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Everything posted by Ant-Shimmin

  1. Give tiger a hug Hobbz
  2. It's not sarcasm because I can relate to it I agree with you
  3. 100.1% Agree
  4. *Accepts You* *Laughs* *Moves On* (Just Pulling your leg) On a serious note, every team does have them yes but how many do United have that Grew Up in the "Sky Generation" Liverpool did have alot when they where succesful but they grew up in a time of no Sky and it was always about Going the game and if for some reason you couldn't make it you watched it on tele. Not If it isn't on tele I'll try and go the game (Making as little effort possible to get the ticket) As for my age your obsessed with it
  5. I beg to differ I have never seen someone put "Fucking" and "Wanker" in so many Sentences LMFAO Couldn't help but laugh, Hobbz dare I say has a point in that, how many times do you see when Lower League clubs are on tele and all of a sudden the attendences go down....
  6. When was that Hobbz Seriously? I hope I never hurt your feelings mate
  7. Yeah but if they go the game and support the team then great regardless where they come from... But if your an Arm Chair fan like Ramar has said it's just the epitome of Glory Hunting Living...
  8. Agreed I also hate the way that everything about Football is now compared only from 1992 onwards... Thats why whoever uses the Argument "LIVERPOOL HAVE NEVER WON THE LEAGUE LOL" is so incredibly stupid and brainwashed so to speak it's not even funny. I think the reason why the likes of Manchester United and Chelsea have become so 'popular' is because their dominance came at the right time, when the money came in and Football in England become more of a world wide game. Our Success was lost in time through Sky it was always a Manchester United wank fest 24/7. Look at Aston Villa their European Cup win is very rarely muttered. When I lived in Leicester in my school as a child their was 1 Liverpool fan (Myself) and about 5 Man Utd Fans who had no obvious connection to Manchester United what so ever, I used to always think it was too look cool in school, and I do think thats the case now. Everywhere you would go their would be more more Utd fans than Leicester City Fans, My Dad often teased a Manchester United fan who was my friend to name some players who played for United and he just said "Cantona". Don't get me wrong I don't think it matters who you support where ever you come from I use peoples season tickets that don't even live in Liverpool and I don't see them as any less or more than a fan then myself, but it just grinds my gears to see people in far off towns like Rhyl Supporting the more succesful team no matter who it is for the sake of it, never going the games, who struggle to name old managers and players and I quote "Only Watching MOTD at night if their scored more than 3 Goals". They are brainwashes into ignorance and it is very hard to argue against people whose education on that team and club is through Sky Sports and how Football Started in 1992 and what ever happend before that was erased from history. But Hey Ho thats just the way it is... But no One, no one will ever feel a success more than someone who followed their team through the bad and through the good. Seriously, I cried like a baby
  9. It doesn't, I was simply taking something out of context and trying to generate humour from a film called Armageddon..Which starts off with many little Asteriods hitting Earth, and then a massive one following.. See Item A... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armageddon_%281998_film%29 It was simply a little light humour born from the Notion of this film and general perception (However wrong this maybe) that once a small asteriod hits Earth, Other much bigger objects do as well Hope this clears this Up and
  10. Just Watched it
  11. We're all gonna die... http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/7001897.stm Hurrah!
  12. Yes It Does, A Good Example of this was the Community Shield last year at Cardiff, Merseyside (Even I Admit It) is run down and apparently home to the poor. Yet we could of probably sold out our End Twice Over Chelsea coming from London home of teh gold and Queen etc Just about got Half of their capacity. Their was no difference in ticket prices they literally just could not sell out. Now I know we have alot of fans outside Liverpool but it outlines the point that Chelsea are indeed a small club, They might have a few so called 'fans' cropping up here or their. But they aren't even the biggest club in the capital never mind England, based on support and success. Look at United and Liverpool Success established over a long period of time... We didn't become succesful overnight It's arguable that Liverpool have always been recognised as a big club since the first few years of their set up, it wasn't until Bill Shankly came along...And Well the rest is history. United is a weird one they where a big club during the George Best and Busby Babes era, then they kind of went away and after 26 Years of a League Less Trophy Cabinet they managed to get it. They were similar to Liverpool now always wanting the league, yet always getting the odd cup here or their only difference being we were getting to European Finals on a regular basis. Bottom Line is....Chelsea are a small club gone 'big' too fast...
  13. Yes were the biggest club in England you Ignorant Part Timer.... By the Premiership you mean the top division in England we won that 18 Times Fuck This Shit I'm Off To Bed COME ON LIVERPOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. B...Bu...But Chelsea are a big club... Fucking ***** Hope they go bust and get relegated to the Blue Square Premier, they will never win Europe Shit Fans, Shit Ground, Shit Club Shit Everything ___________________________________ Made me feel better
  15. Point Away in Europe Always a good result We did look abit off mind... Still, Unbeaten how many pens are we conceding ffs
  16. It Doesn't Make Sense Does it Your Work Is Awesome Mate don't listen to them Now give tiger a hug
  17. VLC PLayer is your friend
  18. Another thing I am the only Person with the Mental Capacity to actually Use a Admin/ Mod CP Console I have used them for the past few years of my life Hurrah!
  19. A Hole Of Glory? Which Can be a Golf Hole A Donut Hole? Several Holes on the Human Body pending on Sexuality although it doesn't really
  20. All the posts I have seen rokhed post today they have all had Sexual Innuendos in them. Are you on some sort of a bet? Who wouldn't want to fist a glory hole....? The Man Himself Congrats Buddy your Authoritah is not Questioned...........!
  21. Ant (L) UK 4evA idat....
  22. I am just taking the piss, however UK and Dom seem to have the right idea, so maybe I'm not Lmfao at UK If their was every a emoticon for Pulling a fist of Glory and Triumph I would of just put it their
  23. And so the revolution... BEGINS!!!
  24. If they don't put an Update for the Parental Controls in the Fall Update then they never will as far as I am concerned....
  25. That song on the ipod Nano Advert is now on my Mobile Phone.. Brilliant Song by a Brilliant Artist might I add?
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