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Everything posted by Frank

  1. I'm humbled. But scared. Since working at a hotel I've been receiving a certain amount of "special" attention. My curly-headed sister (who just so happens to work with me) is citing me to be a new Romeo. Crazy Frank say what! I mentioned to a girl she had eyes like Bambi and has been saying quite obvious comments to some around. Another girl just "likes" me. Another one just flutters around me like a bumble-bee constantly (since I had mentioned she's like a bee). I'd honestly no idea women were so easy! :p And this is just my fellow workers. I've had some guests act in a more-than-friendly manner. Of course, relatively this isn't a great deal. But for someone who's had, more or less, nil experience in the area -- it's something. First, a man in his 40s. Asked me when I finished work...if I had a girlfriend (x4)...blah. Most interesting was a bald French man in his 40s. Even came into the kitchens, curled his fingers at me and hissed, "Give me the boy.". Think of Voldemort and you get the right impression. Horrible considering my Mam was there. Just recently I've had a woman telling me I could call her "Mammy" in bed and another telling me how polite I was [only to be disappointed at my young age and shooed me off.]. Must be the clothes I work in. Have a tie and all. That and I got my hurr did.
  2. Happy Birthday. Because you're worth it.
  3. Sharing the love with You. This is great so shh, listen. I'm starving.
  4. Thank You all for the messages of great support! I really appreciated them. I haven't been around N-E as often as I used to be. So I haven't really been keeping things updated. You know, blabbering on about shit. Things have, of course, been terrific. After that message I wrote here I had an hour phone call with my sister. My soul felt light and I went downstairs to the enigmatic housemates, for the laugh. Had another 'movie-moment'. I arrive into a room...coffee mug in hand, I look around and don't recognize a soul. Everyone's talking and chatting together (enjoying life.) while I stand, awkwardly. Suddenly someone calls my name -- it's a woman I'd introduced myself to previously. I sigh with relief and begin to talk to everyone. That scene'll be recreated with Julia Robberts playing me. Since then -- basically just getting to know everyone. I've encountered people from 4 corners of the globe. My favorite Canadian who exchanges whiskey with me, my favorite Chinese who is terribly shy but obviously a superwoman, my favorite French -- We drink and blabber in French with tobacco smoke encircling us. Just happened to bump into @EddieColeslaw and @heroicjanitor on my travels. Which was a blast. I still get to return home at weekends so I can see all the besties at home. I plan on visiting some museums etc. in the city this week. College life is enticing me.
  5. Certainly a change of pace today. I've been up since 6:00AM and immediately hit the road. At first, I was optimistic. I'm just tired now. I had an incredibly shitty day. It was all good&normal until 2:00PM. I moved out from home today. I'm officially a student, studying in college! That, of course, belongs in the good stuff thread. I've my own room. It's pretty damn nice. I mean, it's basic. I have a bed, desk, lamp, sink and wardrobe but the feel is good. The place I'm staying reminds me of a convent. So obviously was. Perfect set for horror. Halls are long and rooms are high. If Hogwarts went cheap -- it'd be here. Definitely. I've only bumped into about 5 people briefly which is a major dud. I moved from the small country to the grand city. It's tough. I don't know actually know anyone. Well, one girl..but that's a long story. We've drifted apart as of late BLAH! She bores me. But we're friends. I think. I'm lonely. I have nobody to talk to in person right now. I had a breakdown in college, well, sorta. I became so frustrated I had to find somewhere to let it all loose [Got to a point I couldn't talk without tearing] and ended up using the girls' toilet for cover. Absolutely ridiculous -- there was no mens' toilets in sight! Waited a long time for a bus to only be rejected. Appararently coins, not notes, are only acceptable. I was lost in my college...got lost coming home. I'm just so sad. I want to be in the college where my friends went. I'd be having so much fun there! I'm wallowing. Why good stuff? Because this is the beginning of the film. Where I'm awkward + lost + sad. In the final scene I win at life, become a champion, and am carried by my fans [as I'm the new pop/rock sensation]. I hope.
  6. Tipsy right now. Drinking Jameson Whiskey tout seul. Oh well, I'm happy. Listening to Bloody Mary. Gonna dance with my hands. I wanna be individual...everyone to know my Name. BLOODY MARY!! DOM DOM DOM. Fuck it, I'm gonna correct myself if I spell something wrong. DOM DOM DOM. Love Me!!!
  7. I find the majority of you all so foreign. So strange. I am ridiculously close with my family. My cousins are more like brothers and sisters. My aunts and uncles are more like parents. We all meet each other quite regularly. Of course, not the case with all my family. We are a big bunch (18+ aunts and uncles, 40+ cousins, 28 2nd cousins). Still so close. I love them, dearly.
  8. Frank


    Oh No! Twitter isn't just to write about your day! If it was, I doubt it'd be as popular. Mostly I use it to express a few of my thoughts I receive throughout the day...a few things I like to think aloud. See what's happening around the world or with a certain person. You really should indulge in it. The more you put in the more you get out of Twitter. As a fellow artist I imagine you would be really interesting!
  9. Hey Eddie! :D


    I was just wondering, are you going to college and if so -- which college are you going to? :)

    [sorry for sounding like a horrible stalker!]

  10. Yes, now that you mention it! It gave me the impression of how unimportant speech can be. Who even needs words? Let's return to silent film. I must see some of his other films. Are they as good? [i hope I'm as vibrant a person as the triplets when I'm older ]
  11. Frank


    I've only made my profile public recently. So, here it is! Enjoy my worthless thoughts and experiences (somewhat). http://twitter.com/#!/GaviHaze Click, Follow, Enjoy the vibe.
  12. Finally got around to seeing The Triplets of Belleville. Oh yes. Oh yes, yes, yes, yes. YES. It was so surprising. I didn't expect the plot or general feeling to be so adult. Presumed it was a 'kiddy' film, then in the first 2 minutes there's a naked African woman being mauled by the male audience! The song will forever remain in my head, too catchy. Classy ladies with shoulder shakes -- nice. I dunno, I haven't any idea what to write about. It's just all Wonderful. The characters and art direction. [Writer's Block...Speechless ] Whoop dee doo, rendez-vooooous.
  13. Had a tough time at work the other day. According to all the staff I'm friendly with my boss is bullying me. He makes all these remarks...tells me off unfairly...all that. I just thought he was being a 'boss'. I noticed though when he grabbed a tray full of glasses & drinks from me. Almost dropped it. All because I was 'holding it wrong'. Nothing too bad, however. His pants ripped completely later that night Oh yes. Serves him right, the cunt. It was also his last night!
  14. Unashamed to be Pop. Nothing more. I can sing the chorus all day long. BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP Honestly thought it was Shania Twain when I first head it on the radio :p
  15. Thanks Diageo! I've applied for European Studies. I can learn a mixture of European languages. I'll (probably) be choosing French & German. Maybe do some Russian, Italian and Swedish on the side. I'm excited about doing the film studies / music / general culture. My entire 3rd year in France too! They also do Spanish & Portuguese but I've never had much of an interest in them. As for college, I've got UL in Limerick down and UCD in Dublin as my top two choices. Whichever one'll take me, I guess. Art isn't easy. It's like certain people. It brings you so much pain...but it's worth suffering. I hope my grade goes up when I recheck it. I envy you
  16. I'm also one who has just got back their exam results. Not English A-Levels (obviously) but the Irish equivalent -- the Leaving Cert. I'm happy with my results. I'm not exactly delighted or ecstatic but I got what I needed. 465 points (out of 600). A2 in English, B1 in Irish, B1 in French, B2 in History, B3 in Biology, C1 in Maths and C2 in Art (). I love my History result given I didn't even finish my 3rd essay. Makes me think I could have gotten the A otherwise. Maths was an awful & controversial paper this year. So I'd say I could have gotten a B or an A given a 'normal' paper. Art was a shambles. I definitely feel I deserved better. Damn subjectivity. I'm getting it rechecked at least. Whatever...I got what my course needs. I just want the satisfaction to say I got such and such points. COLLEGE HERE I COME.
  17. Such a delightful video! I wanna be just like Gaga with long, flat grey hair and run around a cornfield like a fairy. And make out with myself, obviously.
  18. Yes! That's the film. Oh don't worry! I've got it on DVD. I went to HMV one day and cleaned them of all their French DVDs. Even though I've been dying to see it for ages I just can't seem to get a chance to watch it. I'll post my reaction when I do.
  19. I saw Castaway a few nights ago! Such a sad film. I was torn apart watching [enter main character's name here] surviving alone on the island. I felt so involved that I was hanging from my seat wishing he'd find another friend. Or, that he'd escape the island. The whole concept of Wilsson was a lovely touch. I originally wanted to watch this little French film animation about cycling but watched this instead. It was saddening. I must admit. A true testament to the power of man's will to survive. It also showed how cruel death can be. As the credits rolled along blissfully I tore my hair out...craving to see more. That's good, s'pose. Also watched some violent movie starring Bruce Wilis. The Hostage, I think. It was meh. I'm not a lover of those types of films.
  20. Ever since the funeral of a loved one I've had this terrible cold. Not sure what it is. Stuffed & runny nose. Blocked ears. Croaky throat. Bad phlegm. Yuck. Results for my Leaving Cert are also out tomorrow. [More like 10 hours!]. I'm so Terrified.
  21. Wow. I can't believe that comment! -- There's tons of coverage over here in Ireland about the whole thing although I've been too busy to take much notice. There's some "England's difficulty is Ireland's opportunity" talk again. 6 counties. Yadda, yadda, yadda. Once again N-E becomes the best way for me to stay in touch with all of this!
  22. Irish radio's pretty good. I listen to 2FM sometimes, especially if Ruth Scott is on. Maybe some know of her? Actually, last week I spent 3 hours just sitting in my kitchen listening to the DJ/presenter talk about different topics. Really Interesting. It can also be shite though 4FM I like. It plays jazzy/rock'n'roll stuff. I'm usually forced to listen to it sometimes, however. My Mam hates silence so whenever I turn off the radio I hear "Frank! Turn that radio back on! It's too quiet!!"
  23. No Frank? You're stank...rank...mank...and sank in a bank. I kid I definitely applaud the amount of determination / effort. It came out nice too. Good song choice.
  24. Feel completely the same about Someone Like You. I heard it first in November of 2010 and was so moved by the song -- it's content, style, everything. After learning to play it on piano for my graduation party and from generally being over-played...it was so hard to appreciate. I'm such a hipstar, it's unreal.
  25. No Born This Way?! Wasn't that Number 1 for ages?
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