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Everything posted by Ant-Shimmin

  1. The Fan base has never ever been the problem, It's been about Exploiting the Fan Base as I have once said. We have been under the ownership of Narrow Minded Idiots, Why do you think one of the first people our new owners brought in was a Marketing Expert who was set the task to exploit such Markets which the likes of Manchester United and Chelsea had done so successfully? Next Point because that was just wrong... As for Entertaining Football I fail to see the point your making Are you claiming people support teams that play exciting Football? Maybe thats true but as long as we win a true fan wouldn't a shiny shit wether the goals where 30 Yarder Overhead kicks in off the cross bar, or tap in's. Personally however I believe Liverpool provide the most entertainment... Remember Istanbul Remember The FA Cup Final 2006 + 2001 Remember Olympiakos at home Need I go on? As much as I respect your opinions and views on Football you are way off in that view. Arsenal are a very well supported club but their is no way that is the case.....
  2. There are so many things wrong with what you just said ANYONE with an ounce of knowledge would no that none of that is at all Correct.... *Coughs* Our Fanbase is among the largest in the world, with your Man Utd's, Barcelona's, Real Madrid's etc etc. Our Fanbase has never been a problem, it's just been about exploiting the people from America and Asia which Utd have done succesfully and get them to pump money into the club by purchasing merchandise. Although today such a thing is imperative to secure the success on a financial level of a club, I really don't care wether people such as yourselves base your support on A Football Club due to how they play their Football. "Tactical Football = Boring" Every team plays "Tactical Football" it's just how it's implemented. I am trying to understand what point your making, but I can't see it I do understand the following however regarding fans... We have never had a problem with Fans as I have stressed before , 56,000 People on the season ticket waiting list right now with 45,000 Season Ticket Holders + 100,000 Fan Card Holders and god knows how many signed up onto the Official Supporters Club all around the world... The circumstances of which Liverpool and Chelsea where bought are totally different, even a Chelsea fan with half a brain could tell you that.... Liverpool needed to finance the stadium, the reason why Liverpool's stadium kept on getting knocked back is because David Moores could not provide proof of the funding Combined with Protests and Planning Applications, what was ment to be £80 Million over time increased to £200 Million. It had nothing to do with a "limited" fan base, nothing whatsoever David Moores just could not afford it the stadium and over time could not afford to keep Liverpool on the same "Financial Level" as Chelsea and Man United. I have no doubt in my mind had the cost of the stadium stayed around the £80 Million mark, David Moores would still be at the helm. George Gillett + Tom Hicks aren't going on and spending Billions they are trying to set the foundations up so that we can comepete on and off the field with the likes of Chelsea and Manchester United and Arsenal. But since Chelsea literally turned the league upside down Football changed in England, for the first few months players like Scott Parker were getting bought for £10 Million! Chelsea have how do I put it, Imagine Teams buying nukes, Once All Premiership Teams used Rockets. Chelsea went and bought a nuke, and changed in Football Terms changed what we are dealing with. It was no longer about Football on the field it was about money. Liverpool are just competing in a changed Field of Play. I won't delve into that too much because it's 10 to 1 and I am absolutely knackered. I hope you realise that you are 100% wrong in everything you just said... Jaysus
  3. PC PES >>>>>>>> Every Console Football Game
  4. I Need a Girlfriend to be fair The Last one was a slut and to be honest it's nights like this, where having someone to hold and cuddle with while settling down to watch a movie just makes me wanting something again. It's shit....
  5. I think A Visible Goatie would be possible within the Next 2 Weeks.... However can I go that long without shaving ???
  6. Will someone kill themselves and come back to us ? Just the clear the situation up
  7. Give him 9 Years First Remember Fergie didn't win his first league till about 6 Seasons Down the Line and he only picked up one Trophy
  8. Their is a God i'm just not sure if it is our God, or Allah heck it could be anyone...
  9. I did what Jordan did, it's the dogs bollocks.....
  10. I really couldn't give too hoots if the way my team played affected the perception of the English Game. The English game is corrupt to shit anyway Since when was the Football Played in England one way or another a true perception of the English Game...? Regarding how managers do their jobs, it isn't down to wether they where Ex Professionals or Not or at what level they where at. I personally think that has very little if anything to do with how a manager does his job. It's more down the club circumstance The Funds Tactical Knowledge Opposition Knoweldge It's alot more complicated than basing managerial skills on how they where as a player Peter Crouch for Michael Owen and £10 Million Please Them Tactics got him to more European Cup Finals in 3 Years than Sir Alex Ferguson did in 20....
  11. YES LMFAO!!!!!!!
  12. We have played in arguably the two most exciting finals in two different compeition within the past 4 Years, playing some sensational Football...Which I have enjoyed, but it's Winning 1st, With Style Second. Which we have done many a time. To be fair I'm not exactly arsed wether you like our Football, I like our Football and as long as we win as many people have said it's all that matters. Makes me laugh when people have a pop at us talking about Liverpool when Half the time other forum members bring Liverpool Up Anyway!
  13. Anyone Watch the Everton Game... Comedy Gold! BECAUSE I CAN'T AFFORD IT HOBBZ LOL
  14. Remember Sky = Glory Hunters = Man Utd or Chelsea FFS Get with the times
  15. That Female Presenter of Liverpools New Channel is the fittest thing ever Also their is a Daily 20 Minute Wanking Session over Liverpool's New Stadium which I will be attendance of, anyone wish to join...?
  16. How can Mourinho be one of the greatest in Living Memory? If I had Coffee I would of spat it out at my Teacher in College right now, Someones been watching too much Sky propaganda I know he did an excellent job at Porto with a seemingly Average set of players, but look at the expectations that were set at Chelsea, No European Cup Final, Never Mind Trophy. Quadrouples being hinted at season after season. 2 League Championships, 1 FA Cup and 2 League Cups to Boot, It's an impressive Haul none the less... But look at the money he spent it kind of plays down the achievements quite alot, I somehow think he couldn't done such a job at Liverpool or any other club for that matter. Great Manager, but I can name at least 5 that deserve a place ahead of him. I'm more interested to see what Lampard and John Terry do, see if they 'love' the club now... Besides he is only known for being an aboslute cock.....
  17. Still Get Vista if you can it's not as a bad as Operating System as People would lead you to believe....
  18. Hopefully it won't give off an aftershock like having the Trots for a good few hours Thats Unbelieveably Fast....
  19. Me Dad woke me up screaming this, the **** Despite being a **** Jose entered Chelsea into their greatest period of Football Ever... So what did they do sack him...Yet another sign of this "Big Club" mentality from what everyone but Roman see's as a small club. They did it with Ranieri only difference with that is Ranieri is less of a ****... Wonder if John Terry and Frank Lampard still love the club now..... I reckon Benitez, Fergie and Wenger had a big sweaty wank yesterday to celebrate... You do realise that he left by Mutual Consent, which is basically a sacking... It's funny watching BBC News they are trying to find Distraught Chelsea Fans... Give up, Chelsea fans aren't that passionate
  20. Look at Grown Woman Naked, Big Tits, Nice Arse Look at a Grown Man Naked, Muscly, Big Cock, Nice Arse Then Decide....
  21. Awesome Cheers Mahone is becoming my favourite Character to be fair, Haywire I think was abit a pointless character, Apolskis was a good one though, should of been kept on...
  22. I can't remember what happend to Sucre... Enlighten me
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