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Everything posted by Ant-Shimmin

  1. I have added you Re M6 Accept me Or GTFO
  2. Serves you right for getting a Mac You 'Oh So' Unique Person
  3. Its an excellent stadium and when it all boils down it's one of the Nicest Looking stadiums in Europe. But it's a generic bowl and is similar to benfica
  4. 4 Medals 2 Kills 1 Death
  5. The Emirates Is an Awesome Stadium Just Not Unique ______________________________________________ Anyway going to Wigan on Saturday, Torres best play!
  6. Played Up to Chapter 2 of Single Player and have Played 10 Multiplayer Freakin Awesome
  7. Our Survey Says...
  8. Guys Don't you remember Man United get special dispensation Non of their players dive Little Angels What a goal by Benayoun ....Thats him dropped for next week:(
  9. Liverpool Game are opening 8:30am I had a dentist Appointment at 9:50am Lied to my Dad that I need to go to college for 30 minutes in the morning, re-scheduled my Appointment and I am going to get it.
  10. Haha:heh: Lets try not to rub that in anymore ;
  11. Good the bitter runt Alot of my posts are massive novels to be fair in discussions
  12. Like it or not I think my arguments and Opinions are fair and just.... It's different and I think I structure them very well Face it everyone loves me
  13. I Don't Post Crap
  14. Personally I believe I'm the main reason for people to actually post on here because I have such different opinions that do not conform with others opinions. I know this backs up your "Arrogant" Argument.. If this thread was really that bad, and I was as really as bad as people would make you believe. Then A: I Wouldn't be here B: This thread would be damned to hell Remind me when I'm an abusive little prat and then ban me.... I don't like that Nou Camp Stadium.... It just looks weird, Did you see the New Valencia Stadium Conference, Orchestra too boot and everything...
  15. Didn't the petty arguing go with Hobbz Sorry couldn't resist Anyway Rafa will probably be a dick and play Torres... Eugh
  16. Is it safe to talk about Liverpool's new stadium
  17. Where the fuck has Takeo been? He hasn't been on MSN in years Anyone heard anything?
  18. Hobbz was an arsehole, The Mods and Admin did the best thing they could do He was Abusive Ignorant Arrogant
  19. He got what was coming to him Good Ridance
  21. Well you know what to do buddy Won't take you too long
  22. If this problem persists I implore you to do install a clean copy of Windows on your PC... It takes less than an hour but is brilliant and well worth it, It replaces the system files and keeps everything from your old installation of Vista including Music and Videos. Just transfer what you want and delete the rest, I did this and PC has never functioned any better, Drivers and Updates install quicker than you can say "Whoever hates Vista is a mac Fan"
  23. It's the best opinion that is close to fact ever.. Shawshank Redemption is an incredibly moving and powerful movie
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