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Coolness Bears

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Everything posted by Coolness Bears

  1. Haha, I'm glad you are aroused by my like my sig! :p Firstly I didn't realised how much I liked Pixie Lott. She is only 18 as well! I didn't realise that either I was mildly surprised sort of like an "Oh!" and moved on. Also finally I didn't realise how attractive she was. Anyway give her album a listen here: http://www.we7.com/#/album/Turn-it-Up-eAlbum-!albumId=383935 Spotify are only letting Premium members listen to it at the moment! I'm increasingly loving We7. It's got a good lot of free music and has a fair amount of stuff that Spotify doesn't even have AND gets a few things to listen to before they come out. and see whether you like the it before you buy it. It's nothing high calibur like what you've recently bought such as Bjork or Joana Newsom. (I apologise if I've spelt them wrong) half my eye is on this half my eye is on my chicken! But I definately enjoyed having it ringing about my ears all day, there are some catchy songs in there! Then again I do like me some simple pop. EDIT: I must get back to my chicken they are looking like hand crabs out of Half Life 2.
  2. not yet. Finally some vague Guiding Light love! I'm surprised how much I listened to the new Pixie Lott album. Then after listening to that all day I had a quick listen to The Resistance Then was about to sink my ears into Showbiz and then the calvcade arrived, My Uncle and my sister and Nephew are round and I'm cooking dinner! will get to the album later on though! :p
  3. I liked both. I'mma go with Everlong on this round though!
  4. I've never seen Dirty Dancing! Only things I've seen him in are Ghost, Donnie Darko and Powder Blue. Rest In Peace.
  5. There is actually an artist called Lights who I was strangely planning on listening to this week, honest to blog! Which is the person the OP sited, so that is legitimate enough. So this is probably not a spambot but just posted in the incorrect area.
  6. Me thinks I will. I shall give that a listen to some time tomorrow. Hmm Mika creeps me out but I can't help love his songs. Very much like We Are Golden and will be checking out more of his new stuff. Pixie Lott I've been waiting for the album to come out so can't wait to give that a listen. I get what you mean by her voice, arousing. (wrong use of the word) I also Forgot I listened to The Asteroid Galaxies - Fruits which also surprised me that it was out! SO extremely happy about that and on first listen it was great! I shall give it more listens when I give Muse a bit of a break! Also had a go with Kylie Minogues - Impossible Princess which continues to fascinate me!
  7. Definately buy Arrested Development Molly! If you don't like it then your opinion is wrong. FACT. :p
  8. I feel like there is slight disappointment contained within this post! :p Ermm... about the Blue Penis, call me thick but I didn't notice it.
  9. Off OOS my favourite is most definately Space Dementia. It is beautiful. I'm loving the new Muse album and I don't care who likes it/doesn't like it or even wants to wear the CD cover as a hat! :p My favourite songs off it are Undisclosed Desires, United States Of Urasia and Guiding Light. And now to move on I have NEVER listened to Show Buisness and I'm edging towards 800 plays of Muse. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. Still have to listen to Pixie Lotts and Nelly Furtado's new albums!
  10. Thanks! It's just I'm not a fan of change/interacting with new people/people in general. :p So eeeeeeeep!
  11. I don't whether people have seen these but this is Betweeten Two Ferns with Zak Galifainagasaasas (The New Man) Here is the link to some more there is about 6 in total. I've found them all really funny. http://www.funnyordie.com/search/a?q=between+two+ferns&commit=Search
  12. your only 17? wow. Your age and Danny-the-boy-dane's age always surprises me for no real reason! Haha, I genuinely thought it was called that until people were giving me strange looks. So... my life that's always a bag of fun I rarely divulge on the forums but I'm in a write about my life in the vain attempt someone will care mood! Thursday I shall begin this particular tale on Thursday. Having broken free from the Shackles of work I decided to venture out to my friends house for a day of filming random things. This didn't actually happen and we ended up watching the one eyed monster and playing the Fifa 10 demo. In the evening we went out and played Pool at this place in my home town that I didn't know existed! Shows how much I make it out my house, aye? :p I managed to get a Macdonalds employee to think I was a bit unhinged as well! I went up to the desk and said... Me: "Can I have a Chicken Nugget Meal Please?" Her: Yes sure, what drink would you like? Me: Do you have any Fanta? Her: yes. *enters it on the keypad* Me: Cool, I'll have the Sprite then Cue a completely lost and confused look! She thought it was a good laugh and hopefully cheered up her day. When she brought out the food I also applauded her! turning her face an even brighter red. Friday The next morning, Friday I woke up to my dads worried voice saying Call me it is URGENT. I rang back immediately and my parents had been worrying were I'd been all evening! Firstly I was meant to be going to my other friends house the next day but he could no longer have me over and thus wanted to come to mine instead. hassle.... which is why my parents had been trying to get hold of me intially. Of course I didn't have my phone on! So they rang my friend and got this drunken garble at the other end of the line like "SADHSDADHALDsldsldlglglf" and my mum was like What? DO YOU KNOW WHERE NICHOLAS IS? and they were like I don't wwhoo Nicholas is. My mum begins to panic thinking my friend had had too much to drink or taken drugs or something and left me dying in a hole somewhere. So if we flip back to Friday Morning and Dad on the Phone to me He was like "Did your friend have a lot to drink last night?" I was like no... the only drink he had was a coke from KFC... And Dad was like but we rang and we got this bizzare person at the end of the phone. Turns out that they have this number on the phone with my friends name on it but it just goes to this strange man... so perhaps it was an old number.. or we rang our cousins! What makes it better is they were worrying all that time and I was literally 10 minutes away from the house. So that was a bit crazy. Eventually my other friend came over on Friday and we watched Wanted. Saturday Moving onto Saturday I watched some stuff (House, Heroes) and had a generally relaxing day. Also got a letter from Uni about sorting my books out etc. So I have to get those! Sunday I played a lot of Half Life 2. then my friend I haven't seen for ages came over and we had a chat/chinese takeaway and played Articulate! Monday I went to the Dentist today my teeth are perfect, my gums need some work. Also sorted out more stuff for Uni! I AM OFF TO WALES IN 5 DAYS AND I AM SCARED. Ooh Ooh I didn't tell you the best part! I'VE GOT MILEY CYRUS TICKETS FOR LONDON IN THE 02 ARENA. Though I'm trying not to get excited.
  13. I hadn't tried gameboy/gamegirl I just listened to the song you suggested. I liked, not loved though. :p Will check out more songs however! Have you listened to Miley Cyrus' Time of Our Lives EP? anyway here is theWhen I Look At You video. Okay so Muse aye? I don't think there has been much talk about it... Muse - The Resistance I was very much more entertained by the album than I realised I would be, having ignored all the hype. Well crafted in my view and I personally enjoyed Guiding Light. I forgot i liked Muse though it ended a bit quickly for me! maybe because I was playing Half Life 2 at the same time. Jay-Z Blueprint 3 Very good. I didn't find myself bored during the album and it all flowed together nicely. Miley Cyrus - Time Of Our Lives EP I love. Also gave my Beatles CD a listen yesterday. It is just a compilation CD with 28 tracks on it but it was a great experience and I wish I had money to buy the albums as I think I love The Beatles.
  14. Doesn't matter now but I listened to both songs and forgot to vote. Would've been PJ Harvey.
  15. Woah you always post things I've been listening to. I need to start beating you to the post. I heard both songs a while ago. /unnecessary e-peins waving. I love the Kesha song! I also suggest you give Millionaires a listen as they are pretty much the same but with three of them! :p Warning may annoy you though.. Millionaires - Just Got Paid, Lets get laid. Audio I started shouting the lyrics round the house and my dad was like that's rude! haha. About The Saturdays I like the new single, whatever. Forever is over you are talking about? I dabbled in the new Muse album today got half way in twice before I got distracted I like what I've heard thus far! This week I've been listening to: Amanda Blank - new album Sonic Youth - various albums Nerina Pallot - various albums fun. new album I enjoyed all. Particularly like Sonic Youths sound. Also fun. is extremely cheeky!!!!
  16. Thanks. :) I know it is a bit of a mess in its current form but I wanted to get my idea out there and spark interest! I will take any suggestions to improve it and come up with a revised idea in due course. :D

  17. Today was good. I'mma tidy my room at 3am. Not just a shove everything under your bed tidy up a proper stuff all the rubbish in many bags sort of clearout.
  18. 'Derren Brown is not a member of the Magic Circle. We invited him to join but he declined saying that he was not a magician but an illusionist. 'I wish him all the best in all his tricks.' THEY'RE ILLUSIONS!!!! Tricks are what whores do for money...or candy... I think we all know who the best Magician is:
  19. Fear Can't Kill You But... Life is Out Of This World Visiting Eenuh in Belgium!
  20. My Songs Of The Day! Listen to them at your own peril. Nerina Pallot - Real Late Starter iwrestledabearonce - Danger In The Manger Amanda Blank - I'm a Lady
  21. wait I forgot about this guy: Gives me the creeps even to this day!
  22. Anton Chigurh As my number 1. There here are some honourable mentions: Hank Scorpio Sideshow Bob Sid
  23. Vote: warandchaos :p
  24. @Dan-likes-trees: Haha, I agree with everything you say about I Love You Man. District 9
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