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Everything posted by Ant-Shimmin

  1. Which is once every 10th Moon Eclipse?
  2. I bet Motions Arse was getting pounded.... Both Metaphorically and Sexually
  3. It's the Internet Fields....It's a bitch
  4. I was biting the pillow come the end of that No Sexual Pun Intended
  5. VGA-Input on the TV and an Audio Input
  6. Motion
  7. If your subject to the main stream stuff then Rap or Hip Hop isn't going to appeal to you at all. It doesn't to me, I'm sure their are good talented artists who stem away from the Generic, 'Hoe's and Rides and Bling and Gats's what ever the hell they are. Thats not to say I didn't like rap, I like alot of it, SUgar Hill Hang, Warren G I'm not ashamed to say alot of the Rap I like stems from the GTA: SA Game. All this modern stuff makes me want to get a Kitten and do a NEDM on it.
  8. If it does then I do apologise, I just remember when I did the exact same thing, I got the same response. Swings and Roundabouts and all that
  9. I'm not being rude, just being helpful....
  10. I'm not trying to start an argument I'm just saything you should try and pipe down on the threads and contribute to threads which share a similar theme and relevance.
  11. Pipe down on the threads I made the same mistake when I came Also don't we have an Anime Thread for this?
  12. Welcome to the Forum that will send you to an early grave.... ....Must.....Resist.....Urge....To..............WAAAARGGHGHHHHH
  13. COME ON ENGLAND!!!!!!!!!!!11111
  14. The Wrightington Hotel Just off the Motorway turn off to Wigan
  15. I ain't been to many parties hence the reason both Images in here and Myspace Often change Cheers for the compliments Fellers
  16. Cousins Wedding in Wigan, Quite a Smart place it was "The Wrightington Hotel" very smart and newly done up, one of the first receptions after it's re-newal type thing. Brilliant Day it was
  17. Probably Have Still I like it, I am taller than my Dad and it's one of very few of me and him
  18. Been their done that, Got the Shirt Etc
  19. One of my best friends Could have Jesus off in a battle of wits and Is a babe
  20. Home Club Supporting Fan Top Guy as well mind
  21. An Add in an American Paper
  22. Dear Moderators and Admin of N-Europe I won't bother with the formalites, you know who I am and you all may or may not have an opinion of me already, however I am here to ask you "What do you really want N-Europe to be percieved as?" We can all can see infront of us, in what we read and see the declining quality of content on the N-Europe forums, being a regular user of the site since I joined I have both made friends and 'enemies' so to speak and I have noticed how progressivly worse it has gone over the past few weeks and perhaps months to an extent. I realise this may sound hypocrtical of me, perhaps one of the more controversial and admittdly the one always after a good bit of banter. When I first joined the forum on the advice of Daniel Timothy I was hooked, it was a friendly community with some members who I instantly enjoyed a friendly atmopshere with, and others which I shared the exact opposite. I percieved this forum as both 'Family Friendly' and 'Relaxing' Since then we have seen content which goes from 'Cross Dressing 40 Year Olds' to random flaming and abuse. I know I have not been on this forum for very long, about 10 months at the last guess, but I really enjoy this community but I have a feeling that what we see today on the forums is not what the original creators intended, I could be wrong so please stop reading here, but If I am right then please continue. I am not speaking out as a member of a cult, I am just speaking out as a poster on your forums saying that the place is literally going to hell, and I believe it is up the people with the power. I.E Yourselves to make a decision on where they want this forum to go. I hope even before you read this, if you indeed have that you had a plan in mind, be it a massive member cult or clamping down harder on the 'Trouble' makers. I Implore you however to do something and fast, you have the foundations of a good site, good forum and good community however all them 3 are being lost due to the content on the forums. So I ask you now "What do you really want N-Europe to be percieved as?" Is it what you percieved it as? If not, what are you going to do about it? Wether the end result is me being banned, which by my own admittance I would probably expect soon but I , at least you done something and I will respect and honour your decision, because as I said it's down to what you intend the forum to be percieved as. If you percieved this forum to be friendly, then that is most deffinatly what it is not. Yours Faithfully Antony Shimmin Email: [email protected] MSN: [email protected]
  23. Cloest Scouser and a Liverpool Fan who says what I want to say but I just can't be bothered with the flaming 10/10
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