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Emerald Emblem

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Everything posted by Emerald Emblem

  1. So half a year later, I did spend 500 points recently so it was more at one point..
  2. To be fair, when it comes to visuals, we have to remember that the game comes out in 5 months time, I'm sure if they pulled resources from their new game for the final push in tidying the visuals up, it will look much better by release. What they showed at E3 is by no means the finished product.
  3. For a player with a year left on his contract, that fee is incredible (Including the £50 mill in potential add ons), Chelsea have done well on that one. I expect Chelsea to spend big in next years transfer window.
  4. Why are these Pokemon Directs always right as I finish work? I would love to be able to sit down in a comfy seat to watch these on my TV rather than in the locker room on my phone.
  5. Wisps were a mistake, I can't tell what half of them are meant to do and with items that is half the fun of a mascot kart racer. Another issue is the restrictive nature of just Sonic themed tracks, with all the different franchises and characters in All Stars Racing there was a lot more variety and potential. I do think it's a huge downgrade overall. The team Mechanic is the only redeeming feature of the game, but it just makes the non team racing even less substantial and dull to play. They should just (And I know some people would be against this) port All Stars Racing Transformed to Switch
  6. Well Chelsea made that difficult, great saves from Kepa in the shootout. It's the first time in history that all the final places in European competition have been filled by a single nation.
  7. I can only hope the defensive changes are made this summer, if the teams swapped centre backs I'd wager Arsenal would have won comfortably and this is a team that barely survived relegation this season, the stats are damning, after having on paper the easiest run in, we are dead last in the table for the last 5 games, that is simply not good enough. The only upside is that the Europa League is still very winnable but we have to repeat the performance in Naples to make the final.
  8. Are Spurs gonna "Spurs it up" right at the end yet again? Sons red card was surprising in the fact you don't expect to see him do that...But Foyths red was just unnecessary which says nothing of how Dier didn't get sent off, 3 yellow card challenges, one of which should have been a penalty, yet only got one. I honestly thought Bournemouth weren't going to score. The door has well and truly been left open for Chelsea, Arsenal and Man U.
  9. Well when I sold Mario Oddysey that price is what I got for it plus shipping. Picked it back up.
  10. To be honest, I've already opened it and invested most of my Thursday and Friday into it, it's not a great game but I've still been enjoying it, all those cards with all those new forms and art preys on my collector instinct and Dragonball fandom. You can build a pretty powerful deck early on so most maps are a doddle, got a load of Saiyans in my main deck that clean up most battles. The premise and dialogue almost feels like a meme game. You can't take it seriously.
  11. Welp, I forgot about my ShopTo pre-order, just got the dispatch email today. Well into my savings I go I guess.
  12. Dragonball Heroes I'll likely wait for reviews, not much money this month so I can't buy anything til the 25th but the Ace Attorney trilogy will tempt me if it's no more than £29.99, otherwise I can wait. Quiet month for me on the whole but I have plenty to play at this point anyway.
  13. So this news has just broken. Aaron Ramsey signs Pre-contract deal with Juventus worth over £400,000 per week. Ramsey is good but he isn't £400,000 per week good. Best of luck to him and I'm sad we're letting him go.
  14. I must have at least 25 games in my Switch backlog, can't see myself really getting into it at all until my two weeks off work from the last week of March.
  15. Body recovered from plane wreckage confirmed to be that of Emiliano Sala RIP, now lets hope they can find the pilots body soon for his famillies sake, thoughts go out to Sala's family too.
  16. Comes out in a few weeks and shipping will be a few weeks longer, but i'm looking forward to when it arrives, it's got English subs so I'll be able to fully enjoy it.
  17. The wreckage of the plane carrying Emiliano Sala has been found in the English Channel
  18. Not entirely true. You pay base price for an incomplete game unless you buy the gold edition (Not forgetting the middle ground silver edition which honestly are pointless in my opinion) which can cost upwards of £90, some of the games you have listed do that, but even then you aren't getting the complete experience unless you buy the tiers of Special editions, Limited editions, Ultimate editions or some other named editions with cheap tat you don't want and those are entering £100+ territory. It's becoming an increasing common practice especially among the major 3rd party developers such as EA and Ubisoft to chop content out of their games so they can tempt people with more content to help shift these other editions of games. At least back in the day you paid a price and know you are getting the complete experience.
  19. Man, you guys make me feel very lucky, I watched it with mates in a virtually empty cinema, probably helped that the screening I saw wasn't listed on the Broly Movie website and wasn't advertised in the cinema itself either. I was pleasantly surprised that they managed to retcon the backstory of the saiyans as well as they did, I miss Bardock developing into the antihero but they improved a lot more so I was satisfied overall. I can't help but feel after the grand opening they gave Frieza during the intro flashback, he kinda becomes a Saturday morning cartoon villain by the end of it, which I found quite funny. I can only wonder what the directors cut will add when it comes out on Blu Ray.
  20. Cheers for the advice.
  21. So I managed to get a lot of time to play the game today, I've reached the 4th world right now and I am still enjoying it a lot. It takes a while to get used to the many voice actor changes, one character from previous games doesn't have any lines and is just there, you'll know when they show up but it really bugged me as they are an important character in that world. Another issue is how many skills can stack on the Triangle button at times, at this point I have no idea how to prioritise one over the others so I have to just spam them to get to what I want, it sometimes even interrupts me interacting with treasure chests where I will activate a skill instead of opening the chest, a minor gripe really, just annoying. I hope I haven't posted anything people would consider spoilerish.
  22. I've been privileged enough to get my copy today, I had a busy day going to the cinema and having my old housemates round, so only got to play just over an hours worth and whilst I didn't play the spin offs (Watched Team Four Star play through them all) I have to say without spoiling anything, I love how nice the combat feels and visually it looks amazing.
  23. As someone who hasn't played half the games he has bought for Switch, a quiet period is fine by me, but who knows if we will get a direct in the near future, it could be soon, it could take a few months from now, I shall look forward to it whatever the case may be.
  24. So my copy of the limited edition arrived today, man does this take me back. After getting through the first part of the game it's just such a lovely nostalgia trip, the visuals are kinda dated by this point but other than that I'm enjoying playing it.
  25. Best money I ever spent on Kickstarter.
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