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Everything posted by Ant-Shimmin

  1. Can't wait for many games Too bad I have no money :P
  2. I hate International Breaks But Liverpool have been doing bollocks so It's alright....This time around
  3. Simple Answer Shit But we got a Point away at Porto and losing and home isn't a catasrophe. The group is still their to be qualified from...
  4. 1: I was being nice, and welcoming her 2: Whats Harribo got to do with this thread? 3: Stop being such an ignorant know it all, I don't like your attitude considering this thread has been just full of mis-understanding and mis-interpretation, Was all that really nessesary, apart from the welcome? 4: Who are you and what on earth have I done to deserve such Demeaning comments?
  5. Ohhh Aye I'm going the Everton v Liverpool Match Pub Afterwards Watch the Final! Jesus if Liverpool win and England do I might just wee myself a little!
  6. What people Insinuate and Mean are two different things, The Fish was just helping out. Now...I think this calls for a lockage Welcome Once Again to both new members
  7. Domjcg's Friend Good Laugh Good to speak to Speaks sense as well
  8. Rugby League > Rugby Union St Helens are my team...
  9. When the Hell is the final by the way?
  10. Look dynastygal, No One is being horrible to you, no one is trying to make you feel uncomfortable, no one is trying to start arguements. I've noticed this throughout many other threads, that you believe this is whats happening. We are trying to make you feel welcome, and I have said it many a time, 'Welcome To N-E' I'm not taking the high horse, if I was you would know about it It's N-Europe, The Fish has been here longer than myself and you to know how things are done around here. Your Perceptions and Opinions are welcome but if it's to knock How N-E has always been run, then who is a new member to pass judgement, and expect change? Don't expect any miracles because this is how 'N-E Rolls' so to speak, It's like Marmite, you either love it or hate it. Your lucky because in the past we have found general welcome threads being locked, As Moria said, this system has been tried and failed and such threads have been locked faster than you can say. LOLWTFBBQ! Once Again Welcome to Nintendo Europe, make yourself feel at home and participate in the many discussions we have going, but beware, you will be addicted
  11. No One is taking the high horse attitude, it's just the way things are done around here. As I said when I was new I was posting myself a welcome thread, making other pointless threads etc etc...And I got flamed, so I'm just Passing on experiences. Just giving another member some guidance isn't taking the high horse attitude.
  12. One of the very few women on here, don't know you very well but you like the Foo Fighters Fair Play!
  13. Can the PS3 play PS1 Games? [/End A Question which is obvious to your eyes but not mine]
  14. Kewell Isn't Better Than Giggs, because Kewell never plays.
  15. I'm meeting a Bi-Curious girl next week, I kinda like her and she likes me too. She does like men, but she said to me Openly she finds herself attracted to Girls sometimes. Bi Curious? Either way she's nice
  16. Me when I was 14 v Bolton Me on Holiday when I was 14 Me and a Friend a good 3 Years Back Edit by Supergrunch: Hmm, can't get your images to work.
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