aggression behind it.
  7. I also loved Southland Tales (by the same guy), and that's one I'm fairly sure 70% of people hated/disregarded. It just takes (or took me anyway) a couple of go throughs. That's really awesome. Box was more just a love letter to Twilight Zone kinda things, but I liked it. It wasn't as good as Donnie Darko (by the same guy too), but still.
  8. I can't find the soundtrack on Spotify anymore. It was on there. Sia's was good, and the rest on there all have things to say, and the things are good.
  9. The Box is stunning, I loved it! But seriously, I liked it. It's so enjoyably nostalgic for those old tv shows like the Twilight Zone. I loved the whole tone. I need to watch it again.
  10. I'm planning on getting that. I'm so ready for it, and the art is crying out to me.
  11. Twilight: Eclipse Same-old, same-old. Though more fast and furious than New Moon, sadly Edward is in this one a lot more, and so it becomes way worse. The soundtrack was good as usual, but not as good as New Moon. Rosalie is the only one I can bear, since she's the only sensible one. Actually speaking sense RE: Bella's ridiculous desires, and the clearly retarded rest of the Cullens. So I liked we saw her backstory in this one, since her one line in New Moon was the thing I liked best about that. Unfortunately Stephanie Meyer's mormon allegory becomes so obvious in this, it takes away, and renders the story meaningless. The logical conclusion to this story is ignored in favour of outdated mormon rules and..yeah. The fact is, it makes no sense to want to live as a vampire in this universe. I hate her. She's Stephanie Meyer's Mary Sue, stemming presumably from Meyer's regrets/thoughts of the life she's lead (soccer mom etc). Ugh. I love how the vampires have such shit make-up that whenever it cuts to them, I just laughed. When it cut to Rosalie reading the paper, I cracked up. I enjoy Bryce Dallas Howard. She's a good actress. However, even she can't save the "dialogue" she was given. Plus I think she's more attractive as a blonde, like in Spider-Man 3. It suits her immaculate face more than Tori-Amos-Circa-1991 hair. I LOVED how they portrayed a vampire's body though. (i.e made of an porcelin/ice-like substance, and able to shatter.) But yeah, overall, it's a stupid stupid book series, turned into a visually appealing, if faulty stupid film with lovely music playing.
  12. I've never seen any Predator films. I hear the first one is alright but "good" cause of the jokiness. P.S The Alien Quadrilogy is a lovely boxset to own, cause it's akin to a book, made of plastic, and green blows all our minds, and I expect yours more. But then maybe that one you bought might be too.
  13. Also still not read any more Chew. I'm so un-in the mood. But have issue 2 lying on my desktop so will do eventually.

  14. Yeah..still says Database Error. I will give it a look when I can though.

  15. Ugh...fine. Though MYXSS was playing up earlier today.

  16. HMM! Ashley famously hates Glee. He only watched the ones in this series with famous guest stars he liked. (IIRC)
  17. Although you'd rather just have the Alien and Predator films pristine and unfilthy-d by the AVP ones. But almost too good a deal for £12.
  18. It's basically the introduction of
  19. No, it's Emma. The main team is her, Pulsar/Monica Rambeau, Hellcat, She-Hulk, Valkyrie and Agent Brand. Invisible Womb appears later on too.
  20. Yeah Jay's actually right. I've never laughed at them. I think I smiled a few episodes back (and said as much). The intro is rubbish, go back to the old one, or just have some music (non-sung) and the title. And the BB thing was just rubbish. (But not really your fault.) I'd rather see something else you made with equal effort/dedication that might actually be enjoyable. *you know what I'm talking about*
  21. The weather's had his face. It looks too old, and wrong.
  22. I recommend Heralds, a mini that just finished, and was a weekly thing. It's very entertainingly written. The premise sounds a bit "..." (A group of Marvel heroines have an adventure!!!), but it's very good, and presumably the end result is important for the Marvel Universe / is in continuity.
  23. BBQ at LITERALLY STUNNING friend's tonight, which ended up being a much more concise group of us than I expected, just bitching about people we hate, loving life over wine and beer. Come on having to leave the pub we went to. Come on the night dissolving into girls being annoying. My friend's plan to set up Chair with her brother failed.
  24. Plus he actually wrote Jean well. Someone on CBR raised a few points I find myself agreeing with RE: Jean, Cyclops etc, all about how the only way to "resolve" either character was to completely seperate them from each other. So much of their characters was just about their relationship, and if they were just divorced, it would still be like "Oh, Scott!" or "Oh, Logan!", or the other way round "I'm jealous of Logan!" etc. Her death was so necessary, despite Morrison making her a really good, likeable character during his run. --- Read Invincible. I liked the structure. And the facial hair. I don't understand why Kirkman was so bad on Ultimate X-Men when he stuns everywhere else. It's not like he couldn't really do what he wanted with Ultimate X-Men (i.e if people die, no one cares).
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