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Everything posted by Ant-Shimmin

  1. I have a massive West Eye I know :|
  2. Considering it's the first game we have lost this season that statement is wrong on many levels
  3. Do you work for a tabloid or something? Anyway, we were poor, really really poor, I personally think that this is all down to that ******* thing we call rotation. I am really starting to think Rafa is doing all this either out of spite or trying to prove the press wrong, either way he has to stop doing it because the biggest threat to winning the league isn't, Arsenal, United, Chelsea it's Benitez himself, I Really do rate him imensely but their is no consistancy, no motivation it's as if "No Matter how good you play you are always going to be dropped". You look at the small picture The thing is also that team should of walked over Marsielle last night, Leto was an alright choice as well but their was no Heart, No Commitment, No Motivation, No Ideas, From anyone apart from Reina. Look at the bigger picture That whole thing was down to rotation and it stems back to the Pompey game, Torres never started when he should of. It doesn't matter about the Birmingham game, has Torres started had our Best Team started we would of beaten Pompey and then Birmingham would of just fell with the roll we were under and If Torres didn't start it wouldn't of been an issue because he started the last Game! Rafa has one of the best cores of a team in the League. Reina Finnan Agger Carra ????? ????? Gerrard Mashcerano ????? Torres ???? Play them players when we are fit and if you must rotate, Rotate the rest but For Fucks Sake Rafa if they play well fucking keep them on the pitch. The only slight good thing to take out of this is that it's the first loss of the season.... But for fucks sake If we played really well I wouldn't of been arsed, but we didn't....
  4. You didn't unless you where talking to yourself.... Anyway, Whose your favourite Known Lesbian or Gay Guy? My favouite Lesbian (Lesbians) are On a certain well known Site
  5. I'm happy for you that you got that out of your system Now ask yourself was that really worth the effort, Now stop being a Fanny, I tend to believe this thread is all about a little light humour here, I was just providing it, I Don't think I'm Sexy, I Don't think I have a 10 Inch Cock. I was simply just trying to provoke humour and a little discussion. And I Don't go looking for Gay Guys for attention, I have the majority of the Resident Homosexuals in this thread on my MSN and if I wanted attention they would certainly Know about it Seriously....Did this really need to go THIS far.... Ask him about his love life, try and put on a "Straight Face" if he says Women, then you know. If he stutters or tells you otherwise, then you know he might just be gay
  6. The Word Maybe is just trying to provoke thought? I Don't know why you bring the issue up when I have a good laugh with people in this thread, Stop looking for a fire when you are seeing very little smoke. If I was being arrogant you would know about it Jaysus
  7. Oh For Fucks Sake Every Fucking Post Anyway I'm only kidding with everyone and whoever took that post seriously is a dick
  8. I have to admit despite many crazy MSN Convo's the Resident NE Gays Don't Scare me. But people that I talk to face to face.........Camp Ones Holy mother of God
  9. I'm not too Fussed about Assasins Creed. Halo 3 PES 2008 COD 4 Keeps me going until Christmas
  10. Really Camp Gay People Scare Me...Theirs one in college, runs like a woman, sounds like one and was like *In Gay Voice* "Oh My God He Totally Loves Me*, and he hangs about with more girls than Lads Gay People Non Camp Are Sound... Gay Goth People Scare Me
  11. Many Happy Returns
  12. When was the last Free Arcade Game that was released in Europe?
  13. Cassie-Me and You It is just Sex in Lyrical Form I Do not rate Enter Shikari One Iota.....But the rest of what you said is absolute Bull Crap Am I right in saying your not in a good mood because your ego wasn't stroked.. Absolute Piss Poor Post
  14. Nothing to laugh at it's Perfectly True
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