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Everything posted by Ant-Shimmin

  1. Holy Mother of God *Morgan Freeman Voice* Kewell for Derby
  2. Walking home from the train station in the rain Ruddy Bollocks!
  3. Acer have really bad rep... I really do reccomend getting a Dell, I am sure you will find a good deal on their for the same price
  4. The more you post the more you sound like my mate... You aren't REALLY a wool are you?
  5. Arsenal, Loving, Scrubs Loving Awesome Hair Great Poster Much Love
  6. The shame run through yours? Stop nit-picking, you're 40 for gods sake Your exactly how I thought you would be
  7. Rated this once before But it's brilliant, Different and certainly Unique to you in more ways than one 9/10
  8. I'm not doing that at all, I just think they are missing out a big part of culture
  9. To further expand the notion of sport it unites a country be it Cricket, Football, Rugby, Tennis?. Where are you when that happens? Playing Halo 3?! People who don't like sport are missing a crucial part of what society is and what sport brings to it and how it brings much joy to people. I can appreciate that be it Rugby or Cricket, more so Football because it means alot to me and it has a massive impact on my life. Take that away you remove People i've met Times I've Experiences Times I've been Happy Times I've been sad Times I've been proud Times that will stay with me until I'm 6 Feet Under Times I will look back upon over the years and rememeber with a fondness no other bad experience can shake And times I have yet to experience to a mouth watering level...
  10. I have met people that don't like Football, Heck one of my Best Friends takes very little interest but he enjoys his sport, Be it Basketball or even the odd kick about which I did have with him a few years ago. I have not met one person throughout my life time that has never enjoyed a sport, heck one guy I know as an F1 Freak?! I just think that Sport is one of those things that if you don't make a part of your life makes you miss out on things than you just can't get from anywhere else. In my opinion to compare an Online Competetive Game to a game of Football in my opinions very hard to understand on many different levels. Baring In mind I have done both and I can honestly say I get more pleasure from scoring a long range shot than getting a Head Shot be it in COD 2 or Halo 3. But there are things people who like sport will experience that regardless what you say or try you will never get anywhere else. And for that I pity the fool as Mr.T Would say. Notice How I'm using Sport and Not Football Only on a Nintendo Forum I suppose....
  11. Tar the Sport concept with one bursh why don't you.. I'd much rather settle down watch/play and do anything regarding Football, than play Nintendo Games Worrying about whose going to be in the Next Brawl game while downloading Anime "Because It teaches us favuable life lessons, but thats not really the idea because I am going to crack one off over the woman with the big eyes".... Staying in day after day getting bigger and bigger and not engage in any sort of Social Activity which doesn't revolve around a person from the other end of the globe. People may not like Football, but who ever doesn't like sport really needs to take a long hard look at themselves...
  12. What you have not experienced, you can never understand
  13. Im still trying to wrap my head around people who don't like Sport.... Sport People Sport
  14. Mr Paul, Likes Scrubs and Arsenal I don't have a problem with him, and his hair is better than anyones... I Also have deep passionate feelings for you
  15. Fish, He is a friend of Dom and Is a class act, never abusive, never flames and has a heart as big as the city... I actually Love Him
  16. LMFAO I Love the Ravin Rabbids 9/10
  17. Deciding who to ban/warn apart from Rokhed probably....
  18. W...W....Wait One Sec.... Jordan + Bad Mood = Good Jordan + Good Mood = Bad Oh the confusion!
  19. Maybe if the pics where removed before hand then the 6 Pages of what you call 'Crappy Whiny Posts' wouldn't of happend.
  20. Isn't it swings and roundabouts, not slides and swings?
  21. Nice Comeback, but who in their right mind would try to prove themself as being an idiot... Idiot....
  22. Can't we just have the pics removed
  23. You just proved my point Well Done
  24. Liar You don't have to be a genius to see how many people Egg on Rokhed to post Sexual Orientated Posts, such as the one in this thread
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