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Everything posted by Pookiablo

  1. As I will probably be back in Reading at the time, rather than stay in a hostel, I'll probably make the journey up to London for both days as it'd work out cheaper (if slightly annoying) that way I'm up for gamage - 8 player Mario Kart DS could be good fun
  2. Yeah make it in the south, you northerners get to bum each other on enough occasions as it is!
  3. Omg, Ville, you're still alive! I can't remember the last time I even saw you on these forums let alone Brawl - should we meet again your ass is grass might I add. How is Vablo?
  4. Seems good so far, keep up the good work! I like the dual language idea - very appealing!
  5. Yup, was unfortunately the same here in neighbouring Bath, nothing to phone home about
  6. It would seem to me to be a very good sport and one which require a heck of a lot of skill. I'm not sure I agree with your duality point - it's incredibly popular I found, everyone did it over Judo....(infidels!) and I can understand why, it looks cool and it seems very hard to master! Being able to perform some of the techniques or fighting in such a way could definitely be considered art in my view.
  7. Happy Birthday Mike and Arab, hope you've had good days!
  8. Just one more post for fear of sounding like an arrogant know-it-all - one very good back exercise would be deadlifts - something you can easily do at home if you get your hands on a barbell set. I recall a very good trainer in Paris telling me that Squats are perhaps the best free weight exercise you can do - I fucking hate them but they strengthen all sorts of muscles. Anyways, I'll quit being a nob and let you get on with it, Good luck again buddy!
  9. Dude I feel your pain, I also have a stupidly high metabolism and putting on weight for me was bloody hard to do but you can do it! If you're gonna be using the shakes, I'd advise using Maximuscle Progain - it's expensive but very good stuff (well, good as far as protein shakes go....wouldn't ideally recommend them but it sounds reminiscent of my lower weight years). If you're gonna use them you may as well buy a higher quality one, eh? Make sure you get lots of free weights in by the way - the machines are good but they isolate a lot, free weights will strengthen supporting muscles, therefore affecting more of you
  10. Someone give this man the power to sticky! We'll take it to them!
  11. Indeed, always the way....we could dress up as girls - Danny you know you'd make a sexy chick, as would Flink!
  12. I second the good man - we need more nudity! Also "It's NOT a tumour!"
  13. The Pookster baby, he's whipping out Christmas cheer all over da place!
  14. I'm thinking n-europe 2009 calendar - with members in select, scantily-clad poses!
  15. I wouldn't mind losing a few pounds here and there - bit of fat here and there but overall I'm not fussed. I enjoy my food and I exercise very regularly. Currently 13st4, (84.something kg for Danny ).
  16. Be confident, for your overall weight you seem to be lifting more than enough. Don't get carried away with what others think, long as you're happy with how you're doing, then keep it up!
  17. I did some Aikido in Germany and it really wasn't for me but it is very good for keeping fit! I used to do Judo, did it right up until January of this year since I was about 7 (with a few on-off breaks). Was good fun although I never ever really seemed to get any good at it despite trying so long. Again, it was good fun for keeping fit!
  18. Depends what you paid for it at the time I suppose. There's very few available on ebay though - other thing is, surely it's identical to the New Hope one? If so then that might affect the price in either a good or bad way. Newflash: It seems I won't be getting the Darth Vader lightsaber after all - supplier has now changed his mind from yesterday and claims that he no longer has any in, despite saying yesterday that it was okay to order away! Funny how that all happened in less than 24 hours. Not happy. Once money is back in the bank it seems the Yoda one will have to be my next one now.
  19. It happened before back in the 20s/30s and they got through it then - sure things are on a much grander scale now, but I think it's just a case of us all living less a life of luxury (because let's face it, most of us in Europe do compared to less desirable parts of the world) until things pick up. We're far too resilient - 2012 is too soon.
  20. I think you'll find Zimbabwe is perhaps the biggest failure of all time and its education investment used to be one of the highest in Africa before the shit hit the fan. Mugabe used to be a teacher, hence the reason therefore. Now he's just a dick.
  21. I also heard it take 6 AA batteries, which is just nuts. I have a funny feeling my next purchase to be posted on here will be some bloody rechargeable batteries! Any suggestions for how I might mount them on a wall safely without using any screws or nails - I'm not allowed to do anything to damage the walls as it's a rented house - we use bluetack for most things but I have a funny feeling that won't be tough enough, plus my greatest fear would be them falling down and smashing into a million pieces
  22. You know, when you look at the new Dan Dare's profile, it actually does look pretty authentic! I'd laugh if it truly was just sheer coincidence! Well, except for the Xbox Gamertag of course, lol.
  23. Gotta give the lil green guy some skin, he does indeed rock. Vader truly is the coolest villain in the history of anything - not even Hitler was as bad ass as Vader. I wants the Mace Windu saber and above all, Luke's green saber from Return of the Jedi - they're minimum £200, and I don't think you can even buy the green one anyways! I need to get rich fast
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