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Everything posted by Meik

  1. Today I got a new resident on Animal Crossing DS. His name is Rolf, and he is identical to the animal in your signature. What's going on here? Did you infect my game? Get out of my game, hacker.
  2. Happy Noob day, guys. I'd play Halo 2 with you but I have the flu and sound like a frog.
  3. Guy pretty much nailed the reason as to why it's down. It's being taken care of, chill out.
  4. I'm going to be anal and mention that this line actually has a typo in the game. She/it says "Beacause". It's amusing because it's the only thing that Jenova says in the entire game. What a waste.
  5. http://www.gamingfm.com fits the description.
  6. World of Warcraft fan movies have been done to death, but this is the first one to actually entertain me: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7997646050642417046 It also has dancing Taurens which is a big, big plus. Doesn't require a knowledge/interest in WoW.
  7. Just added a whole bunch of you to my friends list, I am CTU Mason in case you didn't know who it was.
  8. It's a good thing I don't shake the machine violently with one hand and hold the controller in the other, then.
  9. If a 360 is scratching/burning discs then i'd be willing to bet it would do the same whatever position it was in. The whole "vertical is unsafe" mentality is tosh. Mine is vertical and I haven't had a single problem.
  10. Colin - Locke for the win. I do enjoy these "my cock is bigger than yours" threads. I have 2 gaming setups - one for the PC/360/GC and the other for the PS2/DVDs/General TV watching. First is the PC - I use the HDTV for my PC monitor as well 360-playing: Next is the TV with nerdy figures. Mason is about to die on the TV. Edit - I just noticed that Solidus Snake has apparently had too much to drink in that picture.
  11. Maybe it's the fact that i've played Halo 2 for too long then, I don't know. It seems a bit weird when any other shooter i've played (including the 360 version of Call of Duty 2) seems fine whereas PDZ doesn't. Right now i'm just not liking the aiming, and if that makes me a "noob" who has to rely on auto-aim then so be it, i'd rather just have fun then spend my time having to adjust/practice. If you enjoy the game then that's great, don't let me stop you. Edit - regarding the "Halo is tripe" comment - lol.
  12. Judging by Perfect Dark Zero, yes. Apparently Rare don't know how to implement a decent aiming system into a dual-analogue FPS. Anyone who disagrees with this hasn't played Halo 2. And judging by Kameo, no. I may of beat it in 9 hours or so, but those were 9 enjoyable hours. Once they patch in online co-op it should be great.
  13. You need to push and hold the Xbox guide button on the controller. (The big X in the middle). It will then search for the nearest console and assign itself the necessary player position. This also turns on the console itself for the more lazy amongst us.
  14. PDZ and PGR3 Sopranos Series 5 Bill Bailey Cosmic Jam 2 shirts and a jumper Rachel Stevens calendar Box of assorted toblerone miniatures Box of ferrero rocher Couple of other bits and bobs
  15. Yeah, I just played this whilst talking to CVD, Bowser and Guy over Xbox Live. In the dark. With the sound up. I screamed.
  16. Merry Christmas everyone!
  17. Yeah, I live like 5 minutes away.
  18. Translation: I have LAN parties at my house every month, so I get all my pals around - there are about 8 of us, so we play with two teams of four. We play Halo 2 all night, but the thing is I am really good and the team that I am on always wins.. so they decided I was the best. So we played a game where it was me and my pal Rob (he's okay at the game) against everyone else. It was a team slayer, and me and my pal won easily. So we played another game where everyone was against me on a slayer and I won with 50 kills whereas they only got 18. I am not saying they are shit or anything, most of them have Halo 2 and Xboxes, but I just wipe the floor with them. I am getting Live so I want to see if you people are better than me to give me some competition. Bye.
  19. Is anyone else obsessed with Hexic? I can't get enough of it, i'm playing it more than my main 360 games at the moment.
  20. I think he was referring to the fact that the lady didn't specify what type/brand she wanted. Here. Nowhere exciting. But we do have white lions!!11
  21. I agree with Poshy on this one, none of those seem really stupid bar 2. I could imagine my mom asking something like that, though this is the woman who saw my 360 the other day and said "is that your new Z-Station?" Anyway, I work at a theme park and I operate the rides. Here are my top 5, they aren't particularly stupid but they make me laugh: 5. Is this safe? 4. How do you go? (On the dodgems) 3. Does this rollercoaster go upside down? (The whole ride is in plain view) 2. Kids yelling "FASTER!" on a rollercoaster (Sorry, I can't control gravity) And my favourite, I get asked this 10 times a day when working the log flume or the rapids: 1. Do you get wet on this?
  22. No. YES! Project Stealth for the win. Have you been on a rocket coaster before? They are rather mental. Whilst on the subject of 2006 theme park action, Animal Kingdom in Disneyworld Orlando are opening their new rollercoaster: That's one hell of a mountain.
  23. Goddamnit, and I was just about to make a "Rate The Above Poster's "Rate The Above Poster Thread"" thread too.
  24. I'm not sure what's going on in it, but it has a Monkey Island reference.. which means I give it a thumbs up.
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