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Everything posted by drahkon

  1. Personality is overrated.
  2. With his looks, I really don't know why he doesn't have second dates... ...Ashley, don't you ever wear shirts on a date. :p
  3. Just woke up, all tired and shit thinking "Dude, Ike talked to RandomBushGirl?" Ask her name next time
  4. Congrats @Eenuh And don't worry about money. Next year you'll get another £10, because I will keep buying your cards :p
  5. Finished this just now after two weeks of not playing it. Disappointed with the last dungeon. Anyway, don't really want to lay down my opinion, because I know it may spark another stupid discussion. So I'll just say this: I'll sell it to a mate, because I have no intention of playing it again. Sorry / nando / but it had already been decided that a mate buys the game from me, before you wrote that pm. Please don't hate me :p Edit: wtf, whenever I want to post a message mentioning nando (with @) it says the message is too short Oo Weird.
  6. Our family doesn't really celebrate Christmas, so no decorations. I've done all the shopping, which was easy. My sister and me won't give presents to each other, as usual. My mom will get a ticket to see a comedian I bought the following for me in order to give the year 2013 - which has been a crazy year - a classy farewell: One of these plus a glass of The Glenlivet...it's going to be a really nice New Year's Eve.
  7. The knives in the background...Wtf. Taken two months ago.
  8. God damn it, it's Dave Grohl.
  9. Wait...16?
  10. My god, that photo's awesome The dog is soooo cute Had my first cigar last night:
  11. I have this It's great.
  12. Way ahead of you :p I've read chapters 696-699 so I'll be ready to go from 700 I actually have to hold myself back from reading now... I probably won't be able to do it
  13. Death Note. The first Anime that I've watched completely. It is amazing! I have read chapters 1-34 in the last three days. Haven't watched the anime, yet. Might 'finish' the manga this week and leave the anime for the holidays Is it one chapter per month for Attack on Titan? I just remembered: I need to read Gantz. Watched the anime a couple of years ago on German TV, but it wasn't continued over here. I heard that the manga is better, anyway, so I might get to that soon.
  14. Caught up with the One Piece anime : peace: Now I have to catch up with the manga This and Attack on Titan. Such greatness. Might leave some chapters for the holidays.
  15. Have been playing a bit today. It's already amazing. Combat feels a bit...odd. Hopefully that will change soon. But almost everything else is great. Exploration at its best! : peace:
  16. Read the first 13 chapters of Attack on Titan... ...in one go. It's amazing. Also: almost caught up with the One Piece anime. Currently at Episode 603.
  17. I swear to god, if this doesn't happen, I will come to your house and do yer ma. Wait... I'm not martinist. Watched this trailer again...It looks so good.
  18. I'm looking at my copies of FIFA 14, AC IV and Killzone (all PS4)... ...but I don't have a PS4. fml
  19. Steam is downloading an (possibly the) update just now. Don't get too excited, though. Starbound Twitter Soooo, don't know whether I should start again now, or wait
  20. Seen the trailer. ... ... ... My PC won't be able to handles this. It HAS to come to PS4. Looks fucking amazing.
  21. So...March 18th 2014 official release date? Has that been announced before?
  22. But there's no way to figure out whether you are ready without trying, is there? I'd suggest asking him, but I guess it's more important that you figure out what's best for you first.
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