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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. Ahaha, I'm imagining the pokemons faces explode under a car wheel in a slightly happy tree friends kind of way.
  2. Win. Gears of War is one of my favourite games/series. I bought the Gears of War Xbox bundle just so I could play number 2. (which I need to finish) Only problem with that is that gears of war 1&2 are lumped together in a rubbish box! STILL I will buy this regardless of what new features it does or doesn't have. OH! YEAH! BRING IT ON SUCKER THIS MY KINDA...
  3. How do pokemon die? I'm always curious because they have the pokemon graveyards, no?
  4. D_Prodigy that is the only shiny I have as well! Naice! Croagunk is so creepily cheeky. I approve. Before each battle he looks at you like "Damn straight I'mma get in that ass"
  5. I just watched it. That cat needs it's own show. Amazing.
  6. Lets see which one is it? IT'S A DINOSAURRR!! was my last BIG suprise! Oh no wait I just found out that Season 3 of Hannah Montana part 1 and 2 is coming out on DVD May 10th and June 7th. So that was a nice suprise as well.
  7. This was a triumph. I'm making a note here: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! It's hard to overstate my satisfaction.
  8. 10? Already. Wait did you miss out on an oppertunity for... Episode NEIN NEIN NEIN? ReZ, disappointment eminating your way. :p That would have been most lulzful newman.
  9. Yes! Thanks for posting the video, I'd not watched it yet. Mmm, I just sat back, full screened the video and took in the beauty of it all. She has grown up so much. Now to ruin all that with my most played songs are. 1. Muse – Knights Of Cydonia 329 2. Miley Cyrus – 7 Things 328 3. Miley Cyrus – Fly On The Wall 308 4. Miley Cyrus – Breakout 302 5. Miley Cyrus – Girls Just Wanna Have Fun 279 6. Miley Cyrus – The Driveway 260 7. Miley Cyrus – Bottom Of The Ocean 257 8. Nelly Furtado – Do It 241 9. Miley Cyrus – Full Circle 237 10. Miley Cyrus – Wake Up America 236
  10. Yeah! I agree with you. :p I had this whole epic signature going but it didn't quite work but I still wanted to express the awesomeness of Hit Girl! So came up with the usual signature in about 5 minutes. Also Yay! you got my Soul Calibur reference! I am a Talim man (or was) I'm now good with Ivy! WIND GUIDE ME Soul Calibur 2 was great. *coughs* Anyway yeah they work well together. It's a good but standard affair! 8/10 THE WHOLE SHAMBUCAL. Don't rate mine blahblahblah.
  11. Lol at Amy wearing a nighty the whole episode! Cool episode, I like the whole star whale thing. The Smilers were pretty cool but severely underused, they needed more menacing, in the end they didn't feel very threatening. I liked their twisty heads. The whole ending felt rushed and I was like lamelamelame always with the children. I was getting excited that he was going to shoot through the star whales brain, that would have been much more awesome. MORAL CHOICES. I didn't get the queen she seemed a bit pointless.
  12. The Simpsons recently promised me this. I'm not going to get my hopes up!
  13. Here you go I took your money and bought you some useless Berries! Why is my mum stealing my money!? >__< Anyway he is my deliciously Sexy Squad: Togekiss wasn't working out for me and neither was Dunsparce. Pretty much what I want now, I'm not going to evolve Nosepass, Munchlax or Dragonair. I will evolve Gabite to into Garchomp. Unsure whether I want to evolve Croagunk into a Toxicroak however!
  14. Probopass is a work of genius.
  15. Avatar: Your face. 1/10. :p ...just kidding. / in a the voice of Xianghua. 9/10 Signature: no idea what it is about, but cool picture bro. *thumbs up* 8/10
  16. The single ladies video is hilarious. It reminds me of Frank from 30 Rock.
  17. YES I WANT TO HUG YOU! (more than normal) You are a man who sees sense. May we unite? This is what I think of the show but fail to put it clearly in words.
  18. The Lamb of God burst out of Jesus' robes to take down the old farmer who had slaughtered his mother for Mutton.
  19. I have a level 27 Vulpix that I could give you. It's from Pearl though not Soul Silver. IN fact I think I caught it in Hoenn.
  20. I'd be so much better at the Games corner if it was called voltorb find. :p Rawrrrrrrrr! I caught a Smoochum on my Pokewalker but I transfered it oer and it has just disappeared into thin air. Took a lot of my watts to get that. 18000 steps I walked today!! I hope my Firered is ready to trade my Jynx over now anyway. *goes off to try*
  21. I hope your birthday is full of BIG TIMES.
  22. THAT IS EPIC! Best thing I've seen in awhile. 8 Bit Bad Horse theme.
  23. Unfortunately I'm not politically wise in anyway. If someone asked me to vote for them and offered me a plate of biscuits, I'd go with that. It's scary how easily influenced I am by food!
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